The Materials Material in Chiaro Scuro | World Anvil
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The Materials

The different materials that control the flow of innovation are as complicated as the prosses it is to make them. while humans rely a bit on metals and the raw power of science they have gained the ability to push forwards their own will on the land around them.   Iron  - simple pieces of metal that allow humans to make their most basic tools.   Steel - a more processed form of iron allows for making more complicated pieces of equipment that create the real source of their power.   Brass  - A common party of any human civilization used as piping to control the temperature around their homes and their crops. brass is a simple metal to create but useful in all regards due to its abundance in human civilizations. often times brass pipes and sheets and be seen around key or vital areas that require immense temperature control, even used to pump air down into the mines and pump out any hazardous gasses that come from the mines.   Residuum  - heavily processed Tillium that is commonly used to replace magical components in the world itself. usefully to mages and casters but extremely expensive.   Elves however focused more on creating harder and more versatile weapons. creating more complicated magical-based contraptions that allow their city to be nearly perfect in both weather and climate despite the harsh environment around them they are able to exist nonetheless. good food good drink but most importantly skilled metal craftsmen. creating a popular but difficult-to-obtain material.   Arcane steel  - steel folded over aspects of Residuum creates a tougher and more lightweight metal that allows more long-lasting equipment but tends to have slightly more expensive to make compared to other types of equipment.   A natural resource that can be found nearly all across the world but mostly near lakes and rivers Tillium is a soft metal that absorbs magical energy due to its composition and the formation of this metal around high concentrations of magic. could also be made by man in an extremely high magical area. often found underground Tillium can also be found on the surface world, especially in magical battlegrounds.

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