World Economy for the Age of Heroes

Below is an attempt to create a meaningful ecomomic system to set up exchange rates, imports and exports, and political alliances to help GMs build a world where a goat on one side of the world doesn't sell for the exact same number it is bought for. The systems below are nuanced and can feel complex. Omit them and use them as needed.
  There is more than one civilized power in Chimera, and this makes buying and selling items from power to power much more flexible and potentially rewarding when considering one's Equipment . Therefore, along with specifying the alliance of these powers as well as their imports and exports, Chimera hopes to provide cultural and technological context for the world through a simplified view of its services and trade goods. These are such goods and services within the Age of Heroes.  
Value (อ) Food Resources Livestock Services Education / Books
1 1lb Rice Toll for Road / Gate
Coach within a City per Mile
Governess Town School Fee per month
2 2 Dozen Eggs
1lb Root Vegetable
1lb fungi
1lb Dried Fruit
1lb Coal 1 Chicken
1 Rabbit
Cheapest Meal
Messenger per mile
Cheap coach outside city per mile
Mercenary wages per day
Book Rental per day
Basic Apprenticeship Fee per day
5 1lb Cheese
1 Salted Herring
1 Goose Cheapest Lodging
Unskilled Hired Help
Guarded Coach outside city per mile
10 1lb Beef
1lb Mutton
1lb Zinc 1 Pig Basic Meal
Ship's Passage per mile (double during a storm)
Library Membership per Month
Archer wages per day
Premuim Apprenticeship Fee per day
30 1 gallon Milk
1 pint Honey
1lb Venison
1 fleece of Wool
1lb tallow
1 lb lead
1 Mutt Dog
1 Goat
1 Mule
1 untrained Falcon
Basic Lodging
Guild Membership per month
Bath house fee per hour
Scribe's services per page
Guardsmen / Low Rank Officer wages per day
Master Carpenter services per day
Trade School Instruction fee per week.
50 1lb Pepper
1lb low quality tea
1 Donkey
1 Beef Cow
1 Domestic Pet
Modest Lodging & Meal per day
Master Mason services per day
70 1lb Butter
1 Salmon
1 gallon Cream
1lb Wax
1lb Pewter
1 Sheep
1 Trained Dog
1 Alpaca
1 trained Falcon
1 oxen
Comfortable Lodging & Meal per day
Docking Fee per day
Smithy services (Remove all weapon/armor flaws)
Mid Rank Officer wages per day
Low Rank Priest wages per day
Bard's service fee per event
Weaver's wage per day
Arcanic Coach inside city per mile
1 Common Book, softcover
100 1lb Aluminium
1lb Cotton
1lb Tin
1lb Ivory
1lb Indigo
1 Dairy Cow Skilled Hired Help
Arcanic Coach outside city per mile
Master Blacksmith wages per day
1 Common Book, hardcover
200 1lb nutmeg
1lb sugar
1lb high quality tea
1lb camphor
1lb Bronze
1lb Lumber
1lb Efludspar
1 Pedigree Dog
1 bull
1 horse
Wealthy Lodging & Meal per day
Guild Fee to join
Laborer's wages per year
Stabling fee per day
Aristocratic Apprenticeship Fee per month
One Famous Book
500 1 barrel Weak Ale
1lb Coffee
1lb Iron
1lb Brass
1lb Moonsteel
1 Exotic Pet Guarded Dock's Fee per day
Elite Officer / Cavalry wages per day
High Ranking Priest wages per day
Monastery School fee per year
700 1lb candy
1lb mustard
1lb salt
1lb frankincense
1lb Aurora Marble
1lb Enamel
1 elephant Portraitist services per painting
Healing Services (to full, status effects cured)
1 Uncommon Book
900 1 barrel Decent Ale
1 bushel of Wheat
1lb Steel
1lb Ironwood
1lb Laputite
Aristocratic Lodging & Meal
Elite Rank Priest wages per day
Cottage Renting fee per year
Citizen Application Fee
1 Instruction Book
Nobility Etiquette School per month
1K 1 barrel Good Ale
1lb Ginseng
1lb Myrrh
1lb Muspinel
1lb Obelian
1 Dragonette Banquet Services per person
1 Cheap Funeral (shallow, no gravestone)
Arcanic Lodging and Meal per day
Blank and Unused Spellbook
2K 1 barrel Salmon 1lb Starthread Cheap Wedding
Modest Funeral
1 Weapon / Armor Upgrade
College Instruction in City per year
1 Famous Rare Book
5K 1 barrel Cheap Wine 1lb Lyncanite Modest Wedding
Wealthy Funeral
Comfortable Home Renting Fee per year
10K 1 barrel Beef 1lb Eneleizion Starting College Instructor wages per year
Wealthy Wedding
20K 1 barrel Fine Wine 170 fleeces of Wool Low Rank Noble wages per year
Aristocratic Funeral
Renowned University Instruction fee per year
50K 1 bred slave Aristocratic Wedding
Tenured College Instructor wages per year
Renowned Grimoire
Mage College Instruction fee per year
500K Archmage wages per year Prestigious Mage College Instruction Fee per year
1M High Rank Noble wages per year

Currencies of the Nations of Tara

Tara boasts a wide range of nations, as noted within the character creation's origins, see Origin Story for more details. Altogether, there are five major powers that have standardized a currency within their particular group or alliance. Below follows a list of these powers, their currency, the exchange rates with other nations, and then later each nations imports and exports.  

