Predator Types


You take blood by force or threat. A combative assault-feeder, you stalk, overpower, and drink from whomever you can, when you can. You may or may not attempt to threaten or Dominate victims into silence or mask the feeding as a robbery. Think about how you arrived at this direct approach to feeding and what makes you comfortable with an unlife of stalking, attacking, feeding, and escaping.   You could have been homeless, an SAS soldier, a cartel hit-man, or a big-game hunter.     Predator Pool: Strength + Brawl (assault) or Wits + Streetwise (stalking)  
  • Add a specialty: Intimidation (Stickups) or Brawl (Grappling)
  • Gain (•) Celerity or (•) Potence
  • Lose one dot of Humanity
  • Gain Contact (•••) Criminal


You acquire preserved or dead blood, rather than hunt the living. You steal, buy, or otherwise procure cold blood rather than hunt, relying on the black market or your skills as a burglar or ambulance chaser. Perhaps you still work the night shift at the hospital.   Ventrue may not pick this Predator type.     Predator Pool: Intelligence + Streetwise  
  • Add a specialty: Larceny (Lock-picking) or Streetwise (Black Market)
  • Gain (•) Blood Sorcery (in-clan only) or (•) Obfuscate or (•) Oblivion
  • Gain Feeding (•••) Iron Gullet
  • Gain Enemy [••] Either someone believes you owe them, or there’s another reason you keep off the streets.


You feed from other vampires. You drink from other vampires, either by hunting, coercion or by taking Blood as payment - the only truly moral way of feeding you can think of. Unfortunately, this practice is usually forbidden in Kindred society. It is either risky as all fuck or requires a position of enviable power     Predator Pool: NONE  
  • Add a specialty: Brawl (Kindred) or Stealth (against Kindred)
  • Gain (•) Celerity or (•) Protean
  • Lose one dot of Humanity
  • Increase Blood Potency by one
  • Gain Infamy [••] Dark Secret (Diablerist or Shunned)
  • Gain Feeding [••] Prey Exclusion (mortals)


You take blood covertly from your mortal family or friends. You feed covertly from your (or someone’s) mortal family and friends with whom you still maintain ties. The most extreme cleavers adopt children, marry a human, and try to maintain a family life for as long as they can. Add your family to the Relationship Map.   Cleavers often go to great lengths to keep the truth of their condition from their family, but some also maintain unwholesome relationships with their own kin.   The Camarilla forbids taking a human family in this fashion, and it frowns on cleavers as Masquerade breaches waiting to happen. Wiser Kindred may massacre your family for your own good if they find out your secret and care what happens to you.     Predator Pool: Manipulation + Subterfuge  
  • Add a specialty: Manipulation (Gaslighting) or Subterfuge (Coverups)
  • Gain (•) Dominate or (•) Animalism
  • Gain Herd (••) 4-7 Mortals
  • Gain Infamy [•] Dark Secret (Cleaver)


You take blood with consent. You never feed against your victim’s free will. You masquerade as a representative of a charity blood drive, as a blood-drinking kink-lord in the “real vampire community,” or by actually telling your victims what you are and getting their permission to feed. The Camarilla call that last method a Masquerade breach, but many Anarch philosophers consider it an acceptable risk.   You could have been anything in life, but a sex-worker, a political organizer, or a lawyer could all be wary of feeding without consent     Predator Pool: Manipulation + Persuasion
  • Add a specialty: Medicine (Phlebotomy) or Persuasion (Victims)  
    • Gain (•) Auspex or (•) Fortitude
    • Gain one dot of Humanity
    • Gain Infamy [•] Dark Secret (Masquerade Breacher)
    • Gain Feeding [•] Prey Exclusion (non-consenting)


    You get blood in exchange for “protection.” The extortionist likes to force their victims to bleed for them. Ostensibly, the extortionist acquires blood in exchange for services such as security or surveillance, but as many times as the need for protection is real, it is just as often a fiction engineered to make the deal feel acceptable.     Predator Pool: Strength/Manipulation + Intimidation  
    • Add a specialty: Intimidation (Coercion) or Larceny (Security)
    • Gain (•) Dominate or (•) Potence
    • Spend three dots between the Contacts and Resources Backgrounds
    • Gain Enemy [••] The police or escaped victim


    You feed on mourners and the dearly departed. Graverobbers often feed from fresh corpses, but despite their name, they prefer feeding from mourners in cemeteries and sad, frightened visitors and patients in hospitals. Melancholic Resonance in a victim’s blood appeals more than any other humour. This predator type often requires the vampire to hold a haven in or connections to a church, hospital, or morgue.     Predator Pool: Resolve + Medicine (corpses) or Manipulation+ Insight (mourners)  
    • Add a specialty: Occult (Grave Rituals) or Medicine (Cadavers)
    • Gain (•) Fortitude or (•) Oblivion
    • Gain Feeding (•••) Iron Gullet
    • Gain Haven (•)
    • Gain Herd [••] Obvious Predator


