The Fall of the Sun and Moon Military Conflict in Chimera D10 | World Anvil

The Fall of the Sun and Moon

When the Crown City walks, there is only misery to be had. Known for conquering kingdoms by sitting atop their capital, no one had yet succeeded in toppling the Crown City itself--except one.   500 years ago, the city of Formindius, known present-day as Kel Xis’Karyn, fell to a revolutionary force of Dracovian people, lead by the Myrrdin, Lady Fraedin Palathenm. In a daring challenge, they delivered the severed head of their baron to the desk of the ruling elites of the Crown City--the capitol of their territory. Incited, the Crown City rose and made to sit atop Formindius, only to be struck down with great fiery magic. The Crown City, for the first time in history, retreated, but only briefly. Half a month later, the city rose again, but began their advance south, near the Ievlen Empire. This event sparked fear both in the Ievlen Empire and caused The Heroes Guild to put out the call for aid, resulting in the creation of the Aldnoa Concord.   The Crown City, however, did not move onward into the Ievlen Empire, but instead marched across the Isthmus and toward the Adrelan Republic.   Theories as per this movement arose soon after: perhaps it was that The Heroes Guild was preoccupied and could not defend the city; as it was a Myrrdin who lead the charge against the Crown City, maybe this was the ultimate act of revenge; and more plausible still is that due to the encroaching power of the Ievlen Empire, the Crown City moved across the isthmus in the spirit of conquest, and to gain power away from the influence of their rival empire.   The battle was bloody and fairly one-sided as the Crown City sitting atop the republic in a months time. With the Myrrdin people’s morale broken and no home to return, they made an exodus across the Isthmus, and were welcomed into the territory of Castallen Owtla. It is thought that a few Myrrdin were, too, welcomed into Kel Xis’Karyn and The Heroes Guild, but that out of shame and grief, Lady Fraedin Palathenm of Xis’Karyn and Heroes Guildmaster Aldnoa Astrashiy did not put out a call to shelter them.   With the Myrrdin people now within Owtla, magic and arcane studies have blossomed many of the technologies Tara knows today, including that derived from Moonstone.
Conflict Type

Cover image: Art Chimera by Madeline M


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