The Painted Lady

Exclusive Tattoo salon

ny number of upscale tattoo parlors, piercing studios, and BDSM dungeons exist in Chicago, but only one can claim to be completely exclusive. Edith Beaubien’s by-invitation-only salon is something of a legend among ink collectors, body modification enthusi- asts, and those seeking an edge to their sexual kinks. Invitations to events hosted at The Painted Lady are coveted by certain elements among the city’s Kindred, but the truest indication that one has “arrived” upon the Chicago scene is the receipt of a slim, metal membership card and a tattoo or piercing bearing the distinctive Painted Lady style. While many strive to collect ink from Beaubien herself, only longstanding VIPs may boast of that honor. It is even rumored some of the most prominent Kindred in the world have been passed over for membership in favor of random Thin-Bloods, Caitiff, and Anarchs with seemingly nothing at all to recommend them.

Tattoo Parlor