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Wyn Sarhorn

Wyn Sarhorn

Chaotic Good
Date of Birth
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanning White

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Dark Conversations…

Ardane has thrown a lot of information as us. Much of it very useful but it has left us with more questions than answers. Questions that need answering. As well as many paths that we probably should go down. Each with its own merit to our current objectives.   If I stop to think about it, I believe that we have several objectives at this point and are no closer to solving them then before we went to the lost city. To my knowledge I believe that our current objectives are to find a staff, which will in turn help to complete the ritual of making Enna the new All-Mother. Another is to stop Mytor and all his evil machinations. Finally, we are trying to stop the spread of the corruption plaguing Fabel. We are clearly missing something.   Since returning to my friends I’ve learned that the All-Mother choose Enna to replace her. But as part of installing Enna as the new All-Mother we need two items a book called the Ellamendia and a staff called the Amare. We have found the book, but thus far have not found the staff. Unfortunately without the staff Enna cannot fully become the All-Mother.   Our second objective is to stop Mytor. I understand this is an objective which at this point is probably well over our heads. Yet time and time again we keep coming into contact with him or one of his endless supply of underlings. Which I believe we are in a sense lucky that this keeps happening as it allows us to gain information on him. Information that will slowly fill in the blanks in solving this problem. I think this is a good thing, because information can be very powerful.   Our final objective, as I see it, is to stop the spread of and eliminate the corruption plaguing the world. We know that this all started when Mytor’s heart was uncovered at an archeological dig site. That the things we are now facing are a result of over confident Wizards tampering with clearly powerful artifacts. While I cannot fault them for seeking knowledge, as I am sure I would have done in their shoes. I can fault them for throwing caution to the wind in the pursuit of that knowledge. I do not know for a fact that they didn’t take any precautions, I can assume by our present situation that they didn’t do their due diligence on powerful artifacts.   Those are our main objectives and we now have more choices before us. Another choice presented to us is to go to the places on the map that were light up in the lost city and find and defend the gods chosen champion from Zelmazoc. Those were our choices before we reached the city of Killingram. But I am getting ahead of my myself as at this point we didn’t have any other options.   Our journey to Killingram was uneventful, which to be honest was a welcome reprieve from the past couple of days. The only real hiccup was entering the city. We didn’t really think about it until we were almost at the gates but the wolves accompanying us aren’t trained and may have caused a panic with the citizens of the city. So as a precautionary measure Willow, Barnabas, and myself took a wolf by leash, thanks to Willow’s quick thinking, and lead them through the city. I was a bit amusing to see the reactions to our company. But I do think we will need to train the wolves as companions if they wish to travel with us, and I would love to have an animal as a friend.   On my journey south I stopped here for the evening before continuing on with my journey. It is always nice to get a glimpse of home. The city itself is a good mixture of human eleven culture, although I must admit I am biased towards elven parts of the city. But I digress from the events of the day.   After entering the city Ardane lead us through the city to a location he knew would be safe for all of us. Once there we were greeted by an elven woman named Anet, who was kind enough to us but I am sure did not care too much for us being there. We were quickly taken down to a secret room of the house, much like the location where we first met Ardane. Awaiting us in the secret room, like they knew we were coming, were two more of Ardane’s associates. A male Tiefling and a female human.   The Tiefling, identified himself as Jore. By the looks of him I can assume he has been in a fight or two. He also seemed like he was sizing us up upon our arrival. The Human identified herself as Sonnet. I got the impression she was more powerful than her appearance gave her credit for.   As our conversation began things were incredibly tense. Both Jore and Sonnet were skeptical of us and our abilities. Which they had every right to be as they know very little if nothing at all about us. Thankfully Ardane vouched for us by telling them of his ordeal with Zelmazoc and our aid in helping him escape from the lost city. During the course of our conversation we learned that Ardane, or at least from what he told us, is hoping to stop what Zelmazoc is doing from inside his organization. Also that he has been building an Order to help him achieve the goal of over throwing, what Jore and Sonnet, consider to be a tyrant king. While my friend and I agree that he needs to be removed if reasoning with him doesn’t work. They tried to convince us that he and his Silver Capes needed to be removed by any means necessary. That is something I cannot get behind.   As the conversation progressed, and facts were exchanged something interesting happened. Barnabas told Ardane and company that Mytor claimed he was the father of the pantheon of gods currently being worshiped on Fabel. Again they were skeptical of what were were telling them so Sonnet proposed to look into his memory to verify his claim. It happened quickly but it seemed a bit odd to have someone enter your thoughts.   A little while later as the conversation seemed to get stale a request was made to our group. It seems that so mages had recently been captured by the Silver Capes and held at their garrison. We were asked to sneak in and free the prisoners. At the mention of requiring our services to sneak in I decided to blend into the shadows to prove we could do it, if we wanted to. Barnabas, while he didn’t know it, played the part of the distraction perfectly while I snuck up behind Ardane and Anet to scare them. I was successful in my endeavor but never the less I think our standing with this group went up with my shenanigans.   Again the conversation seemed to get a bit stale, that was until Willow was given an unexpected surprise. She was informed that he friend Clover was alive and had made it out of Ardol, but not without consequence. We were told she was changed from what Willow remembered because it would appear as though she has been afflicted with the corruption plaguing Fabel. But she also learned something else from Sonnet which she did not share with us but left the room shortly after. I will have to talk to her later to see if she is okay.   Finally we took our leave and were graciously led to an inn where we could stay while we were in the city. After purchasing the rooms we all scattered around the city. I don’t really know what Barnabas was planning on doing, But Enna and Aura told us they would pray for guidance to their gods. Meanwhile Willow and I ventured to a library in the elven district in search of answers. After speaking with one of the librarians and the Head librarian I found a few books. All of which I will hope us decided what course of action to take because we have some big choices to make.

