Goblins Species in Child of the Copper Mountain | World Anvil
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Goblins are semi-sentient beings. They are small, boney and their skin generally has a green-brown complexion, depending on their tribe. Despite their lack of intelligence, they can craft simple tools and weapons. Goblins live in small villages, led by a leader figure.   Goblins are not friendly with other races and are very hostile to what they see as invaders. They themselves, however, also enjoy pillaging and are known to steal whatever they can from others. Goblins are omnivores and are known for consuming other races and using them in their shaman blood rituals.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Goblins reach adulthood at around 8 years old and generally live up to 30 years old. The oldest recorded goblin is said to have lived 52 years.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Goblins are omnivores. They eat any food that they can get their hands on, mostly through foraging wild plants and hunting small prey.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Roughly the same as that of a human 9 year old
Scientific Name
30 years
Average Height
Average Weight


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