Atos of Red-Seat-In-The-Desert

The Prince of the Red Stone pack, and heir to the only city in the desert, Dekad nal Khan, or Red-Seat-in-the-Desert. Though he was the second born, he unexpectedly found himself heir to his family’s legacy after his elder sister became afflicted with Aborgen Fever. Atos greatly admired his elder sister and was extremely devastated by her illness. When his father began to place greater responsibility upon his shoulders and referring to him as the heir as his sister sickened he became angry and resentful of his parents. He felt that they were tossing his sister aside the moment she was unable to fulfill her duty to the pack and the city. Atos was known a jovial boy and light-hearted young man. He was good at making friends, counting wyldscin from other clans such as Koran of the Sand Cats and Noor of the Spotted Hyenas as close as his own pack.   The young Prince became a source of frustration for his father, the Red Stone Erel, who viewed his son as more of an eternal pup than diciplined leader. Atos was more inclined to spend time in the crowded city, or traveling to visit other packs and villages than performing his duties in the Great House. His mother feared that when it was time for the Erel to step aside challengers would come forward and kill Atos. He could not appear foolish and weak.   Atos was less a fool than his parents assume though, he did not consider himself as wise or gifted as his sister, but he knew the city well. He knew every propriator in the market, and no one seemed able to visit the city without him having heard about it. He met Spotted Hyenas to drink and wrestle, he listened to the stories far-venturing Sand Cats would tell, he had even encountered a group of men, elves and orcs during a brief journey with a nomadic pack.   Atos has heard how the desert is changing and he knows his family, his people, will have to change as well.


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Aug 28, 2024 00:03

I like the references to the other clans with whom Atos interacts: these Hyena and Cat wyldscin sound fascinating. I can kind of guess from context, that he's some sort of wolf or dog, but it would be really nice to explicitly state what kind of wyldscin Atos himself (and by extension his family) is!