

A mortal or animal who drinks a vampire’s Blood becomes something both more and less than what they were, for a time. Derisively called a ghoul by western vampires, the imbiber gains a smidgeon of the power of a true vampire. The vitae consumed not only brings a rush, but also arrests the aging process. The effects are temporary, however, and if weaned off vampire Blood, the imbiber deteriorates rapidly, as the years catch up with their halted aging. Vampires use ghouls as retainers where loyalty outweighs keeping the Masquerade, since a single Kindred can Blood Bond as many ghouls as they can manage.   Unlike the Embrace and Blood Bonds, vampire Blood does retain its ghoul-sustaining properties for a few days while stored in an airtight container and not exposed to sunlight.   Vampires usually only provide their vitae in such manner after having established a proper Blood Bond with a ghoul.   A Rouse Check’s worth of vitae bestows the following benefits to a mortal or animal for approximately a month:  
  • The ghoul gains the first dot in one of their master’s Disciplines, along with a single level 1 power possessed by the vampire. This only happens on their first drink, but very old ghouls have been known to display additional powers.
  • The aging process halts, sometimes even setting the clock back a few years.
  • Wounds heal twice as fast, unless caused by fire.
Ghouls who use powers above level 1 (thanks to Draught of Elegance or similar powers, alchemical effects, or other causes) take 1 point of Aggravated damage to their Health instead of making a Rouse Check.  


Superficial health damage

At the beginning of a session, mortals can remove a number of Superficial damage levels up to their Stamina rating from their Health tracker. (Ghouls heal twice as much damage.)  

Aggravated damage

For mortals, a character with Medicine can convert Aggravated damage on the Health tracker to Superficial damage. They must succeed at a simple test of Intelligence + Medicine; the Difficulty equals the total Aggravated damage sustained by the patient. Attempts to heal oneself add +1 to the Difficulty.   The maximum points of Aggravated damage that a character can convert is half that character’s Medicine rating, rounded up. (Double for Ghouls).   This healing happens over the course of the night. The Storyteller decides if any remaining injuries require only another day of similar treatment, or hospitalization.   Hospitalization avoids the need for more dice rolls, but injuries take the patient’s total Aggravated damage in weeks to heal fully. The Storyteller can lessen this amount to fit the story better or allow the character to walk around injured – wearing a cast, for example.  



Retainer ••

A ghoul, a family servant, a human lover, or a dominated thrall: give them a backstory. Build them as an Average mortal or as a ghoul with no Advantages.   Average mortal
  • Attributes: Two at 3, three at 2, the rest at 1
  • Skills: Three at 3, four at 2, five at 1
  • Advantages: up to 3 points (2 points maximum Flaws)

Retainer •••

A retainer competent enough to act independently and make lesser problems go away. They are likely a ghoul with traits equivalent to Gifted mortals, on top of their supernatural abilities. Gifted mortal
  • Attributes: One at 4, two at 3, two at 2, the rest at 1
  • Skills: Two at 4 (one with a Specialty), four at 3, four at 2, four at 1
  • Advantages: up to 10 points (4 points maximum Flaws)