Alexa Santos

Troubled Malkavian Grave watcher (Camarilla Hound)

(a.k.a. Gina Sanchez)

”The Angel of Death”

In the heart of downtown Chicago, where shadows linger in alleyways and whispers of mysteries reverberate through the air, Gina Sanchez is a figure shrouded in enigma. A striking blonde, she is often seen lurking around cemeteries at night, sometimes even after closing hours, hopping the gates and spending countless hours watching the graves of the departed. Her fascination with death and grieving has earned her the nickname "Angel of Death" among those who notice her fleeting appearances.
Gina's obsession with the macabre sets her apart, leading her to ponder and speculate about the gruesome details of one's demise. This eerie pastime creates a bubble of isolation around her, even amidst the bustling streets of Chicago.Gina shares her Gold Coast condo with Hector Segura, (Aluc Ramos de Leon), a blind art critic from her native Catalonia. Their on-and-off relationship adds a layer of personal drama to her life. Hector's presence is a stark contrast to Gina's dark fascinations, yet their bond is complex and enduring. Adding to the mystery of Gina's life is Anton, a stalker with unnerving insight into her activities. His persistent shadow raises questions about Gina's tolerance for his presence, hinting at a deeper, darker connection.
Despite her nocturnal nature, Gina finds solace in her devout Catholic faith. She often seeks counsel from Father Ambrosio Valdez at St. Patrick's Cathedral, revealing her innermost thoughts and fears. This relationship offers a rare glimpse of trust and confession in her otherwise secretive existence.
Gina Sanchez, the Angel of Death, remains a haunting figure in Chicago's nightscape, her life intertwined with the mysteries of death and the complexities of human relationships.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Gina's physical appearance reflects her inner world; at 35, her style incorporates elements of her fascination with death, marked by skulls and skeletal motifs, set against the backdrop of her Spanish heritage. Her long, silver hair accentuates her unique presence, making her a memorable character who navigates the thin line between life and death. Often, she can be seen draped in black Reaper-style flowing capes and robes, further enhancing her mysterious and haunting aura.
Current Status
Permanent Resident of Chicago
Current Location
Mid 30s
Date of Birth
February 2
Catalonia, Spain
She / Her
long white
Quotes & Catchphrases
“Your eyes tell me you still want to live.”
Known Languages
English, Spanish (Native, Catalonian), Portugese

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