Horatio Ballard

Industrial Business magnate

The Legacy of Horatio Ballard: the late CEO of Ballard Industies

Horatio Ballard's legacy remains deeply ingrained in Chicago's economic and industrial fabric. He passed away in 2008 at the age of 52 amid the recession, leaving behind a formidable influence that had redefined the city's business landscape. As the head of a vast industrial conglomerate, Ballard Industries Inc., he exerted control over a substantial portion of Chicago’s white-collar and industrial sectors, as well as key law firms and banking institutions, through a carefully crafted network of loyalists and associates.
Ballard managed his empire with a shrewd hand, appointing trusted allies and their progeny to top positions across various companies, effectively steering policy and shaping the market from behind the scenes. His ability to orchestrate change and influence without overtly dictating policies showcased his mastery over the corporate world.
The Ballard legacy continues under his first nephew, Christopher Augustus Ballard, who now serves as the public face of Ballard Industries Inc. With his commanding presence and support of his wife, Christopher upholds the influential and strategic vision that Horatio Ballard established. The enduring impact of Horatio Ballard's leadership and strategic acumen remains a defining element of Chicago’s business and industrial sectors.
Balland was laid to rest at his sprawliing private estate in near Evanston on the north shore of Lake Michigan.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Horatio Ballard's life of grotesque excess and self-indulgence left a significant mark on him. He was a towering figure of enormous corpulence, with overlapping chins and thick, sausage-like fingers. His morbid obesity was so severe that it strained horses and broke coach springs. By the time of his passing, his appearance was that of a human figure sculpted from frozen lard, with a ghastly, waxy-white complexion. His massive size required a specially designed casket to accommodate him.
Current Status
Permanent Resident
Mortal years 49; apparent early 50s
Date of Birth
May 2
Date of Death
Aug 3
1946 2008
Circumstances of Death
Albany, Illinois
Place of Death
Chicago, il
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
600 lbs
Aligned Organization

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