Terra 12 Geographic Location in CHG/Central Human Gov't. "Where we at and how we at here?" | World Anvil
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Terra 12

Okay, who accidentally made it so that all the planet's continents are at least 7km underwater while over-heating the mantle?


Everything is deep underwater: mountain ranges, volcanoes and coral forests. There's plenty of tectonic activity to fling nice hot lava into the oceans and tonnes of hot vents to heat up the water.

One Kewl Kat fact about this planet is that it's very warm due to it having tonnes of ultra sexy global warming from a thick atmosphere. This helps a bit in making life on the planet possible despite nothing on "land" getting even a sliver of sunlight.

Fauna & Flora

The only islands on the surface are made entirely of plants that get their minerals and, haha get it, water from the oceans and use the sun and it's warmth for photosynthesis. The largest of these islands is the size of Germany. There are plenty of animals feeding off of and living on these plant islands.

Down below, meanwhile, are the coral and fungi forests that bloom around the hot vents and volcanoes that provide them with the warmth they need to exist. Most of these use bio-luminescents in some way or another and so do the animals. The pressures that these creatures survive is beyond incredible, most of them being crustaceans.

Between the 2 is an absolute starvation-loaded wilderness that's only used by animals transiting between the top and bottom of the ocean - as well as the things that lie in waiting for such a transiting creature to go by.

Natural Resources

Water's a semi-valuable resource for how it's vital to survival, useful in chemical industry, the oxygen present in it and the hydrogen good for fusion.
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