Loresheet: Descendant of Montano

Montano has achieved much for Clan Lasombra, but it is only now that the clan feels comfortable singing his praises. As one of the few who walked with the clan’s founder, his conversance in the Abyss is parallel to none. It is said it was by his will that Christianity rose to prominence and that his legions of armies shaped the history of Europe itself.   Yet, Montano was always a man of honor. When vampire society split into sects, he refused to abandon the newly born Camarilla. For centuries, he was branded a traitor.   As his progeny, you have felt the sting of his decision and stand to reap its fruits. Whether you served the Camarilla openly or in secret, the clan now looks to you and your ancestor for guidance. You will show them what loyalty truly means.  

• The Shadow of Yesterday

Montano remembers nothing about his early days, but remembers plenty about his sect and clan. Once per story, you may write a letter to Montano asking for a single piece of information about either the Camarilla.   You gain Status: Lasombra with equal dots to this loresheet. This only applies to lasombra within the camarilla.   From his distant haven, he will respond either with truth or clues leading to it, with the implication that the journey is its own reward.  

•• Siblings in Darkness

Montano’s deeds brought the clan to its lofty position. The line he has cultivated is one based in the same honor that kept him in the Camarilla. You are afforded a respect even your clanmates in the Sabbat and elsewhere cannot help but acknowledge.   Your Status: Lasombra applies to Lasombra across all sects and aligeances.  

••• Abyssal Apprentice

Montano cannot teach you everything about the secrets of Oblivion, due to the comparative weakness of your blood, but you’ve picked up a few tricks.   Once per story, you may use an Oblivion power you do not already know that is at your current level or lower.   Your Status: Lasombra applies at the same level no matter where you're travelling.  

•••• Word of Mouth

Inspired by Montano’s patience, you held fast to your place in the Camarilla even when the rest of your clan served as leaders in the Sabbat-held domains. As your siblings join the fold, your allies in the Camarilla have not forgotten where you truly stand.   You gain a bonus dice on any social checks if you're representing the Lasombra as a clan.  

••••• Purity of Remorse

Once, Montano murdered his beloved friends and family to save the rest of his village from his sire. Though he cannot remember this, he weeps over it just the same. You hope to mourn for your sins as deeply as he does.   Whenever you roll for Remorse you gain an extra dice and you never roll with fewer than two dice.   You gain a new conviction of your choice.   This conviction has no touchstone, but rather is kept as long as you keep the honorable path of behavior set forward by Montano and suffers whenever your connection to the line is endangered.