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Mythra Kaslan

Mythra Kaslan

Mythra Kaslan de la Mancha was born to a prominent Herding family from across the sea in which her mother was horrified as to what she saw. The child bore deformities unfitting of a human being as her mother cast her own newborn child to the ground. To her mother's scorn and her father's mercy, Mythra was given to the wet-nurse, a slave under the Kaslan Household named Persephone. It was on this day that she was thoroughly disowned and forced into a life of slavery for many years. Over the next 18 years, Mythra grew up among the slaves of the estate working under the careful eye of the head of the estate in which she labored among the other slaves. Despite their equal standing under the household, her fellow slaves felt no kinship towards her; she was an abomination after all. In this, Mythra found herself at the mercy of nature in which she shared the pens of swine. Over the years in which she earned her lashings from the father that disowned her after sneaking off of the house grounds, she heard of rumors of others like her that had been taken as slaves among the other estates. In this discovery, Mythra, with the aid of the wet-nurse that raised her, was able to claim an audience with the Master of the house. It was in this meeting it was revealed to Mythra that her mother, like many other mothers, bore a child that was warped by magic within the womb. Many mothers would opt to sell their children into slavery instead of raising them; some would opt to grant the child mercy and end their life in the birthing chamber. Her father would then go on to tell her that he couldn't bear to kill his first born child, so he opted to enslave her to keep a close eye on her development. When asked why, he calmly said without a hint of hesitation, "Even though it is by fate you became an object of scorn, I know that your spirit is strong. You are from my stock after all." It was in that moment, Mythra understood the character of her father as a man, the second person in her life to not view her as an object worthy of scorn. To him, she was a pitiful creature.   In the year of her 19th birthday, she came upon a plot in which the estate would be destroyed alongside all of its inhabitants. Women and children would not be spared. Though Mythra had no love for her mother and had a neutral outlook to her estranged siblings, Her father bore the greater respect. But knowledge of this plot would be able to serve her to her own ends. In the shadow of twilight under the full moon, she would leave the estate, making her way to as many of the neighboring estates as she could. She travelled for miles, making contact with those born with defects such as herself. Mythra would would then persuade those who were able to leave their estates and plantations; The man she knew as her father held great standing to her knowledge. If he were to see a demonstration of their ability, Mythra was convinced that he would vouge for them and their efforts.   But their arrival back to the estate was late as the Slaves' Rebellion had begun against the estate. Mythra, now under command of 40 sympathetic mongrelfolk, gave direction to head to the estate center. It was here that the other slaves laying siege to the building saw Mythra come with her cohorts and extended cheers as they believed that Mythra had come to aid them. This assumption would be their deadliest mistake. Upon getting closer, she sunk a crossbow bolt into the leader's chest and before the rebels could react, the mongrelfolk were on them, