Evan Klein

Evan’s own appearance is as a tall, handsome, blonde, white man with high cheekbones and narrow blue eyes.    He has a youthful look about him and his skin is porcelain pale, giving him an otherworldly aspect that immediately attracts attention.    He often wears a faraway, thoughtful look, but mutters with an inner dialogue at times as though the clamor of voices and personalities is bubbling beneath the surface that is himself.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Using his vampiric powers, Evan regularly changes his appearance and even his gender when the fancy takes him. However, some of his personalities appear more than others.   Evan's default appearance also applies to Raymond Falcon, although Raymond is far more outspoken and engaging than Evan’s lucid self (Mask 2).  


  Tommy Holm is a biracial man, tall, athletic, with a broad smile and flawless white teeth. He normally wears tight-fitted T-shirts to show off his lean physique and they regularly bear a slogan of whatever movement he is trying to bring attention to at the time. His catchphrases include referring to his political opponents as the “Salt Right,” as they often get upset at his confrontational style and many of his T-shirts are emblazoned with those words (Mask 2).   Marcus Truman projects an image of old-fashioned quality. His hair is black and immaculately styled, his face is clean shaven and his features sharp and angular. He almost always wears smart clothing: suit jackets, button-down shirts, silk ties, expensive watches that he regularly showcases on his channel, and always a collar pin depicting an eagle in flight, holding an American flag in its talons. He is a soft-spoken man in conversation but given to bouts of deliberate trolling (Mask 2).

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Mortal Days: All Blended, Confused, and Forgotten

Evan Klein, to himself at least, is a myth buried under the wreckage of a fractured life he pulled down around himself to shield him from the harshness of his reality. Although, if you were to ask him about himself, he would say that Raymond Falcon is one of the best bass players in the world, following in his father’s footsteps. Or, Dirk MacGriff joined the police after he witnessed the murder of his father. Or, Tommy Holm is a gay-rights activist, just like the two men who raised him. Lawrence Pierce went into medicine to impress his father who was a world-renowned surgeon but strangely doesn’t appear in medical journals of any kind. In fact, Evan is a broken man suffering from dissociative identity disorder and whose identities grow more numerous with age. He has suffered this condition since long before the Embrace to deal with the abuse he suffered at the hands of his own father, though that personal history only comes to him in rare lucid moments.  

Kindred Nights: In a Thousand Pieces

The Malkavian known as Son Embraced Klein after hearing him play at a concert in Grant Park in the guise of Raymond Falcon. The vampire was stunned when Officer Dirk MacGriff then tried to arrest him for assault in the aftermath. For a time, Evan was the favored amusement of his sire, who delighted in the new and interesting people that would emerge from his childe. Evan would never be one of those banal childer who other Kindred become tired with, each night was a new adventure with him as you never knew which of his cast of characters would be joining you for the evening.   So complete are his changes that during the Lupine attack he was able to convince the shapeshifters to leave him alone even as he assumed the personality of a werewolf. This is not a man acting out a fantasy or playing a role, Evan truly becomes those personalities he adopts, taking on wholesale changes to his manner and even, with the powers of Obfuscate, his appearance.   In recent nights, Evan has been withdrawing more and more into those alternative personalities. He has been known to say offensive, hurtful remarks then immediately demand to know why those he insulted are shunning him. He rants and raves about visions of something he calls “the Moonchild” and prophesies he will be consumed by it. At times, he laughs at this prophesy and suggests maybe Moonchild was who he was supposed to be all along. These mood swings now haunt his every lucid moment.   Some elder Malkavians see method in Son’s madness in Embracing Evan, as he is a world for the mind of madness to explore itself. They see in his prophecies a maddened hint at a glorious future for the clan and, for this reason, he is well respected among his clanmates. While, in the mortal world, his personality of Raymond Falcon remains as a popular performer, Evan rarely manifests Raymond in these nights. His band, loyal to a fault, leaves his spot open for whenever he awakes as Raymond. On those rare occasions, he immediately seeks them out, full of enthusiasm for the next performance like a mercurial and flighty artist.