Mysteries, undead hordes, and knowledge…

After taking a moment to catch our breath after fighting the Umber hulk, according to Barnabus, we continued our journey back to the surface. For a long while the path continued on as it had for the last few hours. Still with being surprised as we were, we still moved a cautiously as possible. That is when we came upon which to my best ability to describe is a map room with an amphitheater. Its audience was statues of the gods, rather the depictions of the gods made by the people who lived in the city.   This room is much like the amphitheaters around the world. A central focal point with a half circle the gets higher as it gets further away from the focal point. But unlike other amphitheaters, the audience was for no one else than the gods themselves. From all of my readings the gods have never be depicted as they were in this room. I also have to remember that the people who built this city are most likely the ones who built this room and statues with the tools they had at their disposal.   Each of the seven statues in the room we place and carved to show the gods staring at a specific spot on the map in the center of the room. We all managed to climb up to the top of the platform to inspect the map. To our surprise it was an elevation map of Fabel. The strangest part was that there was seven spots on the map were brighter, well five were and two were dimmer than the other, but still these spots were brighter than the rest of the map. The two dimmer spots are Malletfort and a haunted forest in Domena.   Willow, got curious, and decided to touch one of the spots of light. For the briefest of instances her body went ridged. When she opened her eyes, she looked as if she’d seen a ghost. She explained that when she touched the spot, she was given a vision of that area. My curiosity then got the better of me and I touched the Isles of Nothing. I was immediately given a vision.   In this vision I saw the world rushing by me, the wind roaring in my ears, the landscape a green blur beneath me, and the feeling I was at two places at once ever present in my mind. There on a small island off of the coast of the main land was a tiny island, smoke rising from multiple fires dotted the landscape. Villages lay in ruin and bodies of the dead lay here and there. Moving from place to place rapidly the scene remained the same at each village until we came a hole in ground where there was more smoke than any other place on the island. Peering inside, I could see stairs descending deeper inside, this hole but not much beyond that.   Peering in my vision became obscured by the thick smoke. Then in the darkness an orange light began to grow. Faintly at first and growing in brilliance to the point that my eyes hurt. The next thing I knew, I was back in my body. My heart pounding, my skin wet with cold sweat, and eyes becoming more accustomed to the light of the amphitheater.   Like Willow before me, I explained what I saw to my friends. It was at this moment that I realized that each of the statues of the gods were staring at a particular place on the map. With recent events, the destruction of Malletford, or the death of the All-Mother the light around the city was dimmed. I don’t claim to know what the purpose of this room is but I believe that we found it for a reason. My heart is telling me that we are meant to go to the spots on the map and help in each of those areas.   With not much more to be gained from the map and not wanting to be found there we looked for a way to continue our journey out. No sooner had we left the map room did we run into Ardane. At that moment we were unsure of his intensions so I snuck into the room and hid before talking to him. I attempted to throw my voice as to make it sound like I could be at any place in the room. I don’t know if I succeeded but he at least told enough of the truth for me to be willing to travel with him.   He looked extremely spent, as if it were a struggle to just get to that point. I assume that he barely escaped with his life from Zelmozoc. But he did inform us that we were close to the surface but that most likely we’d end up encountering the former inhabitants of this city along the way out. We did manage to make our way unseen for a short period of time. Unfortunately our luck wouldn’t last.   Sometimes the wisest action one can take when faced with an overwhelming number of enemies is to fight them at choke points. Which is exactly what we did. Willow took a choke point where she used the awesome force of nature to battle her enemies. Barnabas, Enna, and Aura we attacked from behind and defend our groups rear. While I took another choke point.   I have often read the writings of many of the Masters, Brothers, and Sisters of the Monastery. In some of their writings, the describe a way in which the world seems to slow down while you move normally. It was almost like I could see what was coming and I was able to block their attack. While at the same time planning or deflecting the next incoming attack. It was an amazing to feel like I was able to see incoming blows before they happened.   That first battle was over just a quickly as it had started. With the knowledge that if we stop moving we would be quickly over whelmed, we pressed on. Unfortunately we ran into more and stronger enemies. In trying to get the drop on them we alerted them to our presence and found ourselves facing not one but three of the creatures that crawled out of the back of the hideous creature in Volutra’s Temple. Having fought these creatures before we may have been a bit cocky in assuming it would be an easier battle.   I believe Barnabas and Willow took the brunt of the blows from these creatures. And from the looks on their faces I could tell that they were surprised at the strength and ferocity of our foes. Thinking quickly and hoping to level the playing field a bit. I took out the Basilisk dagger and managed to succeed in petrifying one of the them. But we still had two of these creatures to contend with.   I have journeyed far with my friends, but I have not had too many dealing with Aura. I am of the understanding she has been given divine power, from who not even she I think truly knows. She was able to summons this spectral force or ethereal creatures to help protect her and the group and simultaneously hurt our enemies. Which proved too much for the petrified one and the one accosting her. And Barnabas and Willow managed dispatch the final one shortly after.   If our day was anything it was consistent. After every battle the sounds of our struggles attracted more enemies, and again we were forced to flee. This time if we were forced to fight we would be doing so on mostly empty as the constant fighting has taken a toll on us. As we boarded a boat to make our escape on and underground river the area we had just fought in began to become over run with more of these creatures. That is the moment Ardane let loose the spell he’d been saving and cleared the beach with one spell.   Unfortunately for him it was not without cost. He was over come with such horrible pain it caused him to pass out. From what I understand of magic be it divine or arcane, there is a physical cost that leaves you scared. Judging from the exposed bone on his hand and arm I think he has gotten more power than he can handle. We were in the end able to finally escape from the dark tunnels into the bright light of mid-day.   Be it by some design of the god, good fortunate, or sheer dumb luck all of that distance and direction that we have traveled led us to a higher point in the mountains that over looked the clearing where this adventure began. Wariness took us and we slowly managed our way down to the horse, the wolves, and our gear. For fear of being caught here, we quickly broke camp and journey for another hour or so before breaking to take a much-needed rest. Everyone was too tired to even think much beyond setting up the basics of a camp. As usual I took first watch, which passed uneventfully.   However, during Willow’s watch Ardane woke up, in unbearable pain. Willow was able to magically provide some comfort to him lessen his pain. Being thankful for the healing, and us helping him keep him alive. For our efforts we were awarded with some knowledge.   He explained that he had been working with Zelmozoc for a long time, but that his goal was to stop Zelmozoc’s plan by destroying it from within. He also told us that what Zelmozoc was planning. That being to reverse the effects of Eleven Rot and to accomplish that he needed to kill or sacrifice the representatives of the gods on the Prime Material plane. He has succeeded in killing the representative in Domena, and that is why he needed the All-Mother. But that he is actively seeking out the others, even as we speak.   I believe that he is telling us the truth, but how much of that truth is he leaving out? I have no idea but for now I have no choice but to take him at his word since some of the things he says line up with the knowledge we have. Our conversation has left me with more questions about what our next steps should be. Do we seek out the spots on the map and try our best to defend the mortal representative of that areas god? Do week continue the search for the artifact that will help Enna fully embrace her new role as the All-Mother?

