CbN019: The Vote

September 4th, 2017  
Early Morning
In the heart of downtown Chicago, the Diamond Yama Hotel's intricate designs and detailed craftsmanship stand a pinnacle of luxury.   All throughout the scent of fragrant incense fills the air, which envelops everyone within in a sense of tranquility.   The rooms in which you stay are spacious and beautifully decorated with Japanese-style artwork. You have deep soaking tubs, and a waiting staff at your fingertips to provide you with anything that might make your stay more comfortable.   As you settle, the weight of the night's intensity washes off you, to be replaced with feelings of peace and relaxation. You've been through a lot, and this treatment is exactly what you needed to unwind.
  Maude goes to talk to Clementine. They tell her what Alexa’s said about the sheriff and that Elliot wanted to make someone into a vampire earlier in the day when The Confessional was attacked. Clem thanks them for letting her know about both things, though seems a bit hesitant to believe Elliot would do such a thing. Maude leaves Clem to her thoughts and goes to investigate the room for secrets. They end up finding a secret alcove that holds a very fancy Japanese sword.   Kim approaches Clem with a message from Elliot - he had called her during the day, incredibly concerned for Clementine’s safety and checking if she was alive.   Mary goes to the hotel phone and calls Angela and says the words “Hello World” which is code between them to let Angela know things are dangerous and she should watch out.  
Next Night
Kim hears a knock and finds some employees trying to get inside the room. After questioning them and checking what they wish to do and bring into the room, they head inside with clothes of all sizes, accessories, perfumes etc and set them in a changing room. They also leave an outfit in Clementine’s room with a note that says to meet in the Jasmine Room.   Clementine is led by a ghoul to a big open garden area. They arrive at a clearing with a square, low table. Sierra is waiting there, dressed similarly to Clem.   They sit down and Sierra thanks her for what Clem and the coterie have done. She expresses respect to them for keeping their word and being so efficient, as well as their willingness to put their lives at risk for the cause.   Clementine expresses that she thinks Sierra and her are very similar, emphasizing the fact that they both seemingly want the same for the future of their clan within the Camarilla.   When asked where she stands, Clementine tells Sierra that she wants to help bring more Lasombra in, as long as they follow “the right way” (aka the Camarilla way) and they both agree that they can help each other make this possible.   “We're the first two Clementine, the first of many. Tonight.   I brought you here to show you what I’m made of. What it means to be my friend. What I can build. Here in the heart of Chicago, I have a palace. When I was hidden, when I was careful, when I was unsupported, I built a kingdom under their eyes.   But if tonight I am set free, if I have you, I am endless. Chicago will be the footnote of the epic of our clan, and you and I will be the authors of it.   You have your connections, your name commands respect while mine will only follow scorn and spite. You are... powerful, strong, your command over the abyss ... is memorable now, but it will be legendary soon. You will be the paragon of our clan; Chicago will come to equate oblivion with the name Clementine.   While I, I will be the unyielding force of conviction. This deal will decimate us, make us weak. The streets will run red with Lasombra blood, but it will also do something else.   Why, if we feed them all the elders, who's left to tell us what to do?”   They take a moment to feed from two ghouls who slice open their wrists and pour their fresh blood inside bowls that freely spill onto the table’s white cloth and then into their outfits. Making for a beautiful yet macabre visage.   While they both seem to be in agreement, Clementine adds that while she appreciates what Sierra has accomplished and can see the point, she personally is not interested in riches or opulence; rather she values strong and trusted allies willing to do whatever it takes.   She then smiles and compliments Sierra sincerely, pointing out she is one of the bravest people Clem has ever met.   As Clementine heads back to join her friends, Maude comes and gives her the sword they found.  

