

Gengis appears to be influenced by the punk-rock era of the ‘80s and ‘90s, complete with the leather jacket, dagger tattoo over his right ear, and safety pin through his nose. He completes his look with a shaved head, which gives him a rather intimidating appearance. He hasn’t changed this look in over two decades. When participating in riots, he frequently wears a black bandana around his mouth, evoking the Antifa movement.  

Mask • 

Gengis’ real name is Rupert Levine, and he still uses   it as his Mask. Technically, he should be 50 or so years older than he looks, so he’s on the lookout for a Kindred who can fabricate a new member of the Levine family as a fresh Mask.

Mental characteristics

Personal history


Gengis comes in two shades. The legend and the truth behind it.   Despite being born into a rich family, Gengis was a wild child. He was a part of the punk movement in the Chicago area in the early ‘70s, dressing and acting the part with leather, tattoos, piercings, and plenty of spikes. His mother disapproved but loved him all the same, calling it a “phase” before making the punk rocker’s bed. He followed garage bands and loved being part of the scene. For the time, he was far out there, and society treated him as such. He got to rebel at night and enjoy fine food and accommodation during the day. It was the perfect mix of hypocrisy that often accompanies youthful rebellion. He and his father would frequently go to Chicago Bulls games together when the team first formed, and despite the incongruous sight of a man in a cardigan sitting next to a pierced hulk of a youth, the two always took courtside seats together.   It was his outlandish style and in-your-face attitude that drew his sire’s attention. She forced the Embrace on Gengis, wildly passionate over his Trotskyite speeches at a local dive bar. She only spent a couple of weeks with him, leaving his side when she realized this purported communist was living off an allowance from his bourgeoise parents.   For Gengis’ part, he kept up the lifestyle even after his parents passed away and he inherited their property and investments.   KINDRED NIGHTS: THORN IN THE CAMARILLA Throughout the years, Gengis frequently enjoyed playing the troll when it came to the established Camarilla.  He always tried to work toward undermining the elders within the city, though his methods may not have been as covert as he believed them to be. His destructive actions often led to a snowball effect, with Gengis ending up on the losing side of a battle he was unprepared to fight. It was Gengis who pointed Lupines at Lodin’s penthouse, hoping a change in leadership would make for equality in the domain of Chicago. Instead, it resulted in a lot of his friends getting killed. Feeling immense guilt, Gengis resolved to never again go off half-cocked.   Turbulence and discord can be an Anarch’s best friend, and with the recent ascension of Kevin Jackson along with the Second Inquisition’s appearance, Gengis is in his element. Between the Chicago protest marches, as well as many of the elders disappearing, Gengis has turned into a rather charismatic leader, more so out of need than desire.   When the Brujah left the Camarilla, Gengis took many of the Chicago clan members under his protection. Breaking out from his former follower mentality, welcoming his brothers and sisters into the Movement, he helped them get established safely despite Prince Jackson’s scrutiny. He helped them acclimate to the drastically different culture of the Anarchs, showing them the ropes and how to fit in. He also makes sure they stay connected if they choose to travel or move.   Gengis’ part in the kine’s anti-fascist movements have increased his prominence. Chicago has been a central point in the #Resist movement, with frequent protests, rallies, and riots. With his punk lifestyle, counter-culture mentality, and new outlook on leadership, he fits right in with those looking to cause a little chaos. Kevin Jackson is all too aware of this but knows stopping the movement would tilt the Anarchs in his direction. Gengis is therefore allowed a certain amount of freedom, though Jackson’s heel grows increasingly close to the Brujah’s head.   Gengis continues to remind the Prince he is still in the city, and he is a force to be reckoned with. He frequently uses his pull within the kine to make sure these marches are large and disruptive. It’s Gengis’ way of letting the Camarilla know they are not the only ones controlling the herd. Whether this will continue to work or not is anyone’s guess, but Gengis seems to think this is a good path for him to walk down. He’s a hero for the common Anarch.   But of course, by dawn he’s back in his penthouse haven, sleeping in silk sheets in one of the most expensive parts of Chicago. It’s hard being the leader of the revolution.

