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Mending of the world


The war of the Weave caused much destruction, most of which was held in the Wild lands of Dolgrum, however, the initial damage done in Ynshilde was enough to cause disarray for many people.
  Kirian United the western half of Ynshilde, the Shell Sanctuary as capital. This body of land was called ‘Al Thorpe. Archmage Aelin Myra, assisted in the creation of The Stone Defender. A wall designed by the architect Arzial Drizt, stone mason Bruum Khazuul, and enchanted by Aelin. This wall was brought up, in case any siege were to be imposed on ‘Al Thorpe again, they would be ready.
  Karl and his Children, managed to get a firm grip on the Eastern half of Ynshilde. Establishing guilds. After 8 years groups split up. A hard core remained, but other rose above the hate against arcane grew above it. Many sought to become Paladins and chose to worship certain deities. Others decide to stray from the devine path and chose to experiment with magic instead, these fighter would ultimately become Blood Hunters.
  Karl passed away in 455.
  Iggwilv Remain captured for most of time. And was captured in Fangar Norogh Deep in the Wild lands of Dulgrum.
  Bareer Went back to lustris, where they kept the Elemental plane of Fire in check.
  Ur Swept through the lands of Dulgrum to restore the balance of nature. He brought back the native species of all kinds, helped settlers on their way, but also helped goblin kind to settle in. In most areas, folk couldn’t get used to goblin culture, so goblins were expected to adjust. However, the lands of once Dulgrum were destroyed, no body wanted to go there.

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