
Toreador Primogen

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Character Prototype
Sire Maria
Embraced 1722 (Born 1698)
  Ambition Be the final decider on the Lasombra proposal Convictions Art is essential and must be supported    Touchstones John Greer — husband, for whom she has a real affection   Humanity 6
Generation 6th
Blood Potency 4
  Attributes Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 3;
Charisma 5, Manipulation 4, Composure 4;
Intelligence 3, Wits 3, Resolve 4
  Secondary Attributes Health 6, Willpower 8   Skills Athletics 4, Brawl 1, Craft (Portraiture, Sculpture) 3, Melee 2; Etiquette (Social Events) 5, Insight 3, Intimidation 2, Leadership 3, Performance (Dancing, Harp, Singing) 3, Persuasion (Negotiation) 5, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge (Bluff) 5; Academics (Art) 4, Awareness 3, Finance 2, Occult 3, Politics 4   Disciplines
Auspex 4, Celerity 4, Dominate 2, Fortitude 2, Presence 5