Loresheet: Lupine Expert

You learn the following about werewolves:
  • They are resistant to anything but silver and fire.
  • They regenerate quickly.
  • They have access to powers like the physical disciplines (Potence, Fortitude, Celerity)

• Huntsman

Once per session get a +3 to any mental test versus Lupines.   You’ve developed a keen eye for tracking Lupines, even when they’re pretending to be human.  

•• Tactician

Teamwork versus Lupines doesn't require to share skills. Once per story, you have access to a silvered weapon or tool for one scene that you or anyone you want can use. A melee weapon does +2 damage, while a ranged weapon does no extra damage.   A Lupine attack is one of the most terrifying experiences in a vampire’s unlife. You’ve lived through enough of them to keep a cool head and help your coterie fight back.  

••• Soldier

In Physical Combat, Lupines have a -2 damage modifier when using its claws and teeth.   A werewolf’s ability for combat should never be underestimated. You know that more than anyone, but it won’t stop you from getting into the thick of it.  

•••• Expert

Can expend a willpower before attacking a werewolf with a silvered weapon. If it hits, the werewolf loses it's ability to regenerate for the scene and half the effects of all physical disciplines (celerity, fortitude and potence) for a turn.  

••••• Legend

You learn a ritual that can create a weapon capable of stopping any werewolf. It can be done only under a New Moon night and requires a coating a silver melee bladed weapon with a concoction of wolfsbain, silver and vitae. Once done, until the next new moon, any one that uses this weapon to attack a lycan receives a -2 success penalty. If it hits, the weapon shatters in a burst of silver that impales the lycan. The werewolf then shifts into human form, and is incapable of shifting or regenerating until the next sunset.  


•• Crafting

Teamwork versus Lupines doesn't require to share skills. Gain a silvered dagger and learn how to craft silver weapons with a damage potential up to points in this loresheet.   A Lupine attack is one of the most terrifying experiences in a vampire’s unlife. You’ve lived through enough of them to keep a cool head and help your coterie fight back.   Crafting Silver Weapons First the crafter chooses a damage value (DMG) up to the points in this loresheet. This will be the damage bonus of the weapon and relate to its size (A DMG 1 means crafting a small knife, while a DMG 5 means crafting a claymore)   It's an extended Craft (any attribute) with a TN of 5xDMG with a Difficulty of DMG. Every roll is half a night.   For ranged weapons you create bullets and special weapon. The craft roll creates enough ammunition for 2 x DMG attacks. Subsequent restock of ammunition can be done at half the time and reduced difficulty by one (min 1).   You can only have a number of weapons at once equal to the points in this loresheet. They need maintenance and your resources are limited.    

Mid-tier werewolf

General Difficulties: 6/4   Attributes
Strength 2 (5 Shifted), Dexterity 3 (6 Shifted), Stamina 2 (5 Shifted Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Composure 2; Intelligence 2, Wits 3, Resolve 3   Secondary Attributes
Health 7 (10 in wolf form), Willpower 5   Skills
Athletics (Escape) 2, Brawl 2, Drive 1, Survival 1; Insight 2, Intimidation (Feral) 1, Leadership 1, Streetwise 2; Academics (Biology) 2, Awareness 2, Politics 1, Technology 2   Disciplines
Celerity 2, Fortitude 2, Potence 2
  • Automatically success any balance checks.
  • +2 to non combat Dexterity, +2 once per turn to dodge checks.
  • Substract 2 from all Superficial damage before halving.
  • Can jump 6 meters vertically and 10 meters horizontally.
  • Deal +2 to all unarmed damage and +1 to all Melee damage.
  • Take Agg from silver and fire only.
  • Recover 1 Superficial per turn.
  • Shifted gain claws and teeth that deal +3 non halved Superficial damage, and +3 to all Physical attributes.
  • Claw/Teeth +7, +5 damage, non halved Superficial.
  • Dodge 5 (8 shifted)

High-tier Werewolf

Strength 3(6 Shifted), Dexterity 3(6 Shifted), Stamina 4(7 Shifted), Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Composure 2, Intelligence 3, Wits 4, Resolve 4   Secondary Attributes
Health 12 (15 Shifted), Willpower 6   Skills
Academics 2, Awareness 4, Investigation 1, Medicine 1, Politics 1, Occult 3, Science 2; Athletics 4, Brawl 5, Drive 1, Firearms 1, Melee 4, Larceny 2, Stealth 4, Survival 5; Animal Ken 5, Etiquette 1, Insight 2, Intimidation 5, Leadership 1, Streetwise 3   Disciplines
Animalism 5, Auspex 2, Celerity 4, Fortitude 5, Obfuscate 1, Potence 5  
  • Automatically success any balance checks.
  • +4 to non combat Dexterity, +4 once per turn to dodge checks.
  • Can Traverse vertical surface with Dex+Athletics **
  • Substract 5 from all Superficial damage before halving.
  • Can jump 15 meters vertically and 25 meters horizontally. *
  • Deal +5 to all unarmed damage and +3 to all Melee damage. *
  • Take Agg from silver and fire only.
  • Recover 1 Superficial per turn.
  • Shifted gain claws and teeth that deal +3 non halved Superficial damage, and +3 to all Physical attributes.
* Rouse per scene ** Rouse per action Anyone that drinks werewolf blood gains this for a night. Rolls
  • Claw/Teeth +7, +5 damage, non halved Superficial.
  • Dodge 5 (8 shifted)