Rosa Hernandez

Gangrel Primogen

  Rosa is a tall, muscular Latina woman. She has the air of someone to be reckoned with and respected. Her long, black hair is pulled back into a ponytail with an exquisitely carved silver clasp. She dresses in a dark-brown flannel shirt, dark blue jeans, and mountain-hiking boots.

Mental characteristics

Personal history


Rosa grew up on a Montana farm, spending more time with animals than people. She could ride a horse by seven, vault-mount it by nine, and diagnose most illnesses in her four-legged friends by 12. Everyone thought she would become a veterinarian, and she played with the idea herself. Ultimately, she followed in the footsteps of her uncle Luis, and pursued law. He was friendly with Edward Hirsch Levi, the new President at the University of Chicago, and called in a favor to get her enrolled.   She would fight for the ethical treatment and rights of animals in a more lasting way.   She excelled at her studies, and became one of the prominent and active members of Chicago’s fledgling animal-rights movement. Her name quickly became a rallying cry for the campaign, and caught the eye of Doyle Fincher. Doyle watched her from the shadows at night for over a year in wolf form. Rosa occasionally caught glimpses of the wolf at a distance before it faded away into the night. He saw her freeing animals, confusing police with her budding legal skills and fearlessness. Inspired by her, Fincher went to Prince Lodin and petitioned for permission to Embrace Rosa.   Once permission was granted, Fincher (in wolf form) tracked Rosa down. He found her in the Lincoln Park Zoo after she had set most of the animals free.   She had just freed the lions and was moving toward the bear cage, taking a swig from a bottle of gin. Four other animal-rights activists were in tow behind her, releasing more animals. Fincher darkened the shadows around her crew of friends, and instilled a sense of fear, sending them fleeing from the zoo. Once she was alone, he advanced on her in wolf form.   Rosa, drunk, saw the wolf that had been her guardian angel for more than a year — and smiled.   She kneeled down and extended a hand, calling on her childhood practice of befriending animals. She instantly noticed the wolf move differently; its fur was not quite right, and the intelligence in its eyes was more malevolent than she would expect from a natural wolf. Fincher transformed before her eyes, and offered her the opportunity to become one with animals. Rosa asked countless questions of the Gangrel, and he spoke his truth. The thought of being able to become an animal to understand better these creatures she loved was too appealing, and she accepted.    
“I tire of wearing a fancy dress and pretending to be among the elite. We are Gangrel. It is time we embraced our nature.” — Inyanga, Former Gangrel Primogen, recently succumbed to the Beckoning


Afterward, the two turned into wolves and ran from the zoo out into the night. Open cages, free-roaming animals, and her old life were all left behind. At first, it was exhilarating to discover her new abilities and learn of Kindred society. Then she learned what Fincher’s “one with animals” line meant, during their first hunt. It was a brutal kill of a couple and their dog, who were all out for a stroll. Rosa watched Fincher revel in the kill, and was disgusted. She attacked him, but was bested by the more experienced vampire, and she swore to end his evil ways.   The passing of years saw her revenge against Fincher lessen as she grew to accept the nature of the Beast. She refused to feed on animals, and only targeted humans. She preferred to feed on corporate drones or scientists who performed or funded animal testing. After she learned of Lupines, Rosa began researching and trying to locate them. She viewed them as the truest combination of animals and humans, as they were born with the ability to change, and did not require blood.   Then, the War of Chicago began with the Lupines attacking the city. Camarilla Kindred were massacred in droves while Rosa watched from safety, appalled by her underestimation of Lupine ferocity. What she assumed were noble beasts were more savage, cruel, and destructive than any Kindred she had encountered. Revolted, her own naive hope galvanized her into action, leading the push back against the invading werewolf packs.   In recent years, Rosa was disgusted when she learned Inyanga, the Gangrel Primogen, had renegotiated a peace with the werewolves. She vented at the elder woman before her clan and was surprised not to have been killed. Rosa tried to convince them that the death of Prince Lodin was a move that could not be forgiven.   But the uneasy peace remained; werewolves would be permitted to hunt in a strictly bordered part of the domain, unharmed by Kindred. After Inyanga left the city, Rosa became the new Gangrel Primogen, leader of a clan hardly recognized as Camarilla. She immediately broke Inyanga’s weak treaty, commanding the Gangrel Wolf Pack to burn out half a dozen werewolf lairs.   Rosa hates the Lupines and will do anything to destroy them. She once again studies, learning about werewolves just as she researched mundane animals in her mortal days. That studying, supplemented financially and with resources by a private sponsor named Francesco, informed her of their strengths and weaknesses.   It was not academic books she sought, but folklore and legends to learn their ways and how to track them. Like any hunter, she needed weapons, knowledge, and bait.   During the years of learning, Francesco drip-feeding her tasty morsels, she earned her law degree and began investing in small businesses around town. She now owns six such businesses, ranging from a veterinary clinic to a successful vegan restaurant.

Personality Characteristics


Ambition Drive every Lupine out of Chicago   Convictions Do not suffer a werewolf to live
Aligned Organization
Related Reports
Character Prototype
Humanity: 6   Generation: 8th   Blood Potency: 3   Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4; Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Composure 4; Intelligence 4, Wits 3, Resolve 4   Secondary Attributes: Health 7(12), Willpower 8   Skills: Athletics 2, Brawl (Claws) 4, Drive 3, Stealth (Urban, Wilderness) 5; Animal Ken 4, Intimidation 3, Persuasion 2, Leadership 3; Academics (Law) 3, Awareness 4, Politics 1, Science (Zoology) 4, Survival (Tracking) 3   Disciplines
  • Animalism 3
  • Auspex 2, Fortitude 5, Protean 3, Celerity 2