What are Resources really?

You didn't take a flaw so (contrary to how it's often played in older editions) I won't use your lack of money to mess with you, but you can't use money to solve problems beyond the "take a cab" level.  
Roughly once per session you can throw an okay-ish amount of money at something that an average working person would find annoyingly expensive. Like you can pay a lazy security guard fifty bucks to look the other way, but that's all the cash you've got on you.  
As 1, but you can have a couple of unexpected expenses or one fairly big expense (like buying a really bad second hand car at short notice, or paying a significant bribe) per session.  
You can throw around all the fifties you like unless you start totally taking the piss. You can buy an okay second hand car at short notice. If you have the time to draw down significantly from assets you can free up the kind of money you need for major purchases without critically impacting your lifestyle.  
You're properly rich. You throw around hundred dollar bills like they're nothing. Your instinctive response to any inconvenience is to throw money at it. Once per session you can pull some absurd rich person shit like getting a private jet at no notice.  
You're incredibly wealthy. I will, as ST, assume you can buy your way out of any trouble that doesn't involve equally wealthy or influential people (spoiler: the Camarilla are exactly this wealthy and influential). Once per session you can pull some truly grotesque, properly Christian Gray level stuff. Like flat out buying a restuarant and kicking out all the customers rather than waiting for a table.