Blood Sorcery

Quick summary of blood sorcery with what each level powers do and rolls involved; as well as list of rituals in the end.  

Level 1


Corrosive Vitae

Can make blood into acid to corrode metal, about 35cm per rouse check. No other rolls required.    

A Taste For Blood

Resolve + Blood Sorcery (Difficulty 3).
Can tell if tasted blood is of a mortal or which supernatural creature, and their relative power to you.    

Level 2


Extinguish Vitae

Intelligence + Blood Sorcery vs Stamina + Composure.
Increase the hunger of another vampire you can see.    

Level 3


Blood Potency

Resolve + Blood Sorcery (Difficulty 2+ your blood potency (1)) Increase your Blood Potency for a scene or a night.    

Scorpion Touch

Strength + Blood Sorcery vs Stamina + Occult or Fortitude
Create poisonous blood that can be used to coat melee weapons or spit it at enemies. The poison makes mortals fall unconscious
Note: To hit an enemy with spit needs a Dexterity + Athletics roll. Can use the Strength of the person wielding the melee weapon.    

Level 4


Theft of Vitae

Wits + Blood Sorcery vs Wits + Occult
Feed from someone from far away at twice the normal rate.    

Level 5


Baal's Caress

Like Scorpion Touch, but deals aggravated damage instead.    

Cauldron of Blood

Resolve + Blood Sorcery vs Composure + Occult or Fortitude
Deal aggravated damage just by touching someone, makes them explode in blood. Autokill mortals.      


All rituals are rolled as Intelligence + Blood Sorcery test (Difficulty = Ritual level + 1)    

Level 1 rituals


Blood walk

Tests blood of a kindred to learn the generation and name of that kindreds sire.    

Clinging of the Insect

Can walk up walls like a spider for a scene.    

Craft bloodstone

Can create a bloodstone which you always know distance and direction of where it is.    

Wake with evening's freshness

Ritual that wakes you up in the day if there is any danger.    

Ward against Ghouls

Can create a small area that ghouls can't enter, like a doorway.    

Level 2 Rituals


Communicate with Kindred Sire

Become able to telephatically communicate with your Sire for ten minutes.    

Eyes of Babel

Become able to speak the language of a victim you took their eye and tongue for a week.    

Illuminate the Trail of Prey

Able to track a victim you know by face, by following a supernatural trail.    

Truth of Blood

Able to detect if the victim is lying to you about their answers.    

Ward against spirits

Make it so spirits can't cross a small threshold.    

Level 3


Dagon's Call

If you have tasted even a bit of blood of a victim, you can harm them at a distance.    

Deflection of Wooden Doom

Protect yourself against possible staking attempts.    

Escense of Air

Creates a potion that lets you fly.    


Become resistant to fire damage (halved).    

Ward against lupines

Make werewolfs not able to cross small treshold.