Personality Characteristics



  • Evidence Wall: Evan’s personalities tend not to have long-term ambitions; however, his lucid self is seeking a way to make sense of the art that is his life. Those who come upon his personal haven will find the walls bedecked with newspaper articles, photographs, and other media pinned to a giant map of the city, marking out areas in which he was recorded appearing during what he sees as his blackouts.
  • Study Me: Evan may try to recruit young and non-judgmental characters to record his actions and even task them with chronicling his every utterance. Though some might see this as a vain pursuit, those of Clan Malkavian, particularly interested in the lore of the ancient elders, may see it as an opportunity to see through the eyes of madness itself.
  • New Faces: In current nights, two new personalities have risen to the fore. They are both the hosts and content creators of a pair of conflicting YouTube channels. The first is Tommy Holm, a gay, liberal activist who presents “Vox Populi,” a critical analysis of topical subjects through a left-leaning lens. He pours coruscating criticism upon the Republican administration, the President, and other right-leaning regimes around the world. He also heavily criticizes his erstwhile opposite number, Marcus Truman, the white, seemingly well-read, well-dressed, hair-gelled host of “Liberty’s Light,” a right-wing, “make America great again” fanatic who has a penchant for humorous memes and infographics to back up his arguments.
  • Breach Waiting to Happen: Holm and Truman have engaged in long-running spats on Twitter and traded videos calling each other out. Truman once charged his followers with writing his phone number in the stalls of male public toilets to encourage Holm to contact him, a remark he was forced to withdraw after his Twitter was shut down for a month. While this conflict may be a risk to the Masquerade and draw attention, it is clear that neither man is aware of their dual nature.


  • No More Ridicule: In court, Evan was once seen as a curiosity. His relationship with other vampires in the city has changed to where many among the court look out for Evan and brutally punish anyone who targets him with ridicule.
  • Movie DID: Some other vampires with dissociative identity disorder have called Klein’s condition into question. His symptoms don’t line up to most modern definitions of the disorder, causing some to wonder how much of his condition is natural, and whether it may be some elder Malkavian’s enforced bewitchment on the unfortunate Evan Klein.
  • Unreliable Asset: Negotiators working with the Lasombra are concerned Evan may adopt the personality of one of their agents, or even of an Anarch who reports the whole enterprise to the ever-watchful MacTavish.
  • Ticking Timebomb: Some Kindred believe Klein, particularly with the fame of his YouTube personalities, is a risk to the Masquerade that cannot be tolerated.


Contacts & Relations

Domain and Haven

  • Ravenswood Apartment (Haven 1) Evan maintains a number of havens, suitable to the means of his personality du jour. Most of these are provided by the Seneschal Alan Sovereign to keep the whimsical Malkavian out of trouble. His own place is a basement apartment in Ravenswood.

Thralls and Tools

  • Political Supporters (Allies 2, Contacts 2) Evan is not stable enough to maintain a ghoul and his agenda switches by the day, as does the company he keeps. Holm and Truman both have multiple adherents and supporters who they manipulate and use to further their opposing political agendas.

Kindred Relationships

  • Jason Newberry (Mawla 2, Father Figure) Son is the one constant in Evan’s fractured state and he will often be seen talking to him, demanding answers and explanations of what is going on and why the childlike Kindred is following him.
  • Erzulie (Admiration) Evan personally enjoys Erzulie as he has a soft spot for a Kindred who forges their own idea of identity.
  • Maude Lansbury , soft spot for the Malkavian who lost their identity and have concern about Father.
Character Prototype
Sire: Jason Newberry “Son”
Embraced: 1982 (Born 1950)   Ambition: Recruit a team to fully catalogue his personalities and their triggers   Convictions: Always maintain control (rarely upheld)   Touchstones: Klein’s Touchstones vary from personality to personality, Storytellers are encouraged to put together a suitable set for any and all personalities that Evan manifests   Humanity: 7   Generation: 9th   Blood Potency: 2   Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3; Charisma 4, Manipulation 2, Composure 3; Intelligence 4, Wits 3, Resolve 3   Secondary Attributes: Health 6, Willpower 6   Skills: Athletics 2, Brawl 1, Craft (Instrument Repair) 2, Drive 2, Firearms 2, Larceny 1, Stealth 3; Insight 4, Leadership 2, Performance (Bass Guitar) 4, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 3; Academics 1, Awareness 2, Finance 1, Investigation 2, Medicine 1, Politics 3, Science 1, Technology (Video Production) 2   Disciplines: Auspex 1, Obfuscate 5, Presence 2   Note: Evan’s Social stats vary depending on the personality manifesting itself; the stats given above reflect the lucid Evan Klein. Use your discretion to alter the Social stats for each different personality.