A Deserted City, More Betrayal, and Endless Tunnels

Upon speaking the words told to me through the scrying stone the wall behind us began to close. While at the same time the wall before us opened. What was beyond would take away anyone’s breath. The long-lost city of Elendon. Sprawled out for what seemed to go on forever before us was the abandoned city, which I am sure was once full of life, light, and sounds of crowds of people.   Looking upon the city I was filled with sadness. For once this city was bustling with people making a living. Their architecture incredibly beautiful, sophisticated, and yet simple in its design. I wonder what caused to its citizens to flee or as we would later find out for some of them to have turned into these horrible creatures. I have made a mental note to research this when I get to the next city, and when I get home.   Looing out from our vantage point we could see the city was very extensive. The cavern was lit from above, be it from some sort of spell or some natural phenomena I could not say. Sprawling for a mile or two in almost every direction in front of us. But in the distance, we could see a landmark which we instinctively knew was where we had to mange to get to. The Cathedral stood above all the other building, loving crafted from the stone in which it was carved from.   As we ventured into the city, I thought that our best and smartest idea was to openly walk the streets. Though no so brashly as to invite a challenge by whoever lives there, but to go forward with caution. That idea worked for a while but like the best laid plans they never survive contact with the enemy. While I expected to run into some underlings, I admit I was not expecting to run into the undead citizens of the city. It was lucky that we Barnabas with us for in the nick of time he advised us to hide. And not a moment later one of these undead abominations came around the corner searching.   We all waited for the last possible moment to strike and we were able to quickly dispatch this creature. But not with out a cost. Before dying it let out a scream, alerting its allies and drew them to our location. Quickly we took shelter in a nearby house over looking the street where the body was. Within minutes there were easily a dozen or more of these creatures, which would make sneaking by them almost impossible.   As were weighed our options of waiting them out, fighting them, or making a run for it, the decision was made for us. These creatures started to search out the nearby houses, and just so happened to start with ours. While Barnabas, Enna, Aura, Fang, and myself tried to dispatch the ones forcing or trying to force their way into this building, Willow gave us a taste of her power. Out of thin air she conjured a tidal wave and washed all of our enemies away. Seizing the opportunity created by Druid we made a run for it.   While it still took some more time to get to where we were going, we did not run into those creatures again. Upon arriving at the cathedral, at least I was taken in by its imposing nature and the feat of engineering that it took to build it. Not knowing if the building was occupied or not and not wanting to barge in, I went to knock on the door. It was at that point, pointed out to me to not draw attention to our group and that there may not be anyone to answer, so I was convenience to just open the door. But a cloaked creature was there to greet us as we opened the doors.   Before we could even speak we were told we had been expected and led down a long corridor to more doors. Through which we made our way into the room beyond. The room we found ourselves in was vast and creepy for there was a very large skull in the floor for which I can only guess if for making sacrifices. Along with that were two figures. It was none other than Zelmozoc, and Ardane the man I thought to be an ally.   Upon seeing him, I found myself feeling that outside of my group of friends that I travel with, and those with whom I am friends with back home are not trust worthy. I want to believe that there is good in everyone. But more and more I am coming to the realization that I need to be more guarded with whom I trust. And to be more wary of those I interact with.   A sense of dread crept over my companions, as we all became very quite and the tension in the room was so thick that it could be cut with a knife. The two asked what took so long and we tried to explain that the world outside this underground city has vastly changed and to get the all mother there was incredibly difficult. It sounded like they believed most of it but not all of it. Then we were asked if we brought the All-Mother with us, we had but not in the All-Mother they were expecting, so we did our best to “convince” them that we had safely hidden the All-Mother so as make sure we were in the right spot and weren’t going to be killed outright. For some reason that lie seemed to serve as a plausible possibility for them.   It was at this point that I couldn’t help myself, I moved closer and was eager for information that I pressed my luck. I sought to find out why the All-Mother was so important to Zelmozoc. He told that he is desperately trying to reverse the effects of Elven Rot and that he believes that by sacrificing the All-Mother that it would be. Out of the corner of my eye I caught Ardane trying to signal to me to back off, but having my trust in him shaken, I did not pay him any attention. Bluffing I told Zelmozoc that I am from a Monastery full of information and that I was certain that somewhere in all of the books, scrolls, and various texts we would be able to find a cure for Elven Rot, but it was a mistake.   I had apparently pissed him off and that when he was about to release his arsenal of spells on us if not for the intervention of Ardane, who took it upon himself to step in-between Zelmozoc and our group. In the heat of the moment he told us to flee and that he would explain everything later, I just stood there dumbfounded. It was Willow who shook me out of my frozen state and led me out of that room. Upon exiting the weird figures confronted us and we readied ourselves for battle but it was for naught. Making for the door we fled the cathedral with more questions than answers, but found ourselves with a bigger problem outside of the cathedral.   As the saying goes “Out of the Frying Pan and into the Fire”, we found ourselves confronted with a city full of abominations screaming and headed our way. I truly believe that we had the tactically advantageous and strategically important position to take on the creatures rushing towards us. However, that most likely would not have counted for anything in short order as we numbered just six and we had no idea how many of them there were. Knowing the odds we looked for a means of escape. One path was a jump down off the ledge on which we were on. The other was a tunnel the led down a winding path. We chose the tunnel.   Before entering the tunnel Willow was again eager to use her Tidal Wave spell, but we had a need to flee. So returning the favor I grabbed her hand and led her to the tunnel. Taking point, Fang and I led the way through the tunnels with Barnabas watching our rear. We went down and down for what seemed liked forever. And just when I was beginning to wonder if we were ever going to stop we leveled out and came to another portion of the city.   Just like the one above it had been abandoned for just a long as the city above, if not longer. Fearing that we would find the same creatures from above we carefully walked the streets keeping our eyes peeled for any danger. Journeying for a while that way we did not encounter any of those creatures, luckily. But we did come across so tunnels that were not natural or carved out by any humanoid race. So we took some more precautions going forward.   After a long while the tunnel started to finally go upwards, to our great relief. But as things are want to do when they fall into disuse, we did have a stairway collapse while walking on it. No one was hurt but we did manage to get separated by the gap, with everyone but Barnabas moving forward. We did eventually get him up with the rest of the party but it did take some time. So we continued on, in the hopes we would be able to eventually get back to the surface.   After journeying for another hour or so, the tunnel started to narrow. That’s when things took a turn. You know when your life is in danger and the world slows down and your actions fell sluggish, well that’s what happened to me when this creature burst through the wall. Not being ready for it I was caught at unawares and felt my body unresponsive to my commands as it carried me away. It did take me back to its lair where I was helpless as it tried to eat me alive.   Before it could really begin to sink is teeth into me my friends arrived to help. I tried to use some of the things that I learned, however it seemed to be able to resist it with ease. I started to get worried, but that when it fled the battle. Not knowing the nature of this creature, I was under the impression it was fleeing, when it was actually burring to surprise us elsewhere on the battle field. In doing so it was able to take Fang down and nearly take Barnabas down as well.   I can’t tell if it was luck or if the gods of the various members of my friends were with us and helping to guide their hands, but we did manage to defeat the creature. Breathing a sigh of relief, we took a moment to catch our breath. I am glad we have survived our adventure today, but I think we are all in need of a rest. And we need a plan for what to do next.

