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(TRIGGER WARNING: Contains disturbing imagery and topics)  
Rarely referred to by any name other than the pseudonym, Lazlow, the supposedly human is the overseer and founder of the Blue Owls. Usually cloaked in obscurity, both in appearance and reputation, not much is known of the man. When speaking of himself, Lazlow vaguely speaks of himself as a "researcher" and nothing more. It is unclear what exactly he researches, but he has an obvious interest in any lore surrounding death, reanimation, and deities.
Blue Owls
Organization | Nov 2, 2022

Allegedly the Blue Owls was solely created to help further understand his research. While his goal was simple, his constant search for the unknown led to conflicts with similair organizations.      

Personal History

████ ████ █ ██████ ███████ ██████ ███ █ █████ █████ ███████ ████████ ███████ would mistake the suppressed personality as "mature for his age." While in a sense they may have been correct, this maturity was the first sign of psychopathy in the young child. What followed was increasingly disturbing habits. It escalated from destroying his ████████ ███████ or dumping his ████████ medications down the drain, to attempting to strangle ███ ██████. In one instance he was caught attempting to drown the neighbor's cat.
Noted Behaviors ██ █ ████████ ██ would smash his head with his fists when angry. ██ █ ████████ ██ would attempt to bite his parents. Destroyed ████████ glasses in retaliation. Disposed of ████████ medications using the kitchen disposal in retaliation. Verbally abused ██████. Attempted to strangle ███ ██████ with a dish towel. Attempted to drown a neighbor's cat in a pond. Stole and killed multiple farm animals from █████ █████████. Self-harmed. Without access to sharp objects, he resorted to burning ███ █████ with boiling water, burning ███ arms and legs with lit cigarettes, cutting arms and legs from broken glass bottles. In the end, they were all experiments, ██ █████ █████. A morbid fascination drew him closer to the subject of death. ███ ███████ would constantly threaten ██ ████ ███ ████ to a mental institute. However, ██ ████████ manipulation and guilt tripping to escape from this. ███ ██████ endured ███ ███████ behavior well into his years as a young adult. It was at this point that ████ ██████████ ██ had the ability to reanimate the dead.   ████ █████ ████ ██ accidentally brought a dead mouse he was using for an occult type ritual, back to life. Pests and rodents were only the first step. ██ began inquiring for larger animals and beasts, wondering how far he could take this new found talent. Since ███ ███████ rightfully forbade him from having any pets, he would steal them from █████ █████. He killed them in various ways, attempting to see how far gone a body and mind could be before reanimation. Early on in his endeavors, while attempting to find test subjects, he came across a young gryffon. Having a strange affliction for birds, ██ ████ ████████ ██ ███ █████, naming it Aros. Out of all his "experiments," Ari was the only one that possessed a name.   As with everything he studied, Lazlow continued to push the boundaries of what he could accomplish. His subject matter wandered from animals, to humans. However, ███ ███████ kept him as isolated as possible. For the safety of ██████████ and their ████████, no one was allowed to be alone with the boy for too long. Therefore, Lazlow used the only human test subject he could get his hands on: himself.   The theory was simple enough. From his experience testing on ████████ ███ stray █████, he was aware of a brief window of time after the creature deceased. In this time, the creature still had an essence, though it faded quickly. Lazlow compared this phenomenon to when you blow out a candle. No flame remains after you blow it out, bot you can see still the faint strands of smoke that signal that there was a fire there previously. Those faint strands are harnessed and pulled back into the creature, then are reattached, just as you would to a piece of flesh or a torn finger. (See Necromancy)   Using this concept, Lazlow could set the ritual in motion at a correct time, theoretically saving himself from death. He carried this theory out, preparing the process, then overdosing on whatever painkillers he had gathered overtime. His test would prove to be successful. Although it would take over several hours, Lazlow would come to breathe again. He found himself in the presence of his ██████, who brought him to █████ ███████. Being worn from the stress and fear from their ███, the ███████ collapsed mentally seeing what had occurred. Suffering severe mental breakdowns from this event, they fell into a deep paranoia and depression.   Lazlow noted the mental toll they had taken and decided that they had become an obstacle that kept him from researching further. Therefore, he left them. Over the next following years he would build himself a small business of sorts, selling his knowledge of ███████ and █████████. The profits made were to assist with his studies. This would be the earliest conception of the Blue Owls.   Realizing the scope of what he may accomplish, he concluded that the best course of action was to eliminate any traces of a ████████ ████ and become a blank slate. A plain tool used only for his life's work. He erased his past and ██████. He became only Lazlow and the mask behind that name.   Recovered from the personal recordings of Melvil Erremari.
Late 90s
Pale hazel
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Extremely pale
Aligned Organization

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