CbN032: Break before story 05

General Summary

April 2018

  • Deerfield in the north of Chicago bans Assault rifles, citing the Parkland shooting, the rise of violent crime in Chicago and the assasination of Sierra Van Burrace in downtown, both happening only a few months before.
  • On April 20, students across the country have organized a walkout to protest gun violence. The walkout falls on the 19th anniversary of the Columbine Shooting. Chicago University students join the walkout.
  • Nick Temple in youtube, talking about how this is bullshit and what the PC culture is destroying us and wants to cancel our president. Asking for counter protests to go to town, show this libtards what are 2nd amendment rights mean. Walk right into their lines, carry your guns proud.

Level Up

  • Coterie gains Influence •••• (Ohare Airport) from flyboy.
  • Coterie gains Status ••


  • Clementines Status ends 04/19, she can start 4/20 something new.
  • Everyone else can start something 02/01 together.



Clem's Training Montage

Clem has been talking more and more with Talley to get next level of oblivion. This forces a stain to learn, as Talley's teachings strongly eat away at the idea of compassion. (Maybe a Resolve+Composure?)   Talley tests:  
  • Dedication: Throw away personal concerns, time without ritual or away from Elliot.
  • Learnings: Study the book constantly, constant testing of knowledge and discussion of the stories within it.
  • Beast Training
  • Resist Hunger: Many nights of hunger, followed by a room of bleeding mortals.
  • Resist Anger: Resist getting hit, mocked, pissed on constantly by mortals.
  • Resist Fear: Resist fire surrounding.
  • Resist Dominance: Resist a young vampire coming over and giving her orders, ridiculous ones too.
  • One test sticks with you, there's a group of mortals all waiting, he says that you and Sierra seem to have developed a sort of relationship, good. This is good, for you are allies. He takes an lead ball and gives it to Sierra, he tells her "Your order is, keep this with you at all times, no matter what you're to never let it leave your side." Sierra nods, thinks for a moment, then swallows the ball. Talley smiles, approvingly.   He then turns to Clementine, and says. "Your order is, get that ball."   Talley will let it go until one gets really hurt, results do not matter only how hard and ruthlessly they follow his orders.   Abyss: Stare into it. Everything above was taught for this moment. You must listen to Talley's every word, less be lost. The abyss is empty, the moment you enter it hunger like you've never felt before fills your stomach. The abyss is corrupted, Talley's word come as the worst, mocking your inabilities, anger fills your head. The abyss is dangerous, everything around you is a pit where you can fall, you are certain travel through it means death, you want to go back. The abyss is tempting, there is power all around you, for the taking, power you deserve, power that belongs to you, meant for you, it calls to you to take it, command it, stir off the path this supposed teacher has given you and take true power.   The whole ordeal causes stains, 3 in total but given Clem's convictions is reduced to 1; roll for humanity!  


    The team has been researching FIRSTLIGHT. Time to roll some tech rolls. What exactly do they want to know?  
    Follow up on the agent Daniel Bailey
    D5 roll to find out about him straight.
    D3 if they just give him drive.   What they find address they can visit. They can find that the operation is highly illegal, extremely unethical, and will absolutely cause a rift in the CIA Directorate of Operations if discovered.   The operation itself could be used as blackmail to keep Bailey quiet, if not there's always extorting his family.   He has a dossier that explains “Project HARKER,”. It’s heavily redacted, but it mentions agents KIA, "enhanced assets", and Flyboy’s picture is in it. A Dr. Rostov (codename) is mentioned on the file.   Bailey, and the rest of the group, had specific orders from commander Blue Serpent to burn Grewal and keep the project secret because it was too dangerous, but Bailey felt he was so close to achieving a major blow on the city's kindred with the recent movements that had been happening.  
    Angel researching more on them
    R   We believe you; we're not sure what you got into but we're going to help you. This group with no evidence and through no official channels is hunting and targeting you and US citizens? Not under our watch.   E is still dazzled but she's starting to get angry, she's been talking about getting back at them and hitting them with everything she's got. It's good to see her pull back up. We're pulling everything she can on them, once we have enough we'll release all of it to the public and then sue their asses. E's got a prosecutor on her side, as well as a good civil rights judge, we just got to be patient and strike when we have something real.   This thing goes deep... and it gets more and more weird the deeper it goes. Profiles on people that have been dead or missing for years, massive surveillance programs, unlawful unregistered arrests, experimentation? I'm having trouble believing the shit I'm finding; it sounds like the fakest conspiracy theory out there yet it's true. Their encryptions are hardcore too, I'm blowing through my security every time, but I feel I'm getting close to something. Some base, project, or something called BLACKSITE 24.   Little Fish, we love you and need you but, Why are you involved in this? What is going on? You've gotta come to us, tell us everything you know, we can fight this, together. We can't make heads or tails on why they're targeting you or all these people, you must know more that you're not saying. Please get in touch and we can see what we can do.   Hurricane that's freaky. I know that name from the 90s, urban legend hacker, but what is really scary is that name is in one of the reports. They call them a blankbody too, the report reads as if they're scared of them. Interesting... maybe blankbody is a name for hackers that got too close to these people.   I'll leave the report with you. I understand I shouldn't look more into this Hurricane person, but M.... whoever they are they seem to have a lot of answers on who these people are. If we can get them to hand over what they have, or better yet to stand as a witness for us we could topple this whole thing!   We can do this if we do it together. We know you're not a terrorist; we know this is unjust. With you we can face them M; please come back.   A       TOP SECRET // FIRSTLIGHT // REL TO VATSSL / UKJTRG   VZBLLXRO093492
    DE RUEHIAO #0877/02 0361442
    P 000822V FEB 04 2015
    DATE: JAN 30 2015 0701HR EST
    LOCATION: 41.642117, -87.620852 // CHICAGO, IL, USA   FILE: BBCH-00018
    DOD: 1990 [Unconfirmed]
    KNOWN LOCATIONS: Chicago   SUMMARY: We have confirmed the activity of BBCH-00018 in CH; his profile was acquired during the disruption of the BB illicit network in 2004. Files acquired in the dismantling show BBCH-00018 as having infiltrated the network in 1995. His activity becomes spotty until he resurfaces in 2012. We have confirmed that the following 23 data breach and CRISIS incidents can be attributed to BBCH-00018:   <23 LINES REDACTED>   BBCH-00018 appears to have extreme knowledge of operations in Chicago and has jeopardized multiple operations. Multiple failed recovery operations. and BLACKSITE 24 are believed uncompromised at this point; RUEHIAO0877 has restructured to security with BBCH-00018 in mind (See SECOPCH00065).   RECOMMENDATIONS: Data/Asset recovery. ELIMINATION. PRIORITY: CRITICAL.
    We believe BBCH-00018 is critical    