A long Journey, Wonderful Conversations, and New Friends

My first night back on the prime material pass uneventfully. For which I am grateful, for I was able to fully embrace my waking dreams. I am not a human so I don’t fully understand how they have a restful night’s sleep, but my first night back I can say that I gained a new appreciation for restful sleep. Before falling into my waking dreams, I talked with Willow about family and it would seem that we both search for lost family. I was comforted to learn that I am not the only one who walk to path to be connected or re-connected with family.   Upon waking, what I can only assume was the morning, our travel companion Vater had disappeared during the night. Not leaving so much as a note to explain his disappearance. It seems odd for him to suddenly and without warning to disappear, but I can only assume that my companions feel how I feel when I was captured. Maybe it was his past actions catching up with him or some premonition of danger to himself or family that he needed to leave. Either way it is odd and I hope that he is able to grow from whatever lies ahead of him. Aura was also suspiciously gone as well, but from what I gather, her absence is not unusual and she always tends to catchup a little later.   After a quick breakfast we made to break camp and headed north towards the lost city of Aladana. While Enna, Barnabas, I did that Willow went to find us some horses for us to use as mounts, for faster travel. We were in need of two, she instead returned with seven. As surprising as it was for her to have returned with that many horses, it was not at all surprising as Willow is able to make friends where ever she goes. As I did not have a horse of my own and even less gear, I decided to take one of the new horses that had become our traveling companions. I have a mind to befriend and train this horse when the opportunity arises and I may ask Barnabas and Willow for their help as they both seem to have an affinity for horses.   A few hours travel brought us to a clearing in the middle of the woods and a very strange sight. That being two children praying at a make shift alter. Finding it more than a little weird and fearing some sort of ambush, Enna and Willow approached while Barnabas and I stayed back with our caravan. After some questions we learned these children were followers of Voltura and that their village was nearby. We were also offered shelter and food for the night. Having spent most of the past month outside it seemed a welcome respite from sleeping outside again.   The young girl and boy led us to their village, which ended up not being close at all, and to their home. We received a warm welcome, hot food and a pleasant night’s sleep. The young boy and girl were completely enamored with Barnabas and Willow as they regaled them with stories of their heroics and Willow’s ability to grow flowers out of thin air. I am happy they have role models to try to emulate as having a goal is important for growing as an individual. But I will say that I was a tad bit jealous that they didn’t take any interest in me, but then again I didn’t really make myself seem approachable, so I can certainly understand why they did not take an interest in me. I will take it as a lesson that I should speak up if I ever get envious of a child’s admiration towards one of my companions.   As we finished our meal and told stories to the children the night got late, but that is not to say that we didn’t set watches for the night. I took the first watch for the evening. While nothing of note happened, I felt like I was being watched the entire time, but when I would turn to look, no one was there. No matter what I did I was unable to shake the feeling. Maybe it is just a lingering effect from my time in the Fey Wild.   We had breakfast with our hosts the following morning. A hot cooked meal is always welcome in my book. The boy and his sister again asked for more stories, in which they were obliged. But when we took our leave the young boy vowed to grow up and be just like Barnabas while the young girl vow to grow up just like Willow. Both of my companions seized the opportunity to teach valuable lessons.   Barnabas explained to the boy that he only used his sword as a last resort when all other options had failed. That violence is never the answer. Willow crafted him a wooden sword and made him his family’s protector. While the young girl declared to be just like Willow. My companion took the time to teach her some of the basics for caring for nature.   We set off on the road again around mid-morning. And by the late afternoon we were within sight of the city of Huxfort. Being concerned that they might be recognized in the city I was volunteered to go in and gain some information and news from within the city. Before leaving Willow asked me to find out if there were any powerful practitioners of the arcane arts that were in the area. But we all really just wanted to know what was going on since it had been a couple of day since we had left civilization.   Enna was nice enough to accompany me. While we were a fair distance away from city, I took advantage of the time to catch up with her. We talked about how she was handling her new responsibilities, what we each thought about our companions, and what our respective up bringing’s were like. We also talked about what we’d like to do when time allowed, and I was excited by the prospect of visiting the monastery I grew up in with her, but I have a sneaking suspicion that we will visit but it will be for some need we have to fight the spread of this corruption. I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation and it was nice to confide in her some of the thoughts I have rolling around in my head at the present moment.   While in the city we learned that the Silver Capes had taken a larger role in the governance of the city was well as becoming more and more prevalent. We also learned that magic users were the ones being blamed for the woes the world was facing at the moment. In particular there was a certain group that was more responsible than anyone. I can only believe that my traveling companions were the ones being blamed. Hoping to garner more information we found an area to play out a faux conversation while listening in on other conversations. Unfortunately I was not able to discern anything of value, fortunately Enna did.   We exited through the main gate and made our way back to camp. As night fell once again, we set about taking watches during the night. My watch passed uneventfully, but during Barnabas’s watch we were had a guest creep up to our camp. During the exchange between Barnabas and the stranger I was woken by the sound of their voices and when Barnabas cast his light spell. It both startled and stung my eyes bringing me to fully be conscious.   I took to hiding as I don’t believe that I was seen by this strange and watched and listened to the conversation as it played out. We learned that this stranger was a would-be thief that was planning on robbing us blind as we slept. Correctly guessing that this situation could be easily remedied and hand him a gold piece and sent him on his way. As he left, I followed at a distance to make sure he was going to get his friends to come back with more force or worse bringing those looking for my companions and myself to us. Being satisfied that we had returned to his camp for good, I returned to find our friends breaking camp to ensure that we weren’t found there.   We traveled for some time but to put some distance between us and made camp to pass the rest of the night. During Willow’s watch, she was confronted by a small pack of wolves. Which she naturally befriended and told not to eat our new horse companions. But our day of traveling was uneventful. We made good progress in traveling closer to our destination, and our night passed much the same as our day had. We knew at some point that we’d come upon the standing stones that would identify that Aladana was near at hand. Upon finding them we tied the horses up and asked two of our wolf companions to stand guard while we searched and entered the cave leading to the lost city. I hope that the wolves will be able to overcome their animal instincts and not kill and eat our horses. We all spread out and searched for the entrance, and I just so happened to find it. Before returning to the group, I watched the entrance but nothing happened.   I informed our group and we made our way into the cave. The tunnel wound around and went this way and that way. Yet it never spilt and eventually it led to a dead end. I remembered the words the voice spoke to me just before it broke the scrying stone and I spoke them. In doing so the wall started to move and slowly revealed the ruins of the long lost city of Aladana.

Capture and Escape

I don’t really remember a whole lot about being captured. The last thing I remember is help my friends Willow, Enna, and Vater escape a rather large and deep hole at the top of the underground tower. Sometime after that its just blackness. I don’t remember how it happened or for that matter where. But I know when I awoke, besides the throbbing pain in my head, I noticed my friends were gone.   After some time, I was able to get my bearings, but not before noticing I was not able to escape. While no physical bonds were shackling me in place, I was not able to escape. In every which way that I traveled it was endless. I’d walk or run for miles thinking I’d made progress. Only to have this nagging feeling creep into my mind. The feeling was that I’d gone nowhere even though I was exhausted.   Have you ever had the feeling that you were being watch? That feeling like someone is right behind you, yet when you to see who it is no one is there. Your mind starts to clam your body by saying, what were you concerned with, no one is there, relax. Despite your minds best attempt, you body tells you that you are being watch no matter what your mind tries to convenience you of. That feeling loomed over me the entire time I was trying to escape.   After a few days of this, I was starting to give up hope that I’d ever get out of there. That is when she came. The kindly Druid who took us in when we first arrived in the Fey Wild. She brought food and drink, both things I desperately need. She offered them to me and I eagerly accepted them.   Once I had finished them, she began telling me of a way in which I could escape and return to my friends. She told me that a long and hard journey was before me, all that I need to do was to walk. Only later would I discover that I was drugged only to make it more-easy to keep me in her manufactured world. Every day would begin the same she would make me breakfast, during which she would converser about many things and at night she would prepare dinner for me. The thing that seemed to interest her the most was my friends, what they where like, what they disliked, and their general disposition. Unfortunately, and being in the state that I was, I told her many things, believing that she was an ally.   After breakfast she, would describe the days journey to me. What things I would need to look for, she would describe the notable landmarks to look for, and where I could find her at the end of my days journey. Then she would wild shape into a raven and leave me alone. Believing what she told me I took in every detail, and made my way to the next camp. How many days we repeated this cycle, I am not sure, as time and the drugs in the food she was preparing for me clouded my judgment of the passage of time.   I am amazed at the resilience of the body. As a monk, I am in an endless pursuit of mastering control over my body and my emotions. It is a life long goal that I will continually strive to achieve. But as I am only beginning to scratch the surface of the areas in which I need to study I am pleasantly surprised at how quickly I built up a resistance to the effect of those drugs. It didn’t come quickly, but it did happen slowly.   At first, I noticed passing the same land marks multiple times. The feeling of déjà vu crept over me. I could almost feel the fog cloud in my mind keeping me from realizing that my thoughts were not my own. Little by little I chipped away at that fog cloud until I broke through. But as I did, I realized my mistake.   Being the Druid and a “Guardian” of the Fey Wild, she had many beast and creature in her service. Almost as soon as I broke free of her control, I was assailed by those she had sent to safe guard my journey. I managed to fend them off and get away. I have no idea if it was by sheer luck or divine intervention but I managed to be in the exact spot where we had been brought to when we first arrived in the Fey Wild. Quickly getting my bearings, I took off in the direct of the Druid’s house.   While on my way there, the thought occurred to me that she might be the one who had been doing this to me. So, as I neared her home I took as much care as possible to sneak up to it and it proved to be one of the wisest moves on my part in long time. I happened to find her in conversation with the strange monkey that had guided us to her house originally. I only managed to catch the tail end of the conversation but it was enough. I learned that all of those beasts and creatures in her service were alerted to my escaped and were looking for me and that she would join the hunt to find me.   I know what you are thinking, how could see be so bold as to leave her house unguarded? I can’t really answer that, but I may have some insight into why she made that decision. The entire time I was under her spell, and from the time that we were guests in her house, his visage was one of a kindly woman, beautiful, and young and yet so wise. Unfortunately I think at some point between my friends and I meeting her putting me under her spell, she had made a deal with the devil or had come to some horrible end. Her appearance now was completely different.   Where once was a beautiful face now was the face of living death. Visible cracks to her skull held together by pulsing magic that now lined her face. Once there was a melodic and calming voice, now was replaced by a scratchy and wheezing bark as if she was not getting enough air into her lungs. In listening to her speak I understood the urgency to find me. As if her existence was conditional to her continued captivity of me. My heart took pity on her, for once she must have been a force for good in the Fey Wild and all its chaotic beauty, but she had fallen so far as to become this corrupted and ruined shell of her former self.   After she left to help find me, I waited a few minutes not moving, not even daring to breath for fear of being captured. It seemed like an eternity but eventually I gather my courage and went into her house looking for any means of escape. I rummaged through her stuff not caring that she would find the mess if I escaped of fled her house. I came upon two items, one that I knew would help me get back to the prime material plane and the other her journal, or at the very least her newest journal with all of the details about my friends that I’d given to her. The other item a tuning fork or some dark and twisted version of a tuning fork, that if I concentrated on, I would be transported to where I wanted to go.   Wishing beyond hope and concentrating on my friends I took up the fork. I could feel through the planes that they were close and yet so far that they felt as if they were not reachable. I began to think that this might not work. That when I heard the door open and feet rushing up the stairs. When all hope had faded that’s when the magic kicked in.   Time seemed to speed up and slow down at the same time. What I mean by that is I felt as if I could see an things happening as if I was moving incredibly fast. All the while the world around me was almost frozen in place. At the same time the Druid managed to get to the top of the stairs just before I was thrust across the planes. The look on her face was one of sheer anger and confusion as to what was happening, but I had managed to escape her clutches, hopefully for good.   One of the weirdest sensations in the world is the feeling of inter planar travel my means of a tuning fork. It maybe the simple fact that the tuning fork was corrupted or because I’ve never really traveled between the planes, let alone by means of a tuning fork. The sensation is incredibly odd because it feels like you are being thrust through syrup, as best I can describe it. You are traveling so fast that you are unable to make out any details of the world around you. But at the same time your body’s natural reaction is to fight back at resistance you feel. But never the less, I made it back to my friends, and it would appear that I made it just in time to help them.

