
A folk magician, the fiddler is a mixture of charm, trick, and music. They are moonkissed for their passions and long nights, and now not even devils bet gold against fiddlers anymore.   As part of the fiddler's domain, they gain the following ability and spells:   Rule of Spells Refresher
All spells cost energy to cast. Some spells allow special uses of energy, such as using additional energy to make a spell longer, or using a number of energy to cool a particularly cool effect that is still a part of the spell. All spells do Magical damage. All Spells ask for a players to roll to hit, or attack checks. Some spells will additionally cause status effects which some are allowed saves for. Spells then specify a range (touch, engaged, nearby, far away, distant, or variable), who they target (self, area of effect such as a zone or a part of a zone, single target, chosen target(s), or blast), and if how long they last (instantaneous, duration, sustained, dismissed). No caster can have more than one effect at a time; the only kind of spell you can cast while maintaining a duration, sustained, or dismissed spell is an instantaneous spell. Any effects that have a set duration, are sustained, or haven't been dismissed must be ended by the caster (which is a free action) in order to cast another duration, sustained, or dismissed spell.
  Illusionist - (passive): You temporarily manifest an illusory effect no bigger than an average watermelon in length, width, and height. It can either be placed on an object or contained in a small area--as per GM's discretion. This object can be as ephemeral as sparks, as real as glitter, or even a faint, unobtrusive sound (like music, birdsong, a crowd of people speaking distantly, etc these effects manifested are things the player character has seen and touched for an object, heard for a sound, smelled for a smell, tasted for a taste. Whatever is manifested, it cannot cause harm, and any amount of examination the illusion is revealed to be replicated and magical; this means if the illusion goes unexamined, it is not distinguishable from something real.  

Rank 1 Spells

Ventriloquy- (area, variable, duration): You cause your voice to be heard anywhere you can see for minutes equal to your luck modifier. Targets who hear it roll a mental save; on crit pass or pass, they know the effect is magical, cannot tell where you are, and will rally with their allies to try to find you; on half-pass, they know the effect is magical, cannot tell where you are, and gain the frightened status effect; on fail or crit fail, they do not know where you are and cannot tell where you are, and gain the frightened status effect.   Spotlight- (single target, nearby, dismissed): A beam of light open on a single nearby target, giving them the highlighted effect until dismissed.   Alarm- (single target*, variable, sustained): You place the spell on an object, an area, or on a willing target. If the object, area, or person is interacted with, you know and remain aware of how long the bespelled is interacted with. If the object, area, or person is moved or moves, you know where it is. This effect lasts for days equal to energy spent. If cast with five energy, this spell merely goes dormant when dispelled or in a warded area and reactivated after an hour or when the area is exited - Alarm   Seethrough- (single target, touch, instantaneous): You wipe down an object with a cloth and make it so clean that it is now see-through. You can observe all that goes on within and beyond the surface, but cannot hear beyond it with this ability.  

Rank 2 Spells

Charm- (single target, nearby, instantaneous): Roll to hit to see if the spell is successful. On any kind of pass, this spell raises the NPC's attitude by causing small and minor social infractions and faux pas to be dismissed and overlooked for this social encounter which you must be engaged in.   Mock- (single target, engaged or nearby, instantaneous): Roll to hit. You pester an engaged or nearby target with biting and scathing criticism. On pass, you do 4 damage + energy spent (minimum 5).   Paranoia- (self, touch, dismissed): A globe appears in your hand, and it shows you the faces on anyone who has scryed on you/is scrying on you, or anyone who has followed you/is following you. The face you see appears to you as they were when they committed those acts: with or without make-up, a disguise spell, a mask, etc. This spell lasts until dismissed, and changes if another person does the aforementioned acts on you in that time.   Pass- (self, touch, sustained): You can move through any physical surface for rounds equal to energy spent. If you do not leave the object before the spell is over, your character is dead, but bound to the object, which you can now speak through. GMs, unless you allow this for flavoring, a player character cannot be partially out of an object; they are either in the object, or out based on movement alone.  

Rank 3 Spells

Deal- (single target, variable, instantaneous): You can alter documents and contracts that you can see and read by removing or adding one word per energy spent.   Fascinate- (variable, nearby, sustained): You may cast this spell on yourself, a willing target, or an object within the same zone as you. When the affected enters into another target's line of sight, they must make a mental save, or on failure, be bewitched by you. All bewitched targets can only stand And stare in awe at the affected. This effect ends if the affected breaks line of sight with the targets, or after rounds equal to energy spent, whichever occurs first.   Seek- (self, variable, instantaneous): You know where to find treasure, as is listed in the Equipment article, be it one piece or a large amount. You can also use this spell to find a specific item should it be within a mile of you. When this spell is cast and if the specific item is not near you, you instead know the nearest location of treasure.   Affix- (single target, touch, instantaneous): You force an object to stick to another object. Casting this spell again does not cause the objects to unstick. You did this, now live with it, you agent of chaos, you~.  

Rank 4 Spells

Speechless- (single target, variable, instantaneous): You give a single target that you can see the silenced status effect for rounds equal to your luck modifier. On a pass of any kind, the effect happens; on a fail of any kind, the spell fails.   Slapstick- (blast, nearby, instantaneous): You throw a host of random objects to a number of targets in the same zone as yourself to those in the same zone as you, or in an adjacent zone. Roll a 1d10. They take 6 damage.   Trap- (area, nearby, instantaneous and activated): You set a trap within a zone that activates as you generally specify. Any who come close enough to or otherwise interact with the trap fall victim to a blast of energy. All near must make a Physical Save or take 6 damage and be stunned. On half-pass, only the 3 damage is taken.   Whiplash- (single target, variable, sustained): You bombard the mind of a target that you can see with jibberish. Roll to hit. On pass, you inflict the target with the confused effect lasts for rounds equal to energy spent.  

Rank 5 Spells

Glamour- (self, engaged or nearby, dismissed): Assume the exact appearance you choose. As long as glamor us up, NPCs who interact with you near you or next to you make a social save, and on any kind of fail, they are friendly toward you. This effect lasts until dismissed   Encore- (single target, engaged or nearby, instantaneous): You cause one target engaged with you or nearby to makes a social save or be forced to do their last complex action again. You may do this as a reaction.   Mirage- (area, variable, sustained): You cause an mirage within an area that is static and does not move, and requires greater amounts of energy the larger it is which is in addition to the energy you spent to sustain it. This mirage can be interacted with and looks and feels real, but it does not have a taste, smell, nor make any sound. For a small mirage, one that fits over you, it costs no additional energy; this is anything from the size of a bread crumb to a piano. It costs an additional energy--two energy in total, to make or otherwise sustain any mirage larger than a piano, but smaller than a one story building. It takes three energy to make or otherwise sustain mirage that is larger than a one story building but smaller than an average mountain. It takes five energy to make or otherwise sustain anything larger than a mountain, which includes things like the sky or false celestial objects. These effects can be sustained for hours equal to energy spent per level of mirage.   Actually- (single target, variable, instantaneous): As a reaction, you affect any roll by rerolling one of your own die. To do this, you must be able to see the target you are affecting. If you spend one energy, the target must reroll; two energy, the target's roll is at either disadvantage or advantage; three energy, the target's roll is at either double advantage or disadvantage; four energy, the target's roll either autofails or autopasses.

Cover image: Art Chimera by Madeline M


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