Rain Cycle Physical / Metaphysical Law in Chimera | World Anvil

Rain Cycle

Rain Cycle by Invictia
There are six main stages of a rain cycle.   We begin with the rain--precipitation.   The rain water travels downhill into the ground--percolation. Next is stratification: 1) What is not absorbed into the land is poured off the edge of the world, where it cools and binds with effluvia which creates effluvios; 2) As the effluvios heats up, the effluvia separates from the water vapor in the cloud, which creates the stratos, which are heated by the sun.   When water is heated up from a body of water, it is called evaporation. When water leaves plants, it is called transpiration. When water is heated from the stratos, it is called condensation. All of these causes water vapor to rise and from into storm clouds.

Cover image: Welcome to Chimera by Invictia


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