Colton Character in Chronicles of Andorra | World Anvil
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Bounty Hunter

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Colton is in wonderful condition. He’s muscular and agile. His body is what he uses primarily for work, so he has made himself as imposing as possible without having to even speak. He eats well, maintains his muscle mass, and cares for his health.

Body Features

He is an angular man with decent cut muscles and accents it with clothes that fit him. He has long legs and a torso that is slightly shorter than his legs are. His arms are also a bit more long than one might assume natural.

Facial Features

A set of two small eyes that are equally spaced on his face and covered with fluffy brows. He has stubble on his chin and jaw that is slightly less angular than his brother. He has thin lips and a nose that suits his face.

Identifying Characteristics

Like Tirance, Colton has many scars all over his body but the most prominent of which are on his arms and his chest. There is one large one on his neck as well that he doesn’t talk about but calls a “warning”.

Physical quirks

One of his arms is slightly less muscular than the other and it’s because he has a partially frozen shoulder from a few fights that he didn’t take seriously. He occasionally “resets” it and it works okay but he really should see to a doctor.

Special abilities

Colton has some elemental magic as well but is much less afraid of letting people know than his brother is. He uses it sparingly and mostly as a threat.

Apparel & Accessories

Earth-toned clothing that is made of thick material and is intended to weather a lot of wear and tear. Most of it seems old and weathered appropriately by its usage.

Specialized Equipment


Mental characteristics

Personal history

Most of Colton’s personal history lines up directly with his brother’s history. They’ve been working together for all of their lives. Colton is the more reserved of the two and tends to do the heavy lifting when it comes to the following leads and picking up hints and making connections. He is a well-connected individual and has done everything in his power to maintain that.

Gender Identity





Colton has had little in the way of formal education as he didn’t quite like being a student. When he started teaching himself things he dove into a lot of books and learned a lot of techniques and skills that he is convinced he wouldn’t have learned from a tutor anyway


A freelance bounty hunter. He’s “Worked” for a few kingdoms and their local guards but he is not contracted to anyone aside from the contract he’s given for a bounty.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Honestly, Colton considers some of the scrapes that he’s gotten himself and his brother out of to be some of the best things he’s ever done. He’s talked them out of trouble or narrowly avoided being caught breaking the law so many times.

Failures & Embarrassments

A few targets that died when they could have been taken back alive. Not only was that a monetary problem but a moral one.

Intellectual Characteristics

Colton is a relatively well-spoken man that has an answer to every problem even if it’s not a good answer. He does very well with puzzles and quizzes and riddles that he wouldn’t otherwise know the answer to.

Morality & Philosophy

Things are pretty gray area for Colton because he does his best to justify things that he’s done that he doesn’t think are good things.

Personality Characteristics


Colton is motivated by both money and his family. He wants to keep Tirance safe and he wants to see the both of them profit. He’s good at what he does and he likes to be close to his family – plus the more money they make the more he can use it to support his stepsister.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

He is incredibly good at puzzles and riddles. He finds ways around roadblocks that other people might not. However, he does very much struggle with being able to step back and let other people do things their way.

Likes & Dislikes

He likes most animals, a new pair of shoes, and a successful bounty collection. He hates getting blood on his hands and being told he’s wrong.

Virtues & Personality perks

Because he’s a more likable person, his personality has allowed him and his brother a lot of social connections that they wouldn’t otherwise have. Being so sociable can work to their advantage more often than not.

Vices & Personality flaws

His predisposition to being a nicer person and handling things less violently than Tirance can sometimes step on his brother’s toes and make a bounty collection much more difficult than it has to be.

Personality Quirks

He tends to make direct eye contact when he’s speaking with people because he wants them to know he’s really listening.


Colton tries to make sure he’s as clean as he can be. He takes a big more care than Tirance does just because he is the face of a lot of their dealings.


Contacts & Relations

Colton has many criminal and lawful contacts. He’s made a good impression on many guards and their captains to try and be the ones that get called when a serious bounty is giving them trouble. He’s also close to a few criminal rings because they tend to know where to find the people that the brothers are looking for.

Family Ties

Tirance is the closest person in Colton’s life though he does very much have a soft spot for his stepsister.

Religious Views

Pretty much the same as his brother, Tirance, Colton is technically a non-believer; but is open to religious belief.

Social Aptitude

Incredibly eloquent and good at working through encounters with strangers and friends.

Wealth & Financial state

PERSONAL WEALTH   Though one might not exactly expect it, Colton is decently wealthy. They have accumulated a good nest egg to sit upon from the bounties they’ve delivered.   FAMILY WEALTH   There’s a bit there but he doesn’t’ tend to recognize his family’s money as his own.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1206 29 Years old
Current Residence
Wilderness Camping, city/town inns, and Bounty Hunter's lodging
medium cut, dirtyblond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 10"
185 lb.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Character Prototype
Emile Hirsch


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