Personality Characteristics


  • Newfound Power: Gengis is no slouch in wielding influence over the Anarchs and the kine, but he is still unsure of how exactly to best use it. This is all new to him. Until recently he was a poster boy and held little power. Now, with the Brujah defection to the Anarchs, his moves are scrutinized. He mostly follows the trends of the vocal left-wing kine, which has served him well so far, but he wants to meet with like-minded Kindred to come up with some grand plans for the city.
  • Nesting: Gengis has always kept his penthouse haven within the city, much to the chagrin of his coterie. Gengis likes having a comfortable place to bunk down and relax, which he does often. His coterie encourage him to lease it out to visiting Anarch dignitaries, but Gengis is very possessive over his property. He’s weighing up whether to sacrifice his privacy and wealth for the good of the Movement.
  • Stick it to the Man: Gengis knows very little about the Lasombra, but he does know he doesn’t want a strengthened Camarilla. He’s tempted to sabotage any upcoming Lasombra visit, or, if he can find some charming Anarchs, try and win any visiting Keepers over to the Anarch Movement instead.

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Thoughtful revolutionary He's a Trostky fan, meaning of exported revolution, permanent revolution, internationalism and anti-dictatorial.
  • Careful leader He was burned before in the night of Chicago, and the recent troubles (SI, werewolves, jackson ascension) have made him into a charismatic leader.
  • Allowed Antifa He is heavily involved with anti-trump rallies, which can be a pain; but the prince allows him some freedoms for now.
  • Hypocrite He goes back home to silk sheets and would never let go of the comforts.


Contacts & Relations

  • Anarch Movement (Allies 4) Gengis is well-connected within the Anarch Movement and uses those connections to help younger Brujah. Fledgling Anarchs on the edge of Chicago report to Gengis like he’s an iconic warlord, despite him winning no battles. For Gengis, appearances make his reputation.
  • Antifa (Allies 2, Contacts 2, Influence 1, Retainers 2) Gengis has joined the Antifa movement within the city. While there is no formal organization, he is connected to several of their members who are always glad to send a little mayhem to the oppressive powers that be. He has made one Antifa protestor, D’Arcy Pock, his ghoul. He admires how readily she throws herself into the fray and how unafraid she seems of jail time.
  • Sunburst Execs (Contacts 1, Influence 1) Gengis at one point had high-society connections, though those have weakened over the years. With the rising gap between upper and lower class, Gengis has found he holds more sway over the latter. He misses his executive friends however, and still receives the occasional invite to go golfing with Sunburst execs.
  • Latin Kings (Allies 2, Contacts 2) Perez (Retainers 1) Gengis has a strong relationship with some of the local gang members, specifically a young Latino named Perez, of the Latin Kings. Gengis and Perez have worked together on certain projects to help the youth in Chicago. Gengis is aware of the hypocrisy, as Perez deals drugs to these youths’ parents when the youths aren’t around.
  • Punk Scene (Allies 3, Contacts 2) Gengis maintains close ties to the aging punk scene in Chicago, hanging out at sites like the Mohawk on North Avenue. He occasionally calls on them to commit acts of petty violence or public disorder.

Family Ties

  • Chicago Anarchs (Underwhelming) Gengis loves his fellow Windy City Anarchs but realizes the heady days of Chicago Anarchs are gone. When the Hounds’ persecution of Anarchs commenced, many drifted to Milwaukee and Indianapolis. Gengis knows he has to work with the other members of his coterie to strengthen the Anarch Movement in Chicago, but he’s restricted to 10 members. He’s contemplating a play for Baron, but knows he’ll face competition from Anita or Maldavis.
  • Abraham DuSable (Friendly) Gengis’ relationship with DuSable is an odd one, as despite the two of them sitting on either side of the sectarian fence, they both enjoy jazz and still attend clubs together. Gengis embraces what he calls his “bipartisan sensibilities” while DuSable just enjoys the company of a vampire who can appreciate music.
  • Kevin Jackson (Necessary Evil) Bobby Weatherbottom (Necessary Sacrifice) Gengis made a deal with Kevin Jackson that he’s yet to announce to the other Anarchs in the city. As long as the Anarchs don’t attack Camarilla Kindred, up to 10 are allowed to remain in Chicago, and will in turn remain unaccosted. Anyone not on the list is fair game for the Sheriff and Hounds. There was an added caveat: Jackson was clear that any Ventrue identifying as Anarch must be handed over to Critias for “re-education.” Gengis is eyeing up Bobby Weatherbottom and wondering how dirty he’s willing to get his hands in exchange for 10 unassailable Anarch spots in the city.

