
Local Political operative (Nosferatu Primogen)

The Political Operative

Within the hallowed corridors of Chicago's mortal politics, Cedrick Calhoun operates as a shadowy puppetmaster, subtly manipulating the city's social and political fabric. His sinister influence can be felt among te city's grassroots organizations to city council and all the way to the mayor's office, city council, quietly shaping its policies and agendas.
His presence remains elusive, often hidden in the shadows or behind a disguise. The only hint of his existence is his frequent visits to Morton's Steakhouse, the favored haunt of the city's political elite. There, he occupies its darkest corners, seemingly absorbed in his worn copy of *The Great Gatsby* while eavesdropping on the night’s gossip. It is rumored that Patrick Hampton, a political columnist for the *Chicago Tribune,* and Rufus Burri, the rising Alderman in Ward 5, also frequent patrons at the establishment, are both witting and unwitting pawns in Calhoun’s covert game.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Cedrick embodies a disturbing blend of old-world elegance and monstrous deformity. When not in disguise, he prefers Victorian attire, complete with a silver cane and bowler hat, evoking a bygone era of refinement in an attempt to mask his grotesque visage. His double-breasted suits and collection of pocket watches suggest a man of refined taste, yet this dapper exterior barely conceals the horrors of his Nosferatu nature. His teeth jut unevenly from a twisted, misshapen mouth, giving his smile a sinister edge. His left arm hangs limp at his side, a mangled, useless limb bearing the physical toll of his cursed bloodline. Beneath the trappings of sophistication, Cedrick is a grotesque figure, a stark reminder that even the most polished appearance cannot hide the true horror of his undead nature.
Current Status
Permanent Resident
Mortal years: late 20s
Date of Birth
March 25
Chicago Illinois
Sinister. Dapper. Eccentric. Elusive. Monstrous
Quotes & Catchphrases
“I can protect you. I must protect you.”
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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