Montage Scene

Montages are not transitions between scenes. Instead, the montage is defined by the goal of the party: to rest, to shop, to speak to NPCs without a goal in mind/because it can be fun, to travel somewhere they have been before, etc. Montages represent low or no-staked play for the party; As such, a montage scene does not necessarily pose a challenge
  Random encounters during a montage are pose little to no threat. here, they are a wonderful way to give players a break from the tension of other scenes and a chance to roleplay.

Taking Turns

Should each member of the party want to do something either together or separately but in a safe environment, the GM should do the following: give each player the spotlight to do at least one thing with their character--the GM dictates the order; if any of the players are in groups, a GM can do one group's chunk at a time, but make sure each player gets their time to shine. From there, players may decide what to do with the given scene.
  Unless catastrophe happens or the players switch to wanting to do actions that involve stakes (in which case, the scene changes), the party should be able to accomplish their goal.


Resting is crucial in maintaining a player character's health, energy, and removing some status effects.
  For more information see here: (articleblock:9f41174f-d47c-47f4-ae64-5eab9d3857c3)

Articles under Montage Scene

Cover image: Art Chimera by Madeline M


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