Kathy Glens

  Kathy intermingles modern Indian and western fashions with a little ‘60s punk. She wears a salwar kameez with a leather jacket and Doc Martins. Her long, jet-black hair is always untied and in sharp contrast to her death-pallor skin.   Blush of Life returns her light brown complexion and deepens her black eyes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Mortal Days: The Prodigy

Sravya Kathy was born one of two twins, her parents fiercely pushing the siblings toward educational pursuits from the age of three. By 10, both children had fallen in love with their passions; Gagandeep could always be found learning about automobiles, while Sravya had one love: music.   Her walls were covered in pictures of Mary Ford, Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, Robert Johnson, and Elizabeth Cotton. Stacks of slim crates filled with records lined the lower half of all the walls. Any free moment was a deep dive into music. The words were nice, but it was the power of the guitars that reverberated in her brain. Eventually she saved enough money from birthday presents, summer housework earnings, and allowances to buy a 1963 Harmony Rocket H59.   Two key events in 1968 changed Sravya’s life forever. She saw Jimi Hendrix perform in Chicago, and the University of Chicago musical program accepted her as protégé on a full scholarship. The moment of enlightenment burned within her, and she adopted her middle name to remember her family while increasing her appeal with American audiences. She then took the last name Glens for the career she was destined to have. Kathy slept through most of her classes, struggling though tests while playing music in clubs at night with her new electric guitar. Her playing left rooms stunned; people asked where she studied, and she waited to hit it big.   Unbeknownst to Kathy, her music converted one fan from a hater of the electric guitar to one who could see the beauty in it. Nero, a Toreador and gifted violinist, followed her for months, watching her talent evolve and adapt in such a short time. One night after a show, he came to the 18-year-old musician and offered the chance to preserve her talent for eternity, refining it with each passing night. Kathy instantly agreed.  

Kindred Nights: City Peacekeeper

The Embrace of Kathy Glens birthed Baby Chorus, with her as one of the founding members. She knew blues, folk, rock, and when punk emerged, she assaulted it with all her talent. The talent and fury that so many refused to see and elevate to the next level because she was a woman, a child of immigrants, and dark-skinned. But Kathy had talent and skill without peer. Any style that came, she attacked and mastered it. Once mastered, she would weave multiple styles together during her many improvisational hour-long solos, leaving bandmates dancing and her audience captivated.   The War of Chicago raged on in the streets while Baby Chorus entertained the masses packed into the Cave. Kathy saw Damien stage dive, and was feeling the crowd. The cheering grew louder and louder. She struck the first note of her solo, about to draw all eyes on her, when she heard Nero scream in pain. Her blood already flowing for the speed riff, Kathy glanced toward her sire to witness a 10-foot-tall fur-covered nightmare of death ripping Nero to shreds, before a half-dozen more Lupines rushed out into the crowd. In one fluid motion, she dropped the electric guitar and rushed the beast, slicing it dozens of times with razor-sharp guitar strings. The beast dropped, bleeding out, and she turned toward where Nero stood before two Lupines charged her; the rest of the night was only darkness.   Days later, she discovered from Damien what happened and who else died. The left side of her body carried the claw marks of one who survived the Battle of Chicago and the Lupines. The next few years left her shaken and heartbroken. Kathy turned away dozens of requests from Damien to restart the band. Rather than take to the stage, she spent all her time in an abandoned cellar in South Side playing records, editing, and practicing guitar when no one could hear her. She didn’t know if these pieces were trash or the next masterpiece, and she did not care.   Slowly Kathy emerged from the trauma and turned back to the religion she had to stop practicing, finding a form of solace in it. She even began hosting a weekly college radio show under the name Cynthia Glens for a few years, until she had to “graduate.”   Feeling some semblance of peace, she sought out the now 47-year-old Gagandeep, and found from him more angry than surprised. She vanished decades ago, and left their family crushed. He accused her of being a demon, a devil in the guise of his sister, to torment him. She was a cold and dead thing. The Beast overtook her, and she beat him nearly to death before his eight-year-old daughter, Sravya, cried at her to stop. The Beast barely constrained, she fled knowing she had almost killed the only remaining connection to her old life.   Kathy dived into music, philosophy, and attempts to find a cure for what she had blindly become when Nero offered her eternity. Her quest discovered vague references to something called “Golconda.” She spent years trying to learn more about Golconda, to little avail — and eventually decided to be more “human.” She believes she has tapped into understanding, and that the power in all Kindred blood may hold answers. Marshall, her former bandmate, had taught them all a few secrets of Blood Sorcery before dying in the Cave decades ago. The band and music need to move us toward something greater and not just be a symbol of unity, but unity itself.   One night, she returned home to find Damien waiting outside her haven in Near North Side. Kathy always remembers him smiling when he told her that Baby Chorus was coming back, and she would want in. He had made a deal with the Prince, and they would be the bridge to keep the peace during negotiations with the Lasombra. Their music would bring unity. Kathy Glens agreed instantly.