Thrust into Battle

Sometimes in life you are thrust into situations that you are not totally prepared for. Yet despite your reservations you are forced to meet them head on. I recently found myself in one of those situations. Having escaped from the clutches of a corrupted Druid, I found myself transported into the cathedral of Voltura, right before the beginning of a battle between my friends and what I can only guess is an emissary or solider of Mytor.   It would appear that some time has passed since I last saw my friends. Enna is carrying herself with more importance, and Barnabus has become her protector. Vater, or at least what I can remember of my past interactions with him, has grown cockier, bordering on arrogant. Willow, it would seem is the only one among my friends to not have changed much, although it seems that she now carries more weight on her shoulders. There is also one whom I do not know and can only guess, is one of my friend’s new allies, Aura. It is good to see my friends once again and to know that my thoughts are my own and my choices are again ones that I choose to make.   But I digress. Upon arriving back on the Prime Material Plane, I found myself among friends who find themselves on the cusp of a deadly battle. A horrible abomination conversing with my friends, tempting them and even myself, with our hearts deepest desire, for the price of unwavering service to it and Mytor. I will not lie, my heart yearns to find my parents or a least to gain any knowledge of them. But going through what I just went through, I value my own freedom above the promises of someone who bargains on behalf of another seeking pain and wonton destruction. As do my friends, and it was Enna who most pissed off the abomination simply by her beliefs.   Thus, the battle began. Having been outraged by a follower of Voltura, the creature charged at Enna seeking her demise. I saw an opportunity as the creature began to charge and I took it. To my pleasant surprise, I was able to trip up the creature preventing it from going to far, at least in the short term. While also allowing my friends to charge into the fray.   This creature is unlike anything that I have faced before. Whenever I would punch this thing, I felt as though I was striking a stone wall. I was unsure if I was actually doing any harm to it or if I was harming myself more that it. But I kept at it anyway as doing something is better than not doing anything. But that is when I saw the power of the divine.   Enna, an acolyte of Voltura, unleashed the fury of her goddess upon this creature. But not before Aura tried to stop her. Thankfully, the Protector and ever watchful Barnabus saw what Aura was trying to do and was able to prevent her from do that. Thus allowing the radiant power of a god to be channeled through Enna and brought to bear upon this abomination.   At the same time Vater was close enough to throw some oil at the creature. But what was odd, was that he turned and told Willow to finish the job. Unfortunately for him the abomination was still strong enough to withstand the full brunt of that attack. I don’t know what he was thinking when he did that but it was, in my opinion, more than troubling turn of events. I’ll even go as far as to say cocky.   It was roughly at this point that two other creatures fought and clawed their way out of the abominations body. While both freighting and intimidating, I was not going to be deterred from slaying these creatures, if I could. I don’t know where I found the strength or knowledge but when I cut into one of the newer creatures I somehow managed to stun it. I don’t know how I gained that ability or if I will be able to repeat it, but I stand in wonder as my abilities have grown as I am tested again and again. It was a shock and I will continue to work at being able to replicate it.   Not mere seconds later the abomination was finally killed and it brought the other two creatures down with it. And as the bodies lay on the floor, they began to breakdown in dissolve into black puddles. And in the puddles lay three magical items, of which Barnabus and Willow took as they would get the most use out of them. I did not much care to look through what remained of our enemies so I went and sat on the steps of the cathedral we were in. That is when it hit me, I was finally free, and alone with my thoughts into which I fell and ignored what the group was doing.   Being pulled through from my thoughts, I joined the group, as they had decided to leave the cathedral. It was thought that the best and safest route to take would be through the sewers. It was indeed a safe route and the journey was mostly uneventful. With the exception of encountering some cave fishers. But we were not prepared for what devastation had taken place in the city. The city was a war zone. Buildings completely destroyed or in various stages of destruction. Bodies of the dead scattered everywhere, and their loved ones crying in utter despair. The smell of fires was thick in the air and the smoke from these fires clouded the night sky from view.   Our group looked for a place to talk as they had pressing matters to discuss. Chief among them was the revelation that Aura may actively be working for an evil god or goddess. I being exhausted and lagging far behind in current events did not participate much in the discussion. Vater seem keen on killing her but not at the moment as she seemed, at least to him, useful in the moment. I cannot say what has changed with Vater but he is different and I cannot put my finger on what has changed with him, but I’ve only been back for a short time. It was only then did we realize that the people of this city were in need and that we could help them with our healing abilities. I have not the power to heal the wound to the body like my companions do but I can assist in helping put people on the path to recovery. And that’s what we ended up doing for some time. At the first opportunity I had, I was able to go investigate a curious, for lack of better words, deep trench dug through the city. I was curious to see if there was any sign of what or who had made it, but my search was not fruitful.   I rejoined my companions as they were hurrying out of the city. I guess they had been caught using magic and the need to flee was great. So we made our way to the stables to get our horses and leave the immediate area. I guess it was decided on our journey away from the city to head north to the Ruins of Elendon, in search of answers that the group is looking for. I am grateful for my freedom and to be back in the company of friends. When we did eventually break to make camp shared a meal and set watches. Having spent time being captative, I said that I would take the first watch with Willow, as I was not ready to fall into my waking dreams just yet. As I took in the world around me, as Willow and I had a wonderful conversation. She filled me in on what I had missed while I was gone, Enna becoming the new All-Mother, what our friends had done, and we discussed their new traveling companion and their general distrust of her. We discussed her family and how she had given up hope of ever seeing them again. I told her not to give up that hope is what keeps us going and I also confided in her that I was hoping to one day meet my family.   I explained to her that is why I am on the road. She offered to help me if she could in that endeavor, and I greatly appreciate it. Not long after that I found myself settling down for so much need rest. Before falling into my waking dreams, I took a last look at my friends and a sense of peace washed over me. It is good to be back.

