Baba Wruksha, Myrrdin Boarhound

The Adrelan Republic, now buried underneath the stationary Crown City, was once famous for a particular breed of beast, the Baba Wruksha, or as it is more commonly known, the boarhound.   The Wruksha was said imbued with the magic of a nearby Ley Line. If stories are to be believed, the Lua Aorta would have been the closest Ley Line to that Republic, and still coils within the lonely Mount Aeterna. With this magic coursing through the beast, the Wruksha was said to be a fierce companion of the Adrelans, as it gained intelligent reasoning and emotions. This is thought to have occurred since magic binds all life together and the Wruksha could more readily tap into it. For this reason, there have been some recordings of the Wruksha being able to cast spells, though this is beside the point.   The Adrelans first created the baba Wruksha as way to test the limitations of magic--what could life affected by magic look like? It turned out, not so different from the life that surrounded them. With these first experiments and the eventual sapience of the Baba Wruksha, the Adrelans lead the charge the arcane arts, revealing much more about the world that surrounded them than they had initially intended. What resulted, in the end, were infants of consciousness that welcomed the Adrelans not as masters, but as equals. --A shock, to be sure.   Long-lived and fiercely loyal companions, the Wruksha made a kingly gift to any who would receive one. Though they were sapient, they were still treated as a resource that some used for war, for companionship, or for hunting. The Adrelans at the time despised this sort of treatment toward their pets and thus would only bequeath their beloved creations to those they deemed honorable and compassionate.

Cover image: Art Chimera by Madeline M


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