Tirance Character in Chronicles of Andorra | World Anvil
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Bounty Hunter

Tirance is a human wanderer and native of the Kingdom of Dragton. He and his brother, Colton, are both freelance bounty hunters who go after known criminals to make coin.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tirance is in good condition. He’s been an agile man for most of his life and learned to need to take care of his body so it can continue to perform for him to the best of his ability.

Body Features

Being quite tall, Tirance has a very well-built frame and it looks imposing at first glance. He has strong shoulders and a muscular neck as well as an average ratio in the body.

Facial Features

A sharp jaw, cutting eyes, and a heavy brow. Tirance is an attractive man that keeps his facial hair quite short, but it accents the angles of his face.

Identifying Characteristics

If you were to see the man without full sleeves, his arms are full of scars. They stand out very white against his slightly tanned skin.

Physical quirks

Tirance has a slight limp. It’s almost undetectable and it seems to come from a badly fused injury to his knee.

Special abilities

Tirance has some elemental magic that he very infrequently uses and in fact wants no one to know he has. If he uses it it’s subtle enough that no one knows or it’s done in a situation where the target is going to die so they can’t tell anyone.

Apparel & Accessories

Primarily fitted and dark clothing that suit his body and are not in the way when he’s traveling or fighting. They’re made of durable fabrics.

Specialized Equipment

a battle-spear

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tirance was born on Febuaris 7, 3A-1208 in the Kingdom of Dragton. Both of his parents are unknown; however, he does have one brother who is also his Bounty Hunting partner, and one step-sister who is a freelance ranger in the employ of the Fydale City Guard.   Being freelance bounty hunters, Tirance and his brother Colton never got much respect from the towns people and guards, Tirance more than Colton, who was the one to subdue and apprehend the bounties while Colton tracked down their locations. More often than not Tirance always ended up with a light bounty himself in the pursuit of a target.   In the year 1234 of the Third Age, Tirance accepted a bounty on a notorious bandit leader who has been preying on travelers for nearly forty years. This bandit, Egur the Titan, had price of nearly 700 Gold Dragon Coins (if captured alive). The only problem was that Egur pretty much stayed hidden unless there was a profitable score traversing the roads, Tirance had to join the bandit group to get close to his target.   Tirance had been with Egur’s group for good five months, but he never got a chance to capture his target. Not until the month of Martias when the group stopped to rob some travelers about mid-day of the 25th. These travelers were few, just two young humans (Kobi Hael and Sarah Ryall) and a small pixie (Sora). While it was obvious to Tirance that these travelers had nothing a value, Egur still charged at them. Not wanting to have another innocent death on his concision, Tirance acted quickly and jammed his spear into Egur’s chest…killing him.   After successfully escorting the travelers safely to the City of Florin, Tirance went back and collected the body of his target to turn into the authorities for the reward which was now 60% lower for being turned in dead.  
[more coming after book two]

Gender Identity





For the most part, Tirance never received a formal education. He is very 'street smart' and pretty much learned from experience.


Since his sixteenth year, Tirance has worked as a freelance Bounty Hunter alongside his brother, Colton.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He is one of the most accomplished bounty hunters in the world. People know his name and turn to him for help.

Failures & Embarrassments

The only thing he’s embarrassed about (or has any negative idea about) is bringing back a target dead when he wanted to bring them back alive.

Intellectual Characteristics

Though he has extraordinarily little to say, Tirance is an incredibly intelligent person. He thinks to himself and comes up with solutions to problems very quickly. Often those solutions cause more problems but it’s all right.

Morality & Philosophy

Even if he were to see morality as black and white, he wouldn’t really care about it. He’s long since lost his moral compass and that’s alright with him. There’s not much that needs to be done or said and he’s considered himself well past saving.

Personality Characteristics


Money, mostly. He is considering this a situation where he is doing the world a favor and ridding the population of dangerous and cruel people, but he really just does it for the money.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Tirance is incredibly quick and incredibly stealthy when he needs to be. He’s fantastic at navigating small spaces (or even large spaces) without being noticed. However, once he’s blown his cover he has no ability to maintain his cool and regain the control of a situation. He just turns violent to fix it.

Likes & Dislikes

Good alcohol, beautiful women, and getting to travel wherever his work takes him. He does however dislike authority, people assuming things about him, and most vegetables.

Virtues & Personality perks

His gruffness means he never has to sit through pointless conversations and humor people’s stupidity. He also has a fantastic ability to talk his way through doors that should otherwise be closed to him.

Vices & Personality flaws

Tirance is kind of hardheaded.

Personality Quirks

When he’s incredibly tired or very drunk, Tirance becomes a much more affectionate person.


This is not Tirance’s top priority. He does clean up to the best of his ability but his clothes are not always the cleanest and they often have a small odor about them that no one dares question him about.


Contacts & Relations

Being in the bounty hunting business, Tirance has a wide variety of contacts needed to pursue different targets. Most, however, are those that belong to his brother, Colton. Tirance even counts Kobi Hael, Artoria Pendragon and his stepsister, Taylor, as both close contacts and even friends.

Family Ties

The closest family tie is the one he works with. Colton is the person he considers himself closest to because he never has to actively answer to and understands him without any question. He also has a stepsister that he values.

Religious Views

While Tirance doesn’t actively seek out religion, he doesn’t consider himself as a non-believer. Tirance does believe in a life after death, he just doesn’t see the importance regular worship.

Social Aptitude

This is not the man you’d want at your party to make a good impression. He’s not incredibly social and is known to make people irritated just because he doesn’t have time to make nice or play kind.


A quirked eyebrow and a smirk of amusement.


Not the most articulate person and uses pretty common language. His vocabulary is more vast than one might expect but he doesn’t like to use words that seem pompous.

Wealth & Financial state

PERSONAL WEALTH   Though you wouldn’t know it by looking at him, Tirance is fairly wealthy from the numerous bounties he and his brother, Colton, took over the years.   FAMILY WEALTH   It is unclear whether Tirance was born into a common or wealthy family. As such, both he and his brother had to make their own fortune the hard way.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1208 27 Years old
Current Residence
Wilderness Camping, city/town inns, and Bounty Hunter's lodging
short, brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
tan white
6' 1"
198 lb.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Character Prototype
Justin Chatwin


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