Mary Lovelace

Mary Lovelace

From Chicago. Mary is a Security Analyst at a law firm, keeping whatever odd hours she wants as long as she delivers on her work.   But really…Security Analyst is her legal job title, because “hacker” raises questions. She always ensures hard-to-obtain information found its way to the office…legally—or at least without a trace.   One of her last big jobs was unknowningly hacking her Sire…who she only knows as “X”. One late night at work, she went on a coffee run, only to be turned. X mentioned she caught their attention, but instead of killing her…she could provide to be useful. Now she works for them.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lean and slightly above average height.

Facial Features

Sharp jawline, eyebrow pierced

Apparel & Accessories

Black skinny jeans, black shirt, black leather jacket, sometimes with a hoodie layered underneath.

Mental characteristics

Personal history


  Left home as a young teen and made money off hacking people who appeared in newspapers as guilty criminals. They didn’t earn their money, and they didn’t need it where they were going. She was recruited by the top security analyst, Angela, at Crane Attorney & Law.   Angela noticed Mary was a good, almost undetectable hacker. Watching her online activity for a bit—noticed a pattern of going after sentenced criminals, that she wasn’t hacking without purpose, and sought to put her to work for the Law Firm. Angela has become a kind of older sister to Mary—even if she doesn’t always listen to her. Mary likes to tease her and call her Angel, an affectionate name and nod to her "saving" Mary.   Angel taught her piano, which Mary likes to joke that it’s her second keyboard she plays (the first being her computer). Angel showed Mary through piano classical music, which she was never previously introduced to before. She loves the moody emotion from it.
  • Much of the music on her playlist is either songs Angel introduced her to, or ones that she fell in love with after researching composers. Many are moody, and some are the ones she listens to when she thinks of Elizabeth.

Present Day

Mary still works for Crane Attorney & Law to keep her contacts and resources to the human world. The thought has never crossed Mary’s mind to stop.   She also works on assignments from X whenever they come across her inbox.   Lives on the top penthouse floor above the law office.


Crane Attorney & Law

  Top attorney: Elizabeth Crane (30) She is ruthless and has put away tons of criminals. She is all that is right in the world, and she’s just starting at her family’s firm. Mary has had some interaction with her in person, but mostly converses over online chat, email, and text. She secretly pines over her, and takes extra caution when hacking on her behalf in order to not damage her reputation, career, or life.   Security Analyst: Mary Lovelace (25) (me) The youngest employee. Currently assigned to Elizabeth Crane’s office.   Security Analyst: Angela "Angel" Bennett (35) Recruited Mary in her teens. Noticed she was good, almost was undetectable to Angela. Watched her online activity for a bit—noticed a pattern of going after sentenced criminals, that she wasn’t hacking without purpose, and sought to put her to work for the Law Firm. Angela has become a kind of older sister to Mary—even if she doesn’t always listen to her.   Mary and Angel have code words for emergency protocols
  • Hello World — everything Mary is compromised
  • Acid Burn — everything Angela is compromised
  • Swordfish — everything Elizabeth is compromised
  • Crash Override — everything and everyone is compromised
When one of the emergency protocols is activated, a new secure phone will be placed in a shared security box that only Angela and Mary have the key to. If both are compromised, written notes are placed here.

Morality & Philosophy

The guilty must suffer. Sometimes you have to go beyond the law to ensure the corrupted justice systems don't let criminals walk free.

Personality Characteristics


Mary is extremely inspired by Elizabeth, and knows the risks she takes to bring justice and safety to Chicago. Mary knows she could never put her neck on the line like she does, or be as good as she is. So, she makes it her mission to be the best support system she can be so Elizabeth can do her work. If anything puts that into jeopardy, she gets tunnel vision and will stay up how ever many hours or days it takes to eradicate the threat. This extends to people she forms close bonds with, the other being Angel, but there are so few people in her life, she has never had to consider balance.


Contacts & Relations

Angela "Angel" Bennett, security analyst at Crane Attorney & Law, older sister figure

Chicago’s best hacker you’ve never heard of, working at Crane Law & Attorney as a “Security Analyst”. Also works for the elusive “X”.

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Date of Birth
Skin Tone/Pigmentation