    Clem checks on Jackie

    Jackie has been involved in the anti-gun, anti-trump, antifa riots that have been happening. She's definitely slacking in her studies and has been going deeper and deeper into the movements. She also has been in and out of the hospital.  

    Maude PIs Turner

    Investigation checks! Success: Turner has been investigating cases that after cursory reading all are masquerade breaking events. He keeps files at his own office, in the basement but that's locked. Maude remembers they both kept files on Elodie there, but the unimportant stuff that didn't match the wall or copies/originals of what Maude had.   Failure! Turner notices Maude and takes them for a ride. At the end of a couple of weeks, he goes towards a cemetery where he confronts them. Good try Kid, but your skills are rusty; now, why are you following me?  
    Turner thinks he is doing jobs for this mysterious employer as he has for many years now. He struggles to recall details, but his missions are clear. He finds people that match a certain profile, then stalk them to find their homes. Once he has found one, he marks the file as completed and feels great about himself.   In reality, Turner lost Domitor when Maude went crazy, and he has been doing what Elodie had him doing, hunting for possible masquerade violators and informing her; but now having no one to inform and being addicted to the blood he finds them in the day and feeds from them. Elodie's mental manipulation makes sure his brain is very fuzzy about this.   His records are a massive benefit, they show a list of vampires that have broken the masquerade as well as haven, they are:
    • Balthazar (Roaming patterns, Violent, Bedford Park Warehouse, LZ gang members)
    • Nerissa (Found close to the lake, followed back to North Burling Apartments, Cult like following, dangerous to go in)
    • Evan Klein (DPD? Part of a band, others also possible targets? Weird patterns in the music. Following lead to Nero.)
    • Nero (Marquette Park Residence, shut-in, crazy music, insane like Evan?)
    • Ben Galura (Tia Maria’s: Palmistry, Tarot, and Fortunes Told, south side; oddly knew me? left a note saying "its okay"; suspicious behavior reported.)
    • Sun Che (Edison Park House rehabilitation for women with drug abuse. Never again, avoid at all cost.)
    Old records also match the ones in the wall.

    Mary meets Bronwyn

    - Evan Sad: Bronwyn is disappointed, worried and even sad about Evan, she didn't expect Jason to find out so fast. She was not kidding about Evan being GOOD, she fooled many others before. Part of her feels he had it coming, he had been playing with fire for so long, every aspect of his life was chaos and she thinks part of him was flying so close to the sun on. Another part of her is worried, how could Jason know so easily?[/color]   - Xion gives orders, nothing is a conversation. Xion was always an admirer of Maureen, we all loved her, but not as much as Xion did. He truly believed in her cause, however ephemeral they were. The truth is that Maureen lived in constant fear of her own life, she predicted she would suffer a terrible fate, a final death that would unleash horrors upon this world, she was constantly trying to kill herself; something that Xion constantly tried to stop until it costed him so much. He probably believes in him own cause the strongest, like Maureen before him; but like Maureen you will find very love in him, as Maureen was single mindedly focused on her death, now Xion is on her death. There's no room for love, compassion or care; nothing outside the goal.   - Why would you choose to bring a child? The fact that you adhore it is probably the best quality about you child. The rest see it as an obsession, a right, a tool or a twisted duty; the reality is that everyone brought in is part of the curse. If Xion thinks bringing a child into this world is what most happen, it means it serves only one thing: Maureen's dream.  

    Clem Meets with Talley

    Talk about Branden White, Michalis Basaras and others.   Branden White
  • Is a disruptor investor, likes chaos a bit too much but extremely effective in this new world
  • Unhappy relationship with their sire, they're dodging retribution for a while, not sure why.
  • Was considered as a delegate, but his lack of loyalty disqualified him.
  • Michalis Basaras
    Childe of Gian Galeazzo of Milan; Lasombra Antitribu who turned the whole city Camarilla in 1997.  
    Talley's Command
    The lasombra must show a sign of strength. Sierra's death is unacceptable, someone must suffer horribly, openly and the world must know it was you, whether they have prove of it or not. Best case everyone knows you did it, but no one has enough prove to bring it to court.   Take enemy or friend that has acted dishonorably, plaster them on a wall for all to see.  

    Maude investigates Ghouls

    Occult checks! Success: Blood Sorcery is one way. High on Tremere can stablish links among Domitors/Sires; the Banu Haqim can use it to track  

    Cobweb Preassure

    You need a child, it doesn't matters if its secret or dangerous. You need other Malkavians on your side, willing to do everything for you. Nourish and protect them.
    Report Date
    13 Jul 2023