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History of China-184 中原-184

  • 154 BHT

    Discovery of Sorcery 法术的发掘
    Discovery, Exploration

    During the Guang Wu Restoration era starting from Year 30 or 154 Years Before Huang Tian, Guang Wu Emperor of Han Liu Xiu sent out scholars and also imperial alchemists to search about the existence of sorceries. Especially during this year, an alchemist named Ning Cheng Yi and his scholars found and proved the existence of sorceries. For that event onwards, sorceries being used in the Imperial Court and especially in medical.

  • 131 BHT

    Development of Warforged 开发战俑
    Technological achievement

    Year 57, Year 131 Before Huang Tian, Guang Wu Emperor of Han died, Ming Emperor of Han taken over the reign. During his reign, he started a project with the alchemist and scholars in the Imperial Court to develop warforged, that needed the insert of magic into a metal made humanoid, giving them powers and also life.   57年,汉光武帝驾崩,汉明帝刘庄继位。即位之时,明帝下旨让宫中学士和方士使用法术注入铁制人中,给于力量和生命,名为战俑。

  • 83 BHT

    Death of He Emperor of Han 汉和帝宾天
    Life, Death

    Year 101 or Year 83 Before Huang Tian, He Emperor of Han, Liu Zhao met his death in his 27th years old.   汉和帝刘肇,在他二十七岁的时候宾天。

  • 44 BHT

    5 AHT

    Between Huan Emperor of Han and Emperor Ling of Han's Reign 从汉桓帝至汉灵帝在位期间
    Political event

    The political usurp getting worse with young and immature emperor under reign, the worst situation occurs during the reign between Huan Emperor of Han until Han Emperor of Ling. 由于汉皇帝的岁数一个比一个还年轻,汉朝的政治篡夺已变得愈发严重,尤其是在汉桓帝与汉灵帝在位之间,有宦官加入的争抢极为严重。

  • 2 BHT

    Construction on the Gate of Yellow Sky
    Construction beginning/end

    Zhang Jiao moved his available manpower to start on the construction of the Gate of Yellow Sky before the rebellion arises. 在起义之前,张角遣派黄巾军的人力到黄天门的建设。

  • 0 BHT

    4 /3

    Rise of the Yellow Turban Rebellion 黄巾军正式起义
    Military: Battle

    March Year 184,The Yellow Turban Rebellion, led by Zhang Jiao and his brothers, Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang has started and war spreads throughout the whole China. 184年3月,黄巾军,在张角和两位兄弟:张宝张梁的带领下,席卷整个中原。

  • 0 BHT


    Han's Counterattack
    Military action

    April Year 184 Han Emperor of Ling dispatched generals Hangfu Song, Lu Zhi and Zhu Jun to lead the Han Armies against the rebellion. 184 年 4月,汉灵帝谴派了三位将军:皇甫嵩,卢植和朱儁带领汉军抵抗黄巾军。

  • 0 BHT

    3 /6

    The Yellow Sky 黄天当立

    June 3rd, Year 194, the Yellow Turban Rebellion and the Han Army had their final battle, the Yellow Turban Rebellion is at the disadvantage. Zhang Jiao retreated to Guang Zong and started his transfer spell for his master, Di-Jun to arrive. Unfortunately, the Gate explodes and sending out a strong wave across China. Everyone that exposed to the wave fell asleep.   184年6月3日,黄巾军和汉军进行决战并节节败退。张角只好退往广宗,黄天门完成建造的地方进行召唤仪式。战场也转至广宗以破坏黄天门。但这个时候,当张角召唤时,黄天门还未传送帝君过来前,突然之间爆炸。一股黄色能量波扩散至整个中原,全部人倒下并沉睡。

  • 5 AHT


    The Massacre of the Ten Eunuchs 剿灭十常侍
    Political event

    Year 189 April or 5BHT, Ling Emperor of Han died and his throne was being replaced by Shao Emperor. This time, He Jin gained the control of the Imperial Court and the eunuchs are in the disadvantage. On the same year, August, the eunuchs taken the advantage to kill He Jin while Yuan Shao leads his army to the Imperial Court to finish off the eunuchs. 189年4月,汉灵帝驾崩,少帝继位,外戚何进掌握实权,这时宦官的情况岌岌可危。同年8月,宦官张让等杀外戚何进,袁绍在这时候剿灭了宦官。

  • 5 AHT


    Dong Zhuo Enters the Imperial Court 董卓进京
    Political event

    On the same year with the Massacre of the Eunuch, Year 189 August, Liu Bian, Liu Xie and Empress He, was being kidnapped by the Eunuchs when fleeing, but dropped Empress He along the way. Dong Zhuo found out that Liu Xie was at Bei Mang, one of the town near Luo Yang, decided to save him. When Dong Zhuo arrives to Luo Yang, controls the army of the Imperial Court, then coerced Empress He to strip Liu Bian from the throne and ascend Liu Xie instead into the Emperor Xian of Han. Other than that, he killed Empress He and also the officials in the Imperial Court that opposes him. The local officials that are not in the court does not accept this tyranny and leads to the Seige of Dong Zhuo.   黄天后189年,诛杀宦官后三个月,宦官余党挟持刘辩,刘协和何太后逃离洛阳。但在路上,宦官决定将何太后丢下。董卓在这个时候发现刘协处于北芒,于是前往迎接刘辩。董卓护送刘辩至洛阳,控制了洛阳军队并逼迫何太后废除刘辩拥戴刘协继位为汉献帝。汉献帝登基之后,董卓将何太后和朝廷里反对他的行为的名士给诛杀。远在天边的诸侯们无法接受此暴行,才引发了董卓讨伐战。