Loresheet: Connected to big player

You are connected or descendent to a primogen, sheriff, harpy or otherwise powerful player in Chicago. Even the Prince. Each one confers different options but you can be tied to:      
  • Annabelle: Primogen of Toreador
  • Ballard: Deep pockets Ventrue
  • Lodin: Ex-Prince
  • Montano: Famous Lasombra that sided with Camarilla
  • Prince Kevin Jackson: The Big Boss.
  • Nathaniel Bordruff: Late Prince's personal minion Nosferatu.
  • Edith Beaubien: The Painted Lady, famous tattoo artist of wide reknown in the city.
  • Talley: Famous Lasombra Mercenary
  • Waunka: Master of whispers Nosferatu
      You can also be a descendant of the most famous members of your clan:  
  • Ventrue: Hardestadt, founder of Camarilla and only public member of the Tower, the Venture listen to you.
  • Toreador: Helena: Literally Helen of Troy, run party clubs.
  • Brujah: Tyler, literally kicked off the Anarch movement.
  • Nosferatu: Zelios, master architect, build labyrinths under your domains.
  • Malakvian: Vasantasena, able to break people out of sects and blood bond.
  • Tremere: Karl Schrekt, vampire hunter.
  • Gangrel: Xaviar, saw their own antediluvian and learned horrofic powers.