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Angelo Batista Armeti

Angelo Batista Armeti

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Has a dancers musculature, and moves with fluid grace, both in and out of combat.

Body Features

Extensive scarring covering his entire body from years of mercenary work, and harsh training. Singular pox scar on his left hand. Septicemia scar on his right shoulder. Burn scar on left thigh.

Facial Features

Small nick above his left eyebrow, and through his lower lip on the right side. Mischievous grin. Slight stubble on his face, not a full beard, but not five o'clock shade either.

Identifying Characteristics

Twin swords strapped to his back, Mischievous Grin, his odd accent, and the faint smell of apples and rust as he enters a room.

Physical quirks

Favors his right arm in combat, leads with his right when he dances. Smooth, fluid movements.

Special abilities

Can eat an apple, core and all in 5 seconds. Ballet, Ballroom dancing. Expert in Battlefield tactics

Apparel & Accessories

Blue overcoat, covered in faintly glowing runes, worn steel breastplate underneath. Bandolier of throwing knives across his chest. Combat boots.

Specialized Equipment

Simple and Martial Weaponry, Armor (Light, Medium, Heavy) Shields.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A skilled mercenary by trade, impoverished peasant by birth, and mouthy bastard by choice, Angelo was to an impoverished peasant mother, and to a mercenary father who died before he was born, and has never had the best hand in life, having to claw his way up through life, having to go through innumerable hardships just to get keep himself clothed and fed. When he was two days old, both he and his mother were struck with a vicious pox. Angelo, though only two days old, managed to fight through the pox, and got through it with no ill effects. His mother wasn't so lucky however, as she was permanently blinded, leaving her mostly unable to work. Though she (barely) managed to scrape by enough money to keep her and her son fed, and taxes paid, by age 8, Angelo was the main earner in the house, doing a large amount of odd, menial, and dirty jobs around town.   On one of these jobs, helping one of the local churches seal the leaks in their roofs, one of the priests noticed him. The priest, whose name was Lorenzo, asked Angelo why he was doing such a dangerous job, and where his parents were. Angelo took offense, and called him several choice names. However at this the priest just laughed, and told him that once he was done, that he had another job for him, one that paid a lot more well than fixing a leaky roof. Suspect though this may have been, it was too good of a prospect to pass up. He met with Lorenzo, who told him about the church's lack of funds, and said that if he would fix the church for free, he would teach Angelo to read, write, and do basic maths, something only the rich could do. Angelo, never having been offered something like that in his life jumped for the offer, and studied from then, until he left the village. At age ten, though all the hard work and manual labor should have actually stunted his growth, he was at a tall 5'0, and managed all the repairs for the cathedral. Life was good for him, if a bit hard. It all changed at age thirteen when the local Baron's son set his eyes on the town. Benito Lazzari, son of Baron Tomas Lazzari, and his retinue, were, in a word, bullies. They threw their weight around town, bullying and terrorizing the town's inhabitants into submission. No one could fight back, without being on the receiving end of the Baron's wrath. Though they antagonized everyone, the main target of their ire was Angelo. Their abuse ranged from mere name calling, to full on beatings.   After three, long years of this, and a particularly brutal beating, he found himself limping home, bruised, and beaten. When he got home, he went straight to bed, not even touching the now cold soup his mother had left out. As he collapsed onto the bed, a wooden plank underneath one of the legs broke. What he found underneath, shocked him. It was his father's equipment. Most notably of which was a suit of chainmail, a wickedly sharp knife, and an old dusty pair of longswords, which had some rust on them, but other than that, were as sharp, and as beautiful as they were when they were first made. That very night, he walked more than a mile into the countryside, before he found a perfect place to hide it, a hollow, in an alcove of trees. He was fascinated with it. It was as though he had walked into one of the stories he and Lorenzo had read together. For the next six months, after his long, hard days of work, he would walk out to that very same alcove and practice, some times until dawn. For a short time, it was his door to a more fantastical world. Until one fateful night, Benito and his cronies noticed him sneaking off, and decided to follow him to the alcove. They cornered him, and almost beat him half to death, before snatching up the knife and trying to gut Angelo. In a frantic, adrenaline filled moment, he managed to take the knife away from Benito, and stabbed him through the temple. Benito's so-called 'friends', too afraid of the repercussions of this incident scattered like roaches.   Angelo, terrified of what might happen when the Baron found out about his son, quickly packed his things, and his father's equipment, and ran as far away from the little village as his feet could take him. Along his travels he met an old friend of his father. His ex-captain, in fact,an old, but vivacious man. Recognizing his father's blades, he gave Angelo a choice. Train with him, or live on the streets. Suspicious though he may be, it was obvious what choice he made. He accepted. Underneath his tutelage, Angelo trained with all manners of weapons, from sun up, until sun down, rain or shine. He did this for 4 years becoming an expert swordsman, and near peerless dual wielder, until the venerable fox of a captain, gave him his seal of approval, and told him, quote: “Get the hell off of my lawn.”

Gender Identity

Male. Most definitely male.


Straight, but nonjudgemental.


Basic math, Advanced reading and writing in common, basic reading and writing in Dwarvish


Various Merchant Guilds, Mercenary companies, caravans, and various cities.

Mental Trauma


Intellectual Characteristics

Brilliant tactician, but somewhat lacking when it comes to tact.

Morality & Philosophy

"A job, is a job, is a job." He has little morals or qualms to what he does when it comes to being a mercenary, but what morals he does have, he sticks to rigidly.


Abandoning a job halfway through, Killing kids, pregnant women, the feeble, dogs (Unless the dog has rabies). Rape. Red Delicious Apples. Leaving the helpless at the mercy of bullies

Personality Characteristics


Money, a job well done, and a comfortable place to put his head at the end of the day.

Vices & Personality flaws

Loves apples a bit too much, will go up and deck anyone selling Red Delicious.

Personality Quirks

Sharpens his swords, or does tricks with coins when nervous, anxious, or deep in though. Always has an apple on him, at all times.


Pretty decent.


Family Ties

Volpe Ragazzo (mentor)

A skilled mercenary by trade, impoverished peasant by birth, and mouthy bastard by choice, Angelo has and has never had good hand in life. But by using his wits, his blades, and exceptionally foul mouth he has managed to make a good-ish life for himself.

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Lawful Neutral
Dusty brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Slight work tan
Known Languages
Common, Dwarven

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