    As an object of devotion, you feed from your cult, church, or fans. You are a celebrity among mortals or else you run a cult, a church, or something similar. You feed from your fans or worshippers, who treat you as a deity. You always have access to easy blood, but followers breed problems with the authorities, organized religion, and indeed the Camarilla. In life, you might have been a DJ, a writer, a cultist, a preacher, or a LARP organizer.     Predator Pool: Manipulation + Subterfuge (flattery) or Intimidation + Fame (bully)  
    • Add a specialty: Occult (specific tradition) or Performance (specific entertainment field)
    • Gain (•) Blood Sorcery (in-clan only) or (•) Presence
    • Spend three dots between the Fame and Herd Backgrounds
    • Spend two dots between the Enemy and Mythical Flaws


    You only feed from animals. Your Hunger constantly gnaws at you, but you have not killed a single human being so far (except perhaps that one time), and you intend to keep it that way. You could have been anyone in life, but your choice speaks to someone obsessed by morality. Perhaps you were an activist, priest, aidworker, or vegan in life, but the choice never to risk a human life is one anyone could arrive at and struggle to maintain. Ventrue may not pick this Predator type.   You cannot pick this Predator type if your Blood Potency is 3 or higher.
  • Add a specialty: Animal Ken (Specific Animal) or Survival (Hunting)
  • Gain one dot of Animalism or Protean
  • Gain one dot of Humanity
  • Gain the Feeding Flaw: (••) Farmer


    You feed exclusively from transients. You belong with the vagabonds, tourists, and truckers of the world — always moving, never at home. You know how to pick out the ones whose deaths are discounted as the risk of a woman hitchhiking alone, or who simply won’t be missed at all. You still have to fight to keep other vampires away from them lest the herd thins too much, though.   In life, you either were one of them, or you met these vagrants as they rested at your roadside stop.   Predator Pool: Dexterity or Charisma + Drive  
    • Add a specialty: Survival (The Road) or Investication (Vampire Cant)
    • Gain (•) Fortitude or (•) Protean
    • Gain Heard (••) an itinerant group
    • Gain Feeding [••] Prey Exclusion (Locals)


    You feed from sleeping victims, often breaking into homes. You rely on your stealth or Disciplines to feed from sleeping victims. If they never wake during the feeding, they won’t know you exist. Perhaps you were very anti-social in life; you don’t feel cut out for the intense interpersonal nightlife or physical violence of more extroverted hunters.   Predator Pool: Dexterity + Stealth  
    • Add a specialty: Medicine (Anesthetics) or Stealth (Break-in)
    • Gain (•) Auspex or (•) Obfuscate or (•) Oblivion
    • Gain Resources (•)


    You feed from a subculture or exclusive group in which you enjoy high status. You rely on your familiarity with a certain subculture and a wellcrafted pose, feeding on an exclusive subculture that believes you to be one of them. Your victims adore you for your status in the scene, and the ones who understand what you are disbelieved.   You may belong to the street or be literal upper-class, abusing the weak with false hope and promises of taking them to the next level. In life, you almost certainly belonged to a scene similar to the one you stalk now.   Predator Pool: Manipulation + Persuasion  
    • Add a specialty: Etiquette (specific scene), Leadership (specific scene), or Streetwise (specific scene)
    • Gain (•) Dominate or (•) Potence
    • Gain Fame(•) Recognized
    • Gain Contact (•) Sycophant
    • Gain either Influence [•] Disliked (outside your sub-culture) or the Feeding [•] Prey Exclusion (another subculture)


    You feed by seduction, under the guise of sex. You feed almost exclusively during or while feigning sex, and you rely on your Disciplines, seduction skills, or the unquenchable appetites of others to conceal your carnivorous nature. You have mastered the art of the onenight stand or move through the sex-club scene like a dark star.   You think of yourself as a sexy beast, but in your darkest moments, you fear that you're at best a problematic lover, at worst a habitual rapist. A former lover who escaped destruction might be your Touchstone or your stalker.   (If so, add them to the Relationship Map.) Maybe in life you were a pick-up artist, movie producer, author, a glorious slutty kinkster – or a virgin who intends to make up for lost time post-mortem.   Predator Pool: Charisma + Subterfuge  
    • Add a specialty: Persuasion (Seduction) or Subterfuge (Seduction)
    • Gain (•) Fortitude or (•) Presence
    • Gain Looks (••) Beautiful
    • Gain Enemy [•] A spurned lover or jealous partner