Oath of Equity

Comprised of an alliance between Xis'Karyn, Owtla, and Queqiao. These nations use Düká (doo-KAH), symbolized as ( ₭ ). It comes in three variants, Güil (1000) Hjik (10) Mar (5).   An up and coming power, they have quickly risen through the ranks due to how welcoming they are of other races and new ideas. It is seen as a hub for entrepreneurs and those with a want for political power. Sadly, this has drawn a less savory crowd to its borders, as idealist nations oft tend to in their youth.   Other Currencies to Düká
Other Currencies to Düká
Düká(₭) to Düká(₭) 1 : 1
Griffes(Є) to Düká(₭) 1 : 3
Crowns(ӂ) to Düká(₭) 1 : 5
Or(Ԅ) to Düká(₭) 10 : 1
Guilder(อ) to Düká(₭) 2 : 1

Antimagus Alliance

Comprised of an alliance between the Ievlen Empire, and the Plexupalities of Schol. These nations use Griffes, symbolized as ( Є ), a currency initiated by the Patriarch and Matriarch of Ievlen to hunt the Griffons that "plagued" their land for a time, when really it was to rid the area of magical beasts. It has four variants: Lord (100) , Lady (50), Son (10), Daughter (5).   While despising all forms of magic, the Alliance is generally fair and even at times generous when it comes to exchanging currencies.   Other Currencies to Griffes
Other Currencies to Griffes
Düká(₭) to Griffes(Є) 1 : 1
Griffes(Є) to Griffes(Є) 1 : 1
Crowns(ӂ) to Griffes(Є) 1 : 5
Or(Ԅ) to Griffes(Є) 5 : 1
Guilder(อ) to Griffes(Є) 1 : 1

The Dominion

Comprised of only the Crownlands. They use Crowns, symbolized as ( ӂ ). It comes in three variants: Aurum (1000), Argen (100), and Verde (10).   Those within the Dominion pride themselves on being an economic powerhouse with the only visible competitor to them being the Ievlen Empire. Whether out of spite or truthful economics, all currencies are simply worth less when exchanged in the Dominion.   Other Currencies to Crowns
Other Currencies to Crowns
Düká(₭) to Crowns(ӂ) 100 : 1
Griffes(Є) to Crowns(ӂ) 10 : 1
Crowns(ӂ) to Crowns(ӂ) 1 : 1
Or(Ԅ) to Crowns(ӂ) No Exchange
Guilder(อ) to Crowns(ӂ) 100 : 1

Biringan Pacts

Comprised of an alliance between the tribe of Biringan, the Ykalu, and other various tribes. These nations use Or (OHr), symbolized as ( Ԅ ). It comes in two variants: Amr (5) Umbal (1).   The Pacts are known to be fairly poor when it comes to economic standing, thus its low exchange rate with the other powers. They remain on equivalent exchange with The Heroes Guild due to how much help the Pacts tend to ask of the Guild.   Other Currencies to Or
Other Currencies to Or
Düká(₭) to Or(Ԅ) 2 : 1
Griffes(Є) to Or(Ԅ) 1 : 10
Crowns(ӂ) to Or(Ԅ) 1 : 5
Or(Ԅ) to Or(Ԅ) 1 : 1
Guilder(อ) to Or(Ԅ) 1 : 1

The Heroes Guild

Comprised of a coalition between all but a handful of Heroes Guilds across the various alliances. They use Guilder, which has become a universally accepted currency based on deeds done within a respected guild. This currency is symbolized by ( อ ). Guilder comes in 2 main variants: Hence (1), Pence (5), Decim (10) and Centim/"Cent" (100).   The Guilder is a well-rounded currency, accepted anywhere. However, it tends to values when exchanged with other currency since none of the other currencies purely set on the basis of a meritocracy. The story is a little different when accepting the currencies of other nations into that of Guilder:   Other Currencies to Guilder
Other Currencies to Guilder
Düká(₭) to Guilder(อ) 3 : 1
Griffes(Є) to Guilder(อ) 2 : 1
Crowns(ӂ) to Guilder(อ) 2 : 1
Or(Ԅ) to Guilder(อ) 5 : 1
Guilder(อ) to Guilder(อ) 1 : 1

Trade of an Alliance: Imports and Exports

There a several main categories of trade good between the alliances: 1) Arcanic Equipment, Goods, and Services, 2) Machinery, 3) Vehicles, 4) Fuel, 5) Medicine, 6) Furniture, 7) Gems and Precious Metals, 8) Agricultural Goods, 9) Spices, 10) Textile Goods, 11) Livestock, 12) Lumber, 13) Building Equipment, Resources, and Services, 14) Education, 15) Cosmetics, 16) Beverages, 17) Armament Equipment, Goods, and Services. More categories can of course be added, but these are meant to note further, beyond that of exchange rates, what kinds of goods are values more or less between the various alliances. Note, When selling items that an alliance imports, they will be bought for a greater amount (double the price). Conversely, when selling items that an alliance exports, they will be bought for a lesser amount (half the price).  

Oath of Equity

Click Here to Enlarge/Minimize
Imports Exports
Textile Goods
Gems & Precious Metals

Antimagus Alliance

Click Here to Enlarge/Minimize
Imports Exports
Armament E/G/S
Agricultural Goods

The Dominion

  Click Here to Enlarge/Minimize
Imports Exports
Arcane E/G/S
Gems & Precious Metals
Agricultural Goods
Textile Goods

Biringan Pacts

  Click Here to Enlarge/Minimize
Imports Exports
Arcane E/G/S
Agricultural Goods
Textile Goods
Building E/G/S

The Heroes Guild

  Click Here to Enlarge/Minimize
Imports Exports
Arcane E/G/S
Armament E/G/S

Cover image: Art Chimera by Madeline M


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