Noah "Flyboy" Grewal

Flyboy is a broad, muscular man in his late-30s. His thin blood hasn’t given him the pallor of death, so his black skin keeps its warm, rosy undertones. His hair is in a high-and-tight hairstyle, with very short hair at the top of his head. He prefers sensible and moderately expensive clothing, and always wears a pair of green-tinted mirror shades.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Thin Blood Alchemy

  • Gain discipline dos and powers depending on Resonance fed on.
  • FiXATIO: Distillation is INT+ALC. In the form of injections.
  • Far Reach: Can make things under 100kg float, Resolve + Alchemy (7) vs Strength + Athletics to move someone.
  • Envelop: Choose one target, it gains a -3 to all visual actions.
  • Mirror of Trust: +3 to persuasion or intimdation to make other say truth
  • Blood of Mandagloire: Make a herd into sleep pills
  • Freezer Fluid: Force Sta + Res vs Re + Alc, lose 2 from physical per margin.
  • Profane HierosgamosNoah has been working on this one in order to escape the clutches.

Mental characteristics

Personal history


Flyboy’s history is divided between two men: Raphael de la Pole and Noah Grewal  Raphael de la Pole enlisted in the Marines for the free college, but got caught up in something bigger. His exceptional performance overseas caught the attention of a CIA recruiter, who tapped him after a tour of duty to take part in a blacker-than-black operation. Raphael was skeptical, but video evidence of the “blankbody” phenomenon convinced him to take part.    He knew he would need to be declared Killed in Action to take on the mission, but he hadn’t expected that he needed to actually die. The procedure, logged as a “total blood transfusion,” was an agonizing 18-hour process where Raphael’s blood was completely drained from his body and replaced with 12cc of “preserved abnormal hemoglobin-based solution.” He should have died, but instead became a thin-blood.   After an intense, messy orientation, he was granted a handler and a cover identity: Noah Grewal. He was deployed outside of Chicago, ordered to infiltrate the city’s blankbody community and perform reconnaissance.  


  The first recorded appearance of Noah Grewal dates to 2009, when he begged for his life before the Primogen Council. Portia had discovered Noah on her assigned feeding grounds, slicing open an unconscious victim’s arm (in reality, Noah’s handler) with a fillet knife. The Toreador had him staked and presented for judgement. Noah told the Primogen that he was a Marine who fell on hard times after an honorable discharge, records of which the Prince’s information security team discovered easily. He came to Chicago looking for work, and ran afoul of a man stalking people at a rest stop outside the city. The man subdued and Embraced Noah, and he has fed outside the city ever since.   Portia saw a potential pawn in Noah, and seconded his pleas for clemency, surprising everyone. The Prince obliged, and Noah was branded with the mark of the crescent moon. He fell in with the thin-bloods, and resumed contact with those he knew in life. To this day, the Camarilla reads everything he texts, save for a few encrypted accounts he keeps to himself.   Under the Camarilla’s watchful eye, he flourished. Portia mentored him in secret, and the thin-bloods taught him alchemy. He took an interest in Kindred politics, and recorded the highlights in a diary.   He took a night job at O’Hare Airport, where he learned of Tyler, the infamous Brujah who ruled the city’s air-travel system. He became fascinated, and learned what he could from those who once served her. They told him that sometimes before Noah’s arrival, the woman left Chicago with little warning, at the side of an infamous Kindred named Theo Bell. Her departure left an immense power vacuum, one other Kindred tried to fill to no avail.   For the first time, Noah understood what it meant to be a vampire. He had all the time in the world to make a legacy, and unlike other vampires, he could appear human nearly anywhere. When he discovered the gifts his blood allowed him, he knew what he had to do. He vowed to take the Windy City’s skies for himself, and took the name “Flyboy.”   Over the next decade, Flyboy played his hand carefully. He discovered his blood cannot bond others, but money can, bringing some of Tyler’s old power base into the fold. Tapping into an “undisclosed inheritance” brought others under his banner. He became the first point of contact for Kindred traveling by air.   Six months ago, a furious Jacob Schumpeter cornered Flyboy at Elysium, calling him a worthless thinblood, and Prince Jackson a fool, blind to Masquerade breaches. A few days later, Jacob’s haven was raided by a SWAT team. No one has seen him since, and no one is sure if the raid was Prince Jackson’s doing, or Flyboy’s.   Since then, he has had an uneasy, but tolerated, presence in Chicago’s Camarilla.


Date of Birth
Date of Death
Aligned Organization
Character Prototype


Humanity: 6   Generation: 16th   Blood Potency: 0   Attributes Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 1
Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Composure 3
Intelligence 4; Wits 3; Resolve 3   Secondary Attributes: Health 4, Willpower 6   Skills:: Athletics 3, Melee (Dagger) 2, Firearms (Rifle) 3, Stealth 2, Survival 2; Etiquette 2, Leadership 3, Persuasion 2, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge (False Identity) 4; Awareness 3, Finance 2, Investigation 2, Politics 4, Technology (Surveillance, Transit Schedules) 3   Blood potency 0
  • Take damage like human
  • Dayfeeder (half health, no powers, but can walk in the day)
  Disciplines: Blood Alchemy 4   Whispers  
  • Poisonous Blood: Never drink blood from Noah, no matter how desperate you might be. If he’s offering himself to you, it means he thinks he can use you for something.
  • Poor Meets Rich: Flyboy’s taking Portia for a ride. She’s furious, and looking for anyone who’ll find some good dirt on him.
  • A Dangerous Enemy: Everyone who gets close to figuring out Noah’s deal gets harassed by the law. Sometimes it’s a lawsuit, sometimes it’s a cop breaking into your haven mid-day.
  • Damning Dossier: Someone’s spreading around records of a “Project HARKER,” some government program that makes things called “enhanced assets.” It’s heavily redacted, but Flyboy’s picture is in it.


Secure O’Hare Airport as my own, unshared territory


I must always rise to the top; I will always see the mission through


Felicity Miller — Aviation commissioner and “boss”
Daniel Bailey — CIA handler

This article has no secrets.