Andrea Harvey-Staboli

Charitable Evangelist

(a.k.a. Donatella Lorenzo)

The Angelic Messenger

Dontella Lorenzo, an Italian-American woman, is a quiet, unassuming volunteer at the various ad-hoc, underground shelters and soup kitchens around the city that support the homeless and underserved. Driven by her devout evangelical Christian faith, she believes herself to be an angelic messenger of God among the masses, passionately dedicated to her mission. A very private person, Dontella is wary and suspicious of those not of true faith, revealing little about her past and current life to the outside world.
Despite her reserved nature, Dontella has formed a close bond with three young individuals: Benjamin, a young convert whom she treats as an adoptive son; Lee Boot, Benjamin's older friend and conspiracy theorist; and Lianne Miller, a teenager drawn to Dontella’s spiritual essence. She assumes a maternal role in their lives, offering guidance and protection, hinting at a deep capacity for love and commitment beneath her enigmatic exterior. The group keeps their daily travels and activities private, never working at the same locations on consecutive days and often disappearing from the scene entirely for days on end.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Dontella personal style reflects her connection to her past, with dark wavy hair often styled in the manner of 1940s Italy and clothing choices that echo a bygone era she finds more relatable than contemporary fashions. She cherishes a wedding band from her marriage to someone named Kevin, symbolizing enduring loyalty and loss. Her linguistic skills further conceal her origins; she speaks English without an Italian accent but strangly, often converses with herself in Italian, possibly to maintain a link to her heritage and shield her thoughts from others.
Current Status
mid 30s
Date of Birth
June 29
Padua , Italy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Christian Evangelist
Known Languages
English, Italian (native)

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