The Meeting

The large lake shimmered in the soft light of several electric lamps positioned around the gathering of Chicago's Kindred. The air was thick with tension and unease, and the scent of damp earth and decaying leaves mixed with the faint hum of the lamps.   Every clan was represented, but many vampires had chosen not to show themselves, fearful of last nights' fire and the potential for scrutiny by the Inquisition. Malenkov's staked body was the center of attention, strapped tightly to a chair that had been hoisted up onto a towering pile of sticks and lumber.   A circle of vampires had formed around the Lasombra, creating a wall of menacing figures that glared at him and Prince Jackson with cold, hard eyes. Sierra, standing beside the Prince, remained silent, her expression unreadable.   The Prince's position split the group in two, creating a division that was palpable in the air. Two groups of vampires stood facing each other, their screams and jeers echoing over the torpor body of Malenkov, whose dead glare was eerily set on the Prince.   The scene was ominous and unsettling, a gathering of powerful and dangerous creatures whose motives and allegiances were shrouded in secrecy and layers of plotting. Last night's fire had stirred them into a manic state, all seemingly ready to pounce at the slightest provocation. And yet, there was an electric energy in the air, a sense that something significant was about to happen that would change the course of their lives forever.
The Vs
  Annabelle says that the Anarchs were behind the fires, obviously. They are jealous, they are afraid, they are barbarians. She is surprisingly calm though, for a fire to have started right under her. "The Brujah had all left, leaving only us as potential victims. How convenient."   Rosa and the Ventrue softly support this side.  
The Ms
Jason, his clothes tattered and looking visibly dismayed, screams that his domain was attacked, and he knows it was the Lasombra. "While they make deals here, they take advantage and come to attack us in the middle of the night. The "authorities" came right behind the Lasombra, and now my domain is in disarray." The coterie pays special attention to Jason’s demeanor as he speaks to the crowd, picking up on several minute nuances:  
  • As he speaks of the Lasombra clan’s ills, he pointedly directs his speech towards specific vampires in the group, seemingly stoking their individual ire towards the Lasombra.
  • He appears to be telling the truth regarding his domain being attacked by “authorities” - referring specifically to human authorities.
  • Jason’s clothes seem to be purposefully torn and tattered in order to appear as though he was attacked - the cuts are too precise, too coordinated and clean to be the collateral damage of an actual violent attack.
Official Response
“Brothers and sisters, I understand your fears, but as of this moment we have no evidence that these are more than mere accidents. Do not be mistaken, I will take the accusations you have brought forward today with utmost seriousness, and investigate further. You need only allow us into your domains, my dear primogens." Somehow this last phrase shuts down the conversation, both primogen become quiet and back away and the heat seems to leave the conversation.   The coterie focus again on Jason, noticing the way he seems to mentally retrace the previous points in his speech as if searching for inconsistencies.   All eyes then turn to the Prince.   " ...We want to be extra careful. In fact, apart from tonight, we shall close off all Elysium. All large gatherings are prohibited until further notice and the primogen council deems it safe again.   My fellow Kindred, be proud, for tonight you have acted as you should. We need to be ready, this is but a small trial compared to what is to come. On these nights, with the second inquisition at our heels we must be stronger, smarter. Your Primogen chose me to lead because they know this truth. We must together learn the ways of this new world. We must adapt, or die.   Which leads me to yesterday, when a Lasombra came to us with a very important message from her clan. A message that, potentially, will change our history. The Clan of Night, our longtime enemies, wish to join our ranks. Of course, my first response was dismissive. However…”   Prince Jackson turns around to face Sierra.   “Sierra came with a proposition I found very interesting and perhaps even plausible. In fact, why don’t our first hand witnesses step forward and tell the city what Clan Lasombra offered.”    
Clementine looks at the rest of the Coterie and as they nod she steps forward and says, “Kindred of Chicago, my name is Clementine Montano and tonight I represent my coterie, The Lost Boys. I’d like to first officially extend my appreciation to all of you for graciously giving me the chance to walk among you despite my clan’s rocky past with the Camarilla.   The Amici Noctis wish to join the Camarilla, but not without sacrifice-- among the offer of assets and other such boons, they have agreed that each member of the Lasombra that wishes to join must present the head of a Sabbat kindred older than them.”   Clementine pauses as all kindred start murmuring and exclaim in surprise.   “My coterie and I might not have been walking the night for as long as some of you but ever since we were given the opportunity, I truly believe we have proven ourselves beyond useful and followed and respected Camarilla traditions to the T. So, when you cast your vote tonight, please remember that given the chance, determined and innovative kindred may pleasantly surprise you.”
  As Clementine steps back the Prince nods at her and steps forward once again.   “As the Prince of this blessed city, I’m not gonna make this decision single handedly. I’m no tyrant, unlike our brothers and sisters in other cities. Instead, every individual present tonight, fledgling, elder, neonate, and ancilla has a say. And it’s very simple. Do we accept the Lasombra and the potential murder of hundreds of our kind, or do we extend the olive branch and take advantage of new alliances? Whatever we decide will be consecrated with him,” Jackson points at Malenkov, “being burned. He’s an example of what Clan Lasombra needs to purge from its ranks.”  



