Wheaton, Illinois

Wheaton has more churches per capita than any other place in the world and is home to Wheaton College and Seminary. The kine populace is predominantly Evangelical Christian. Until 1985 it was a dry city. One of the smaller Fingers, with a populace of around 50,000, Wheaton is also renowned for its extreme affluence. This may be why Kindred often refer to it while holding their pinky up.
A hotbed of Second Inquisition activity, the Chicago Kindred community often falls to the philosophy of letting sleeping dogs lie. But in this case, where there is great risk there is also great reward. Being a bastion of so many churches, the Lasombra, the Ministry, and other religiously oriented Kindred have the possibility of accumulating incredible amounts of influence. Wheaton College alone often referred to as “The Harvard of Evangelical Christianity” is known for being an interdenominational school for devout Christian students. The school’s reach is broad, as it’s the Alma Mater of Billy Graham and holds a museum dedicated to American Evangelism and the international ministry of the reverend, and it’s often used as a connecting location for convocations of ministry. Wheaton also holds the Theosophical Society, a spiritual movement created in 1875 in New York. Eventually, it made its way to the city of Wheaton where it procured a large acreage of land and built a library holding quite a large collection of grimoires and religious manuscripts. The Tremere clan, particularly those of House Carna, have recently been making inroads with the society in hopes to acquire some of the more obscure assets they have in their archive.