
Nosferatu Homeless war veteran.

(a.k.a. "The Spook")

The Protector of the homeless

Known only as "The Spook," Wauneka, a hulking and disfigured Vietnam veteran of mixed heritage, haunts the shadows of Chicago's tent cities along Lake Shore Drive. Feared and revered by the homeless who speak of him in hushed tones, he moves with unnerving silence, his imposing figure concealed beneath a balaclava or hood. Rarely seen unless directly in front of you, The Spook appears where he's needed and vanishes just as quickly, his violent reputation deterring those who would dare challenge him. His ruined nose, crooked jaw with protruding teeth, and missing right eye add to his fearsome presence, making him a ghostly figure in the city's gritty underbelly. To a few fellow vets, he's a brother in arms, fighting to survive in the dark heart of Chicago, where his legend as a guardian of the forgotten grows with each passing night.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Wauneka stands at a solid 6'2", with a broad, muscular build that hints at his military past. Now in his late 50s, his body bears the marks of war—most notably, a missing right eye covered by a mass of scar tissue that only adds to his menacing appearance. His face, a grotesque mix of a shattered nose and tusk-like fangs, is often concealed beneath a balaclava or buried in the depths of his hoodie. The Embrace has only enhanced these features, turning him into a figure both terrifying and pitiable. His presence is marked by the lingering stench of stale garbage and unwashed flesh. Wauneka is a phantom of the streets, a creature of war and shadow whose very existence is a whisper of horror in the city's underbelly.
Current Status
Date of Birth
Current Residence

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