CbN007: Warehouse 69

Finding this

  • They used Turner to follow gang members back to their base
  • Warehouse 69



      Locations In Physical Combat, moving between locations incurs a -2 minor action penalty.  

    North side entrance

    Single door guarded by two gangsters, leaning casually on a car smoking and talking.  

    Back entrance

    The warehouse big doors that are opened, two dogs and another gangster, feeding them chunks of meat and training them.  


    Boss is in a plaster wall office inside, counting money.  

    Cleared out warehouse

    Table in the middle, four more gangsters playing cards.  

    Secrets Roof entrance

    They saw it but didn't go up it.


    Searching the place a D3 Int+Investigation a small vial case with 8 vials of blood. The gangster have been receiving drops of these vials and experimenting adding it to their meth creation, making pink meth crystals that entirely push their sanguine resonance, but not enough to bond them. They have no idea where the vials come from, they just show up every month with delivery. The last shipment came with a letter, to write those words up at your Church. Cash found in the boss's office is enough to seed The Confessional church. The Gangboss's diary is progressively more crazy.