The Ascent

After defeating the disciple of Mytor we found ourselves no longer on the Material Plane. I can only guess that we are in the Fey Wild. I have read a lot about the different planes of existence, and among my reading the Fey Wild was an area in which I have read about. However it is nothing like what I read about. I now find myself and my companions among a world of decay, and ruin.   To my understanding the Fey Wild is where my ancestors come from and it should be a place full of magic, both wild and dangerous. Instead we find the plane in a state of decay and corruption. The creatures and plant life here are being mutated and changed by some unseen force. My only guess is that whatever is affecting the Prime Material Plane is some how bleeding over into this plane.   After our encounter with the disciple of Mytor we found ourselves stranded with no way of returning. It was also at this point we noticed that our companion Pythagoras suddenly was gone and come to think of it, my memory of him seems fuzzy at best. I can’t really remember him being there or not. I would like to believe he was but maybe this place is having some sort of affect on me.   With no solutions to our problem presenting themselves and my companions and I unable to present a solution to getting home, our best course of action was to journey across this land and seek aid. Acting as our groups self-appointed scout and again not wanting to be caught at unawares I took it upon myself to act as a lookout as we journeyed. Unfortunately I am not use the terrain and all of its obstacles, needless to say I was not as stealthy as I would have liked to be. While I was doing that our very capable Druid was able to communicate with a weird creature. After convincing it that we needed help and it convincing Willow that it could help us we where led to the house of a Warden/Protector.   After introducing ourselves and requesting her aid or at the very least shelter for the night we she was kind enough to provide both. In our conversations with her it was made clear she could have left this plane to flee what is affecting it. Fortunately for us she has decided that she would stay and help others who maybe trapped here. In listening to her, I got the sense that while she was telling the truth it wasn’t the whole truth, but I was unable to discern what she was keeping from us. I later talked with Vater about this, and he also seemed suspicious of her. But also I feel like maybe he is wearing off on me, and while being cautious can be a good thing I don’t want to be suspicious of everyone and everything.   After passing an uneventful evening in her home we awoke to find a wonderfully prepared breakfast. It was very delicious and as equally kind of her to provide us with such a meal. Before we departed she gave us some directions to a place that we could find a means of returning home but it was not without a warning. Like this plane the cave we needed to find was slowing being corrupted and turned into a mockery of what it was originally. But our need being what it was we still had to try.   We journey for some time through the weird landscape, and I again acted as scout without much success. But we did eventually find the cave and Barnabus being determined to get back to the All-mother went in without hesitation. Before we did though Enna cast a spell to communicate with her God and told us that we were on the right path. Were it not for wanting to be caught unawares I have played the role of scout, but I really could have and should have been helping to carry the body of Vater’s Commander through this portion of our journey. So as we entered this cave I lent a helping hand to Vater. Our progress through the cave was slow if only because caves can be dangerous and we had no idea where we had to go.   We did eventually come to a point where our path became two different paths. To get an idea of what path we should take Willow, Vater, and myself scouted the path to the left. Unfortunately for us the path came to a dead end of sorts. What I mean by that is that while our path forward came to a stop we still could have continued to move “forward” but that would have meant we had to climb down a hold in the cavern that we found ourselves in. Yet we could not gaugehow far away the bottom was so we tried dropping stones enhanced with the light spell to see if we could find the bottom. My Elven eyes were able to spot that the stone did indeed hit bottom but that there was something else living at the bottom of this hole and my best guess is that it is a spider.   Having come to that realization, we decided to take the other path as it seemed like our best option. After continuing for some time we found ourselves, this time, at a three way cross road. But we all went one way rather than scout ahead, which is really what we should had done but hind sight is always 20/20. This path lead us to a sub-terranean lake, how big it was none of us could really guess. Again our decision was made easier by the appearance of some unseen watcher in this lake making its presence known to us.   Left with two choices, and with what information we had after looking for any sign of life, we took the path made by hoofs. This is where things got a little weird. After seeing some markings on the wall, Vater went to inspect it and ended up licking the wall… I am not entirely sure what he hoped to gain out of that but he seem convinced that it wasn’t what he thought. I have seen odd things in my travels across Fabel, but this is right up near the top of that list.   Pushing deeper and deeper into the cave we cam about a tower, which I can only assume is the place where we will find a means to get home by. We knocked on the front door and the doors opened of their own accord, which was kind of creepy. But to my utter amazement I found myself in a wonderous library. Fortunately all of the books are written in Sylvan but unfortunately the books are in utter ruin. Knowledge is a thing to be preserved and passed on and who knows what information was in these books that is now lost to the world. It is a shame.   In our search for clues or for someone to help us we ran across these weird goat people. Which at this point I can only assume that were at one point in time some of the care takers of this library. After doing battle with these creatures we noticed that their was a weird clock design in the floor with symbols. Each marking a discipline of the warrior. I believe that I was able to interpret the correct symbol for the discipline to which I have dedicated my life.   The next level was as equally as impressive as the one below. But like the one below, there was nothing that could help truly help us. On this level was the enormous skeleton of a creature that I have no clue as to what it was. However Willow got the sense that we shouldn’t touch anything, and we did not. So we kept climbing. Finding no clues there we continued our journey up this tower. The next level looked to be a museum of some sort. There were bones of many animals I know of and some I’ve never seen. There was a bluish sphere imbedded in the bone of a creature, which caught Vater and my attention, but for fear of touching something we should we left it alone. So our journey continued upward. Upon reaching the next level we were confronted by two more humanoid figures. To my horror it appeared that these two creatures were the ones responsible for destroying the books. Words cannot express how devasted I was to see that. They somehow knew we were the ones causing the commotion on the lower levels of the tower but failed to provide an explanation of how they knew that. Hoping to garner some information from them we asked them questions but got nothing out of them really. Except what we were seeking was on the next level up.   Seizing on the opportunity to get the help we were looking for I followed the one creature to the door way to the next level, and Vater was willing to accompany me. I figured it might be a trap but I was hoping to foil it and get some help for everyone. Once in the stairwell the creature slammed the doors shut and locked us in leaving us with but one option, to head up the stairs. What we found was what appeared to be a bottom less pit, which shouldn’t exist where it was, lined with books. It was also surrounded by pillars that come up to waist height.   Vater and I searched for anything we could find as means for getting home, with no success. Not too long after starting our search the others joined us at the top of the tower, where I learned that they killed the two creatures. I feel bad about abandoning my friends but I honestly thought there might be a way to avoid fighting them and find a way home. Luckily for me I have very capable friends. I am glad that I have met them and honored to journey alongside of them.   After searching as a group for anything that might help us, I believe that it was Vater or Barnabus who found that on top of the pillars where invisible books. Thinking back to the floor on the second level of this tower, I did my best to go to the pillar I thought represented my lifes discipline. I was able to find a book there with a face on it, but not able to read anything in the book, unfortunately. I believe out of curiosity and frustration Vater threw his book down into the pit, and the wind to start sucking things into the pit. I was fortunate to be able to grab on to a pillar before I was sucked in the pit, as was Barnabus, but Vater, Enna, and Willow were not so lucky.   Using their abilities the three of them didn’t go to far down the pit, yet far enough that we had to use a rope. After a few minutes the three of them were able to make their way up to the top where Barnabus and I were. The wind had died down at this point so we were able to stand there with out fear of going in. I do not know how were are going to find out way out of this predicament as I can think of no solutions right now. There has to be something we are over looking that when we find it, it will seem very obvious that its what we should have done in the first place. I am curious to see what the book I now have is, as I cannot read it. It intrigues me to find out more about it. I just hope that I can keep this book and it isn’t part of the solution to getting out of here. But if it is, then I will have to live with that.