Damien's Play

As Kindred start gathering in groups to discuss, Maude and Clementine notice that Damien seems to be bursting with aggression and about to do something drastic. Clementine pats Mary and Liliana to call their attention and heads straight to the Prince and Sierra. “He’s about to do something crazy.” She tells the Prince, pointing at Damien. She notices the Prince doesn’t seem very surprised. He orders her to take Damien aside to calm down.   At the same time, Maude heads directly to Damien. “Hey, everything ok?”   Damien turns to Maude, his posture tense and eyes harsh, “the fuck did you say to me?”   Mary joins Maude while Liliana joins Clementine as she heads towards Damien as well.   Maude tries to calm him down again but Damien, on the verge of frenzy, uses one of his powers and causes Maude’s beast to take over and flee in terror. Mary chases after Maude into the woods as Clementine and Liliana reach the Sheriff.   Clementine steps forward and activates her intimidating shadows, “Don’t” she says.   Damien slaps her across the face, sending her flying across the ground with a brutal force and turns to address the crowd. He announces that if the Lasombra is voted into the Camarilla, he and his clan will go on a Blood Hunt for every single Lasombra stepping foot into the city. He can no longer stand by and watch his beloved city turned into a haven for senseless beasts who obey their own rules.   Prince Jackson pulls Damien to the side and turns back to Clementine to once again ask her to take care of him while he tries to hold the outdoor meeting together. Sierra asks if she wants help, but Clementine refuses.   Liliana goes with Clem in case anything gets out of hand. Clementine makes a deal with Damien: she’ll take responsibility and help him get rid of any Lasombra that step out of line. He reluctantly agrees, calming down at last.    

Other Discussions

  The silence breaks into loud talking and shouting back and forth.
  • Some Kindred are still opposed to the idea of the Lasombra joining, not only because they are Sabbat but because the idea of mass murder of a clan makes younger Kindred balk.
  • High-Humanity vampires may also object to the burning of Malenkov and attempt to deliver a quicker final death.
  • Gengis and others speak loudly of the Anarch Revolt anew, and when it will be their own elders’ turns.
  • Abraham DuSable and the Tremere speak quietly to the Nosferatu present about how the Lasombra proposition might work, and how the clan could bring several positives, such as influence over the Church, to the table.
  • The Gangrel dispute the costs of letting Sabbat into the domain, but the potential gained from learning about the sect’s strategies.
  • Give the players time to explore the different clans’ thoughts and get a sense of where their votes will land.
  Each clan votes, speaking through their Primogen, the Coterie is free to influence other clans, but will have more sway on their own.  

Clan Malkavian

As the Seers gather, Jason very quietly, imperceptible and to no one's reaction says "My Kindred...". Mary can feel the cobweb tingling and vibrating. Here gather Mary, Maude, Bronwyn, Alexa, Evan Klein (Baby Chorus), Damon Wallace and Mollie Curry. The distant whisper of the Guardsman can also be felt. They all discuss in whispers and sporadic laughter what Lasombra joining would mean.   The conversation gets cut suddenly, as Jason Newberry quietly says “No". Bronwyn jolts a bit surprised, then shakes her head side to side, echoing the primogen and standing closer to him.   Mary and Maude both attempt to resist whatever influence Jason is sending out but they, along with a few other Malkavians get their worlds rocked. Everyone that did not agree with Jason gets dealt a huge amount of mental damage. Mary can see how inside the cobweb, Jason is surrounded by a menacing black energy, reminiscent of what she saw before at the Succubus Club when she was trying to find Maude through the cobweb.   Mary feels the cobweb rumble violently.   As everyone murmurs quietly, one by one they shake their heads slowly, and step closer to the primogen, quiet submission in their faces.   Jason steps forward, looks at the Prince and firmly says, “NEVER.” A secret rift has split among the Malkavians, with Alexa and Evan considering they must resist their primogen at last.  

