Omar Train Station
Steam, sulfur and fish blended in the Omar air. Great gulls with black talons swooped through the crowd, grabbing scraps from the brick road and unwatched baskets. Workmen rolled wooden barrels along the mile-long platform and hooked them to the waiting crane.
A slow chorus droned as the barrels gathered on the waiting flatbeds. “Rua borda akka dae. Rua borda akka dae.”
A drumbeat rumbled through the depot. Passengers filed into a line moving in a slow rhythm to the beat of the drum.
A slow chorus droned as the barrels gathered on the waiting flatbeds. “Rua borda akka dae. Rua borda akka dae.”
A drumbeat rumbled through the depot. Passengers filed into a line moving in a slow rhythm to the beat of the drum.
Two brown arched domes looked like bubbles in chocolate milk. One dome for the exchange of passengers and one for the exchange of cargo. Beams lined the boardwalk, some with signs, some with cranes. Steel rails carried steam trains up to the boardwalk.
Transportation station