Personality Characteristics


Plots and Schemes

  • The Band Back Together: Kathy missed Baby Chorus, and that was evident after the first practice session. Playing with the band is slowly replacing everything else in her life. She will do whatever it takes to keep the band together and playing.
  • Approaching Enlightenment: Kathy is getting closer to her own form of Golconda and fears the violence Damien enforces may doom him from following her. She is hatching a plan to help him by documenting her journey, then finding a way to start him on the same path.
  • Family Ties: Once a week, she returns to Gagandeep’s home to watch him and Sravya from the shadows. Some nights she breaks in to be closer to them and has even played guitar quietly for her sleeping niece.
  • Ravens: She talks quietly about Golconda and has been searching for more clues, talking to anyone with a scrap of knowledge. She’s been a little too eager, and she knows it; a bizarre book on Golconda titled The One True Way reached her haven in recent nights.


  • Going Solo: Kathy is the reason Baby Chorus is successful, and she is going to leave the band to become a solo act.
  • Baby Chorus Army: Kathy has multiple havens and one of them is a family home in South Side. She has a family of ghouls at her command.
  • The One True Way: She’s the member of a weird Kindred religious order called “the Ravens” who seem to drive unbalanced Kindred into the arms of the Beast forever.


Contacts & Relations

Domain and Haven

  West Town Warehouse (Haven 3) Kathy’s haven is an abandoned warehouse in the West Town neighborhood. She doesn’t know what it once manufactured or stored, but she believes it may have been asbestos or something similar, as the site is boarded up and chained off in a broad area. She worries it’ll be demolished at some point, but the city seems to have little appetite for the expense.  

Thralls and Tools

  • Groupies (Herd 3) Roadies (Allies 2) Kathy has a rabid following willing to step up with a single tweet. The band’s roadies, Mick and Geoff, are also its biggest fans. They’re not ghouls, but are utterly loyal to Baby Chorus.
  • Online Fans (Contacts 2) Under her guise of Cynthia Glens, Kathy has a loose information network via callers and social media followers. She can find out all about Chicago gossip just by engaging them.

Kindred Relationships

  • Damien (Care) Kathy considers Damien a younger brother and wants what is best for him. She worries about his rage and what awaits him since Clan Brujah’s departure from the Camarilla, and feels responsible for his degeneration following the band splitting up.
  • Tamoszius “Nero” (Mawla 2, Concern) Nero has woken up again, and to Kathy’s surprise he’s more lucid than before. She’s keeping a close eye on him, as she’s afraid he will descend into his previously homicidal state.
  • Evan Klein (Responsibility) More and more in the role of den mother, Kathy sees Evan Klein as a surrogate son, troubled and incurable. She wishes she could get through to the Malkavian in some way that might soothe his issues, but as far as she can tell, only the music can do so.
Character Prototype
Sire: Tamoszius “Nero” Embraced: 1971 (Born 1953)   Ambition: Discern the truth behind the concept of Golconda   Convictions: Bring peace to those who are troubled; Always move toward enlightenment   Touchstones: Sravya — Unknowing niece; Gagandeep — Distant twin brother   Humanity: 8   Generation: 10th   Blood Potency: 2   Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4; Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Composure 3; Intelligence 3, Wits 3, Resolve 4   Secondary Attributes: Health 7, Willpower 7   Skills: Brawl 3, Craft (Repair, Sound Mixing) 3, Drive 2, Melee 4; Insight (Emotions) 3, Persuasion 2, Performance (Guitar, Improvisational Riffs, Dance) 5; Academics (Music History, Philosophy) 3, Medicine 1, Occult 1, Science 1, Technology 2   Disciplines: Auspex 2, Celerity 3, Presence 3, Blood Sorcery 1