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Lyrium is a highly addictive psychotropic drug derived from the nectar of the Lyrium flower which is a blue flower with red thorns that tends to grow in rocky locations. Its highly addictive nature makes it illegal in both the Dumas Empire as well as the Kingdom of Arcadia. While not strictly illegal in the Dwarven kingdoms of Stone Forge nor the Elven dominated Fey Lands , its use is frowned upon, particularly among the Elves due to its effects on users of the Arcane arts.   The criminal organization knows as the Carta is the main source for the drug as they have perfected the process of purifying the raw form into tinctures and teas. Members of this organization have open warrants for their arrest in the Dumas Empire and the Kingdom of Arcadia. That, however, does not mean that they don't maintain a shadowed presence, even within the capital cities of Inth'Maal or Arcadia City.   Arcane magic users seem to be especially susceptible to its effects, and lyrium in any form can be deadly to those with arcane abilities. Some, such as the Purifiers, seek to use it against mages as they fear magic and find it to be unnatural. Cleric and Druids, while not immune, do not appear to be as susceptible as are Wizards, Sorcerers, Warlocks, and Bards. This is why organization such as the Purifiers seek to use it against arcane spell casters as they fear arcane magic and find it to be unnatural.    
Game Mechanics for D&D 5e   A single dose of Lyrium grants a bonus on Saving Throws against Spells and Magical Effects for 1 hour, but comes at a price (see table below). Any character taking even one dose risks become addicted. Making a Constitution Saving throw may prevent addiction but the more you take lyrium, the harder it becomes to resist. A failed Saving Throw results in becoming addicted to Lyrium and the character must either find another dose within 24 hours of the last, or pass another Constitution Saving Throw to resist the need. Failure of this test results in an insatiable need to find more lyrium at any cost, including taking psychic damage and/or possibly turning on allies as the character goes into withdrawal. The effects are cumulative and the DC to resist increase on each failure.     Lyrium Table

1 Dose grants +2 on Saving Throws vs Spells and Magical Effects for 1 hour but you must pass Constitution Saving Throw DC15 to avoid addiction.

Addiction Failure*
1st Addiction Test CON DC15
2nd Addiction Test CON DC20
3rd Addiction Test CON DC25
4th Addiction Test CON DC30**

*Repeat the Saving Throw 24 hours after a failed Saving Throw and every 24 hours for each additional failed Saving Throw. The DC is cumulative to overcome addiction after each failure. Passing the Saving Throw means you have avoided becoming fully addicted. Obviously, more than one does increases the DC by that much (2 doses doubles the DC, 3 doses triples the DC and so on, including the subsequent attempts if the first is failed)   **Failing a fourth Saving Throw attempt results in the character becoming so addicted that they cannot overcome their addiction by normal means and must receive at least one dose every 24 hours or risk losing control of themselves. A Greater Restoration spell can magically remove the addiction.   Lyrium Addiction - Non-Magic Users  

Normal people, that is, those without the gift for Arcane Spellcasting who become addicted to Lyrium (fail all four addiction Saving Throws) must take at least one dose every 24 hours or take 2d8 psychic damage. They must also make a DC20 Wisdom Saving Throw or suffer from Madness, attacking virtually anyone in their path, friend and foe alike. (see the Dungeon Master's Guide, Chapter 8, section on "Madness" for rules on the effects of going mad)

  Lyrium Addiction - Wizards, Sorcerers, Warlocks, Arcane Tricksters, Eldritch Knights and any other Arcane using class   As above for normal addiction plus the loss of Spell Casting ability and spell slots as follows: TO BE DETERMINED - WORK IN PROGRESS


Material Characteristics

Blue Flower with Red Thorns

Physical & Chemical Properties

Highly addictive, psychotropic

Geology & Geography

Rocky terrain

History & Usage

Everyday use

Protection from Magic


Highly Addictive   Deadly to those with the ability to wield Arcane Magic.


Trade & Market

Underground/Black Market trade by the Carta

Law & Regulation

Illegal in the Dumas Empire and the Kingdom of Arcadia  Possession can result in incarceration or a steep fine.   Distribution results in incarceration or possibly exile.
Common State
Tincture or Tea


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