Into the Mountains
Arder Pergeiros

We finally reached the city of Highfield in the early morning hours. Shortly upon our arrival Sir Kolngold and Estel took their leave headed for the city of Glenrose. I wish those two well as having witnessed the betray of their close ally not but a day earlier they look like they need to find a purpose again. Getting you mind focused on another task is a powerful tool in moving on from the sting of a betrayal. I hope to one day cross paths with these two again if only to see how they have grown from these events.   After arriving in the city, Pythagoras, Barnabus, and Enna went in search of find the necessary material to complete the exorcism of the All-Mother. Pythagoras believes that he will be able to find the material to complete the exorcism, but given that this is a small town I very much doubt that he will be able to. I hope that I am wrong in this. Never the less I believe that should he find the components the ritual and its aftermath at this point in time may be beyond us. Having conversed with the Fiend who controls the All-Mother, I believe that we will have an extraordinarily hard time completing this ritual.   In our last encounter with Barbos and the Mysterious Cloaked figure I have managed to acquire two items of interest. A dagger and a perfectly shaped red stone. While Barnabus, Enna, and Pythagoras went off in search of their material, Willow accompanied me on my errand to have these items identified. In the course of searching for someone to identify these things I had a quick conversation with her about my goals for that day and she at the very least was agreeable to my plan. Through our foray into the markets of the Highfield, and all credit goes to her, we found a rather interesting lady who was willing to do what I needed her to do.   I am sure my first impression was not the best as I had a staring contest with a blind lady... I regret my action of trying to come off as something I am not, which is the entire reason for my staring contest, but my directness was rewarded with her willing to perform the services I needed. After arriving at her house, Willow used a bit of her magic to conjure some beautiful flowers in her gardens, only to be slightly rebuked by this lady. After making some small talk she was able to inform me of what this new dagger does. As well as promising to mend the Scrying Orb into one piece, regrettably I need to retrieve the second stone in the pair to be able to bond them and use them. These two items I feel will could be very useful in the future, the dagger with regards to helping with the All-Mother if I remember my studies about Basilisks correctly, and the Orbs as a means of communicating.   After we had requested the things on our list she again told us that we were the most interesting people she had met that day. In particular Willow and the circumstances that led us to that moment in time. Willow the woman, who forgive me I have not told you her name Charlena Cromwell, obliged Charlena and told her what paths she had taken to bring her to this point. I can only guess she gleaned some information from Willow's story, or that I am not as interesting as she said I was, but we were shown the door in the most polite manner. However we, or rather Willow, received a word of caution to be careful using magic within the city as two strangers have recently passed through the town wielding powerful magic and causing death and destruction in their wake. After a while we managed to meet up with Vater, who went ahead to inform his order of the situation, and rest of our companions.   Having taken longer on our errand we arrived mid conversation about what the plans would be regarding the All-Mother. Piecing together the conversation I learned that the Leader of Vater's Order was out searching for one of the figures who came through their town as well as being a wanted man of the Order, Zelmozoc. But that was two weeks or more ago with no word. Also another group was sent out after this second figure and again there has been no word. But for us to obtain a better arrangements for how the All-Mother is to be treated we must get permission from the Leader or proof that he has perished. So our path would be taking us to the mountains north of Glenrose.   After obtaining the repaired Scrying Orb, we set off at once to seek the Leader of Vater's Order. But when I went to retrieve the Orb form Charlena her behavior was completely different from our previous visit mere hours earlier. I have no guesses the shift in behavior but I was slightly taken aback. Our journey to the mountain passed uneventfully. After climbing so high, we had to make the hard decision leave our horses behind, unguarded as our paths became evermore dangerous.   I am ever impressed at the talent and power of my traveling companions. Willow was able to transform in to a Black Bear and guide is along a mountain paths through the snow. Along the way we encountered the upper half of a body hanging from a tree. As well as portions of trees having been magically damaged. I noticed that we as a group where moving forward without real concern for our surroundings and what could possibly catch us off our guard, so I decided to act as a scout for our group and hopefully prevent us from being attacked unaware.   My search was not in vein, as I spotted a figure in a clearing covered in stone and appearing to be frozen. I made the call to to investigate the situation. To my great surprise the figure moved and told me he had been waiting for me and my companions and that I should retrieve them. Cautiously I backed away from this figure and made my way back to to group to report my findings. Having convinced my companions of my findings we returned to that spot to find the figure missing.   Somehow we all missed it but once all of us got close enough to the spot where this figure had been we teleported to another place where this figure was waiting for us. Strangely he knew of parts of our journey and that we had the All-Mother. I don't know how that is possible but I am finding out that information travels fast and is very powerful. He told us to save ourselves and to join him and his God.   He tried to get both Enna and Barnabus to covert to his religion, unsuccessfully. Both of my companions both envoked the name of Voltura, which seemed to enrage the man. Vater was given the body of the Leader of his Order. In the end we did battle with this individual. Fortunately we learned that the creatures attacking people are reanimated bodies of the fallen, or something of the like, either way it is grim business.   Now that the battle is over we have some answers to our questions. Looking around we have no idea where we are and how to get back to the material plane or the clearing in the mountains. I feel a sense of responsibility for putting my companions in this predicament. Had it not been for me convincing the group to talk to that gentleman we may not be trapped or on another plane. At the first chance I get I will explain myself and my actions to the group, but first we need to find a way out of of whatever or where ever we are.

Friend or Fiend?