Wealth & Financial state

  • Gold Coast Penthouse (Haven 4, Resources 4) Gengis keeps a fancy penthouse on the Gold Coast of Chicago, which overlooks the busiest part of the city. It is very clean and modern, not the type of dwelling most would associate with an Anarch. He tries to keep the appearance of being from rougher parts of the city, so he rarely brings any vampires back to his haven.
  • Punk Quarters (Contacts 3, Herd 3, Influence 2) Gengis spends a lot of time in the old punk  quarters of Chicago such as Halsted Street and Clark Street, where his appearance doesn’t faze most of the residents. This is also where he feeds, enjoying a clinch with dancing punks and rockers as bodies thrash to screeching music.
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • “The end may justify the means as long as there is something that justifies the end.”
  • “Everything is relative in this world, where change alone endures.”
  • “Life is not an easy matter…. You cannot live through it without falling into frustration and cynicism unless you have before you a great idea which raises you above personal misery, above weakness, above all kinds of perfidy and baseness.”
  • “You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you.”
  • “Tell me anyway--Maybe I can find the truth by comparing the lies.”
  • “As long as human labor power, and, consequently, life itself, remain articles of sale and purchase, of exploitation and robbery, the principle of the “sacredness of human life” remains a shameful lie, uttered with the object of keeping the oppressed slaves in their chains.”
  • "Abusive language and swearing are a legacy of slavery, humiliation, and disrespect for human dignity, one’s own and that of other people.”
  • “Learning carries within itself certain dangers because out of necessity one has to learn from one's enemies.”
  • “The United States is not only the strongest, but also the most terrified country.”
  • “Our planet is being turned into a filthy and evil-smelling imperialist barrack.”
  • “...capitalism does live by crises and booms, just as a human being lives by inhaling and exhaling.”
  • “Technique is noticed most markedly in the case of those who have not mastered it.”
  • “The moral of the opponents of violence in politics: they renounce violence when it comes to introducing changes in what already exists, but in defense of the existing order they will not stop at the most ruthless acts.”
  • “You are pitiful, isolated individuals! You are bankrupts. Your role is played out. Go where you belong from now on – into the dustbin of history!”
  • “Let us not forget that revolutions are accomplished through people, although they be nameless. Materialism does not ignore the feeling, thinking, and acting man, but explains him.”
  • "If the leaders seek only to preserve themselves, that is what they become; preserves, dried preserves."
  • "Everyone has the right to be stupid on occasion, but Comrade Macdonald abuses the privilege."
  • "Where force is necessary, there it must be applied boldly, decisively and completely. But one must know the limitations of force; one must know when to blend force with a maneuver, a blow with an agreement."
  • "There is a limit to the application of democratic methods. You can inquire of all the passengers as to what type of car they like to ride in, but it is impossible to question them as to whether to apply the brakes when the train is at full speed and accident threatens."
  • "The depth and strength of a human character are defined by its moral reserves. People reveal themselves completely only when they are thrown out of the customary conditions of their life, for only then do they have to fall back on their reserves."
  • "In a serious struggle there is no worse cruelty than to be magnanimous at an inopportune time."
  • "Learning carries within itself certain dangers because out of necessity one has to learn from one's enemies."
Character Prototype
Sire: Ethrica
Embraced: 1972 (Born 1954)   Ambition: Forge a permanent place for the Anarchs in Chicago
Convictions: Always fight oppression
Touchstones: Perez — Latin Kings gang member and lookout for the Anarchs   Humanity: 7
Generation: 12th
Blood Potency: 1  
Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
; Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Composure 2
; Intelligence 3, Wits 3, Resolve 2   Secondary Attributes: Health 6, Willpower 4  


Athletics (Basketball) 3, Brawl 2, Drive 2, Firearms (Handgun) 3, Larceny 2; Etiquette 2, Insight 2, Intimidation (Size) 2, Leadership 2, Persuasion (Oratory) 2, Streetwise (Antifa) 3, Subterfuge 2; Awareness 2, Investigation 1, Melee 3 (Baseball bat), Politics (Anarchs, Communism) 2, Technology 1  
Celerity 2, Fortitude 1, Potence 2, Presence 3
  • Rapid Reflexes: Don't suffer firearm penalties, can take 2 minor actions.
  • Fleetness: +2 to dodge 1/turn.
  • Unswayable Mind: +1 to all mental resist rolls.
  • Lethal Body: Punches do aggravated to mortals, ignore 2 armor.
  • Prowess: +2 dmg to brawl, +1 dmg to melee.
  • Awe Gain 3 dice to all social rolls. Manipulation + Presence vs Composure + Intelligence to resist for a scene.
  • Daunt Intimidation gains 3 dices. Resolve + Composure Dif 2 to attack.
  • Dread Gaze Charisma + Presence vs Composure + Resolve, on a win vampires are unable to anything other than defend unless they spend Willpower equal to margin (min 1). On a critical win vampires most make terror frenzy (difficulty 3) as well.

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