Clan Gangrel

Liliana tries her best to convince the rest of the gangrels that if they say yes they might get favor from the Prince but she’s too late to realize that most Gangrels are Anarchs here and do not care for anything like that. Everyone gets back to yelling and trying to assert their dominance.   “No” Rosa manages to get control of the rabble. She accepts Montano Lasombra for their loyalty, but not Sabbat rabbel. The Anarchs in the group accept this.   Clan Nosferatu Clementine and Sierra chat with the Nosferatu and express the intention to exchange secrets and work with them. They take the proposals very well.   Cedrick Calhoun stands for the Nosferatu, as Khalid appears absent. “We say yes, bearing in mind all that could be learned were they at our side.” Though they make the decision based on different principles, the various Nosferatu are in favor of the defection.  

Clan Ventrue

Naomi and Ballard are in a heated argument, Naomi turns to the Prince who nods at her. She steps forward “Yes”, drawing a series of interesting murmurs from the assembled Kindred.  

Clan Toreador

Yes. And we also oppose the burning alive of one of our kind, no matter how monstrous he may be. Can’t we just cut off his head?” Annabelle laughs and the other Toreador laugh with her. While seeming frivolous, the city Toreador unanimously agree new allies against the Sabbat are welcome. Influenced by Helena, who stands among their ranks as Portia, they each feel the Lasombra deserve the chance to choose their destiny, and many Keepers Embraced into the clan following the Sabbat’s establishment never had that choice. Helena wants the fight that Talley brings...  

The Banu Haqim

“No.” Khadija is emphatic in her statement and doesn’t provide further detail. In truth, she feels her clan needs to take advantage of being the newest clan in the Ivory Tower, and the Lasombra threaten this role. The Banu Haqim could lose potential territory and positions of influence if Magisters suddenly show up to plant their flag.  

The Ministry

“As a traditionally non-Camarilla clan, we do not feel we should be responsible for the deciding vote. We abstain.” Marcel speaks with a smile, but bows and defers to the other clans in attendance. The Ministers hold precarious positions in the city, and they do not want the blame for this vote going awry.  

Clan Tremere

“We vote No. This will bring nothing but chaos.” DuSable sees no good reason for letting the Lasombra join the sect his clan has spent so long securing from Sabbat clans. He cannot see the benefit of opening the doors to Kindred that have been brainwashed for centuries.  

Clan Brujah

Respecting the spirit of democracy, Critias votes “Yes”, Damien moves the vote which makes Critias happy since he personally wishes to see the Camarilla strengthened.  


  As Stryker informs that it’s a tie, the Prince sighs and is about to take matters into his own hands when a group can be heard approaching.   The Blood Disco (Caitiffs) appear in the clearing, "The Caitiffs vote yes"   An excited, terrifying rush runs through the veins of the Kindred present as they realize they will now share their city with the Lasombra. Prince Jackson takes a few steps toward Malenkov. Jackson checks his bindings to ensure they’re secure and removes the stake, asking him to speak now, for it will be the last time he’ll be able to.   Malenkov lifts his head and his gaze wanders over each Kindred in a slow and calculated manner.   “You know what you have done? You have just allowed a mass genocide of your own kind. Do you seriously think you will be safe? Have you learned nothing from previous revolts and wars with us? I don’t give a shit if I die. What I care about is the future of the Sabbat and my clan fleeing from their problems to the enemy line. Fuck you. Fuck Talley. Fuck the Amici Noctis and their ridiculous plans. I hope the shadows of guilt eat you up on the inside for the rest of your miserable, undead existences.”   Jackson gives Sierra the choice of how to end her clanmate. He has brought Lodin’s broadsword, for which he’s famed, and offers it should Sierra wish to take the merciful route. She takes it from him and uncomfortably hefts the blade, placing the tip against Malenkov’s collarbone. With a calculated swing, she parts his head from his shoulders, and his body drops, rapidly crumbling to ash in the chair.   The Prince lays a hand on Sierra’s shoulder, takes the sword from her, and turns her to face the other Kindred. He lowers his head to her left ear and whispers loud enough for most of the silent vampires to hear:   “Sierra, welcome to the Camarilla.”