Magic Ranked Skill

Your character uses their magic ranked skill to determine what magic spells a character can cast. Each spell has a rank, from a value of one to five. The spells you can cast are equal and below your modifier. For example, if you have a modifier of 3, you can cast rank 3 spells, as well as rank 1 and 2.  

How to Cast a Spell

To cast a spell, you must determine three things: 1) do i need to spend energy to cast this spell; 2) is a applicable target in range; and 3) What will my spell do to its target?  

Using Energy

Unless otherwise specified by a passive ability, all spells cost energy to cast. Sometimes, you are allowed to spend multiple energy on a spell to create a more powerful effect. This will always be specififed in the spell's description and parenthesis.  

Spell Duration

Pay attention to descriptors like instantaneous, sustained, dismissed, and duration: Instantaneous spells happen immediately; sustained spells can be given extra energy to last longer; dismissed spells last until you end them or as otherwise stated by an ending-trigger; duration spells last for a set amount of time.  
A caster cannot have more than one sustained, duration, or dismissed spell effect going at a time. The only exception to this rule is the Quill's shadowself spell, with the ability to clone themselves. Moreover, you can have a sustained, durationed, or dismissible spell going and still cast an instantaenous spell, should this not result in you casting two spells at the same time.

Save or Roll to Hit?

When looking at what your spell can do, pay attention to if the spell asks for an attack check with the prompt "Roll to hit" or if it instead asks for a target to make a "save" - rarely will spells ask for both; please read them carefully. Additionally, all spells do magical damage, when a damage value is given.  

Spell Range and Area of Effect

To determine if a target is in range, look at the parenthesis attached to the spell. There are six different kinds of ranges the caster needs to be in to their target to cast the spell: touch, engaged, nearby, far away, distant, or variable. Additionally, the areas of effect is also specified as part of the spell: self, area of effect such as a zone or a part of a zone, single target, chosen target(s), or blast.

Cover image: Art Chimera by Madeline M


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