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As Dictated by the Greater Voices

Before the dawn of time, there existed only the inscrutable void. There are a lot of opinions about what happened next, and quite frankly, they make everyone mad. Even the people who were there disagree on what really happened.   But the important thing is, it did. A sprawling universe was spoken into existence, and in it, all things came to be. This realm was dubbed the Chromanexus, and at the center of it all, a blue-and-green orb known to us as Chromatia.   It's unclear why Chromatia seems to be so important. It has been the battleground of gods and legendary powers since the day of its inception, more than any other realm or plane of existence. There's plenty of other worlds and realms and myths and legends but the fact of the matter is, Chromatia's the most important. People live on it. And people would like to continue living on it, whether that is with or against the plans of the Chromanexus's higher powers.   Oh, did we forget to mention?   You are one of those higher powers. Yes, you, the guy reading this while you have five minutes to yourself on the toilet or avoiding the work you should have finished yesterday. Congratulations.   You've been promoted.   And you're still not getting paid for it.  
Below you, you'll find three books. Each book represents a facet of what you need or should know to play the game and interact with the world, contributing your own efforts to expending the ever-growing story of Chromatia and its surrounding universe. They may each be found within the endless aisles of the Hall of Concordance, but in truth, only when they wish to be found. Otherwise, they remain beyond our characters' reach and knowledge, accessible only to us, the Voices.    The first book, a tome woven of pure and pervasive light, contains all the knowledge necessary to understand the worlds our characters live in and explore, and how to guide their interactions with existence. Many things within this tome are unspoken laws our characters innately understand without necessarily knowing, like instincts or fundamental concepts like gravity, but as the ones speaking them into existence, we must be familiar with them to avoid... well, to avoid breaks in reality. To us, they are the rules of the game. To them, they are simply how life works. It would do well to be familiar with these rules, though you do not have to have them memorized.    The second book is a collection of all the stories of the realms, the nuanced details of life, of worlds, and of magic. It is a repository for all lore that ever was, is, and will be - our characters know it as the Grimoire Infinitus, a tome woven from the stuff of dreams and fantasies binding limitless pages. It exists in the hands of Pandora, residing within the strange and ephemeral Breach, and lends its aid to all those with the Spark who ask of it. It is this artifact Gilliam's infamous Wizipedia was modeled after, albeit a pale imitation of the final product.    The third book, an ebony volume bound in darkness and shadows, is similarly as ephemeral as the first. It contains the knowledge necessary to shape worlds, create realms, and craft the sorts of tales that give rise to heroes and gods alike. But it is a dangerous book, for to know these things requires knowing evils our characters cannot rightly know or comprehend; secrets that would drive them mad or be their undoing, yet are themselves necessary for existence to thrive. It is a nightmarish thing, and should be used with all the care and respect such a power deserves else risk unraveling everything and everyone.    Welcome to the Chromanexus.