After rescuing the All Mother, our progress was considerably slower than it had been. Barbos was leading to a safe a location to take the All Mother to, but strangely he was not telling anyone, not ever Sir Kolngold or Estel, where were where headed. In retrospect that should have been a warning sign. Eventually a storm forced us to seek shelter for the night, and we found it in a rather large cave. After making camp Vater, Pythagoras, and myself took the first watch. We discussed many things, some among them was our concern of what actually afflicted the All Mother.   However we did not need to speculate much as Barnabus, Willow, and Enna all had a vision, or what I can best understand as an out of body experience. They claimed to have visited the city of Ardol and learned that there is an entity there who need the fiend possessing the body of the All Mother. Their descriptions were hard to understand as they were adamant about what their visions and that they needed to protect the All Mother. Being that these three are my companions, and that I trust what they are saying is the truth we started to think of a plan for what we need to do to get her to safety and rid her of the Fiend that is possessing her. In the end nothing was really decided other than to trust the Barbos was leading us to a place that the All Mother would be safe.   As morning dawned and the storm had passed, we broke camp and again set out to this unknown destination, keeping to the woods in the hopes that our going would not be noticed. We came to a point where we could no longer use the woods as cover and needed to trust to roads, this was according to Barbos, looking back there were warning signs everywhere but we all failed to notice them. At a river crossing a strange figure, un-moving and rather odd looking, attempted to block our path. After many unsuccessful attempts to talk with the strange figure various members of our group attempted to cross the river and continue along our path. That was the moment when Barbos betrayed us, by sinking his axe into Sir Kolngold's chest, I am sure probably killing him if not for the talents of our cleric Pythagoras.   In shock at this turn of events, I rushed to attack Barbos. But fourtune favored Vater as he delivered an impressive blow killing Barbos. As such our attentions turned to the mysterious figure. Again fortune favored Pythagoras, as he like Vater delivered a mighty blow killing this figure instantly. But before he did I was struck by his dagger and for the briefest of instances I felt as if my body was betraying me and physically changing against my will. Luckily whatever magical effect was on the blade did not take hold.   After the battle, we searched the Barbos and this weird individual for an clue that might helps us learn who wants the All Mother so badly. I found and have in my possession that strange dagger and would like to know more about it as I have read about strange and rare magical items that can curse the one who wields it. As such I hope to find someone who can help me identify what it is I have. I also found a smooth, and well crafted Red Sphere. Looking back I don't want my companions to think I found this and took these two items as my own simply because I found them. Rather I took them because I am an ardent believer that knowledge is power and the more we have the better off we will be. Since as of now, I believe we are expendable pawns in a much larger game then we know.   Further inspection revealed the mysterious man to be a follower of Bethyx. I must admit I do not have a lot of knowledge or experience with the Gods, but from what my companions tell me and from the reading I done I know that Bethyx and her followers are wicked and are planing evil things. After taking care of the bodies we were deciding on a course of action when the Red Sphere began to vibrate. Not sure what it meant and against my better judgemnt, looking back at the decision, I picked up the Sphere.   After doing so there was a voice that asked if it was done. Judging by the looking on my companions faces this was the first time the saw that sphere and wanted to question how I came into possession of it, I made the snap decision cut them off and gesture for silence, which thankfully they were kind enough to do. I answered the voice and was met with skepticism as to why I was in possession of the Sphere. I answered as honestly as I could hoping that I was not reveling too much information about my companions and myself but I am sure that they took much more from our conversation that I intended too. But we also got valuable info that Barbos was intending to take the All Mother to the fabeled lost city of Eldina. Our conversation did not last much longer but the Voice promised riches and/or power if I brought the All Mother to them.   Wanting neither as I am money and power hold little value in my life, but still wanting to see where this would take us I said that I would be interested in what was offered. Our conversation end shortly there after. Coincidentally, the All Mother awoke, and was asking questions and they seemed very out of place for one such as the All Mother. We pressed "her" and it was revealed that the Fiend was in control at that moment and was looking for interesting and amusing conversation. We all obliged in the hopes of getting more information and the off chance that the Fiend would release the All Mother, I knew it would never happen but I guess we can always hope.   We did not learn the Fiends name only that it does not the ability to fully control the All Mother at this point. For if it did the Fiend may take the All Mother to its desired destination of Ardol. But other than that I believe that the Fiend was playing with us and we had amused us long enough, but fortunately it relinquished control of the body of the All Mother to the All Mother. She told us little more than we already knew or had guessed but she had conversations with a few of my companions. She fell unconscious again some time later.   There was a lot to do and a lot to discuss. Various points were made, threats between my companions were exchanged but a decision was made. We would head to a near by town where members of Vater's Order were Headquartered at in the hopes that Pythagoras would be able to attain the necessary items to preform an exorcism on the All Mother. While on our journey, I was again contacted by the Voice from within the Sphere asking if I was going to bring them the All Mother, playing along I told them I was. I was given specific instructions on where to find them, I need to search for the Piercing Stone near the town of Killgram, once there to search for a cave and find the path that leads to a dead end and speak the word Ala Mandra. Almost immediately the sphere broke in half, leaving us with no way of getting any more information out it, so we continued onward.   Alot has happened to our group over the past few days. We are involved in something bigger than we all know or want to admit to ourselves. At the first chance I get I am going to see if there is anyone who can help to repair the sphere and to identify the dagger I now possess. I have never found myself more curious as to what lies ahead in the comming days and to see what my companions and I will do. Strangely I feel a connection to them, one I have never really had and unlike any, save my Master, I knew during my time at the Monastery.

Saving the All Mother

We have in part accomplished the goals of Barnabus and Enna in rescuing the All Mother Head of the Church of Voltura in Malfort. Along the way we met some associates of Desmond Mantel. Sir Kolngold, Barbos, and their Ranger friend Estel., who was stalking us as we journeyed through the night. When we first met Sir Kolngold he was incredibly impatient as we and he did not know we were looking for each other. After learning this he at least in my opinion, seem a little too eager for us to aid him in his mission.   We eventually made our way to Huxfort where we met the curt and surly Superior? of Sir Kolngold, a dwarf by the name of Markus Barbos. I do not get a good feeling from this dwarf, and I feel like we are being used to accomplish his own means. However, as I am learning in the world outside the monastery, sometime you have to weigh the pros and cons of each situation and make the best decision you can with what information you have. In this case it was to accept his and Sir Kolngolds help in rescuing the All Mother. So we left in search of the All Mother.   During our travel we pushed on late into the evening, searching for the Ranger Estel. We did eventually find her stalking us like we were prey. Fortunately for us, I was able to turn her into the prey. I was pretty proud of my training. After making our initial greetings and exchanging information we were led to the location she had scouted out was the location where the All Mother was being held.   In all my studies, it is the smartest idea to know the battle field, especially if it is of your enemies choosing, however Barnabus believing his Goddess to be with him walked openly into the ruins without a hesitation. In shock at his boldness, I felt compelled to join him, without knowing everything. We did eventually encounter some resistance from the All Mothers Captors, and we did prevail. It was at this point where Sir Kolngold, Barbos, and Estel split from our party in search of the All Mother. They went one way and my companions and I made our way down another.   As luck would have it we found the All Mother in a foul cathedral to the horned god Mytor. When we found her she was atop the alter as if being offered as a sacrifice to the horned god. With some effort Willow and Barnabus were able to free her from the alter. But the her skin, and the fact that she was coughing up vile and blood has got me thinking and Vater was the one to put the thought to words, was that she might be inflicted with the corruption. There are those in my group who would strongly disagree, but I feel we need to keep an open mind to that possibility.   After freeing the All Mother we were making our way out when Sir Kolngold, Barbos, and Estel found us, claiming to have done battle with a group of the All Mothers Captors. It seems suspicious and very coincidental that they would turn up at the moment. When they were told of our plan they insisted we where no longer need and that they would be taking her somewhere safe. I believe that all of us do not trust these three and as such we demanded that we accompany her to this "safe location". It also seems very odd that we got through this with very little resistance, like we were almost allowed to escape.   I grow to trust my companions more and more. I do however at some point want to talk to Barnabus about what he was thinking about when he decided to walk in. I know that sometimes the best course of action is to take action, but I am not entirely positive that he is thinking clearly since there is someone close to him involved. I would also like to talk to Vater as he, like myself, is considering the possibility that the All mother has been infected with the corruption. It seems like a delicate matter with some of the rest of our companions but one that we must at the very least consider as a possibility, espcially since her rescue was rather easy...

New Traveling Companions.

In my travels I find myself among some new and interesting companions. None of which I expected to be traveling with. They are very different from the people with whom I have shared my life with in the monastery, but never the less are good traveling companions. We find ourselves on the road in search of the Leader of the Church dedicated to the Goddess Voltura. My traveling companions Barnabus and Enna seem very concerned with helping to rescue her and return her to the church. I do not fully understand religion but these two seem too. They have been kind to me, as the other two of my traveling companions, and as such I will help as much as I am able to.   I know that my exposure to the world outside of the Monastery has been incredibly limited, and that my Master warned me of trusting to much in the kindness of strangers. Yet I am quickly understanding that the world is a dangerous place and it would be harder to find the answers I seek with out some acquaintances. So for now I will help these people in their hour of need in the hopes that they will at the very least one day help me to find answers that I seek. I find myself slowing starting to trust these individuals but trust is earned over a long period of time, and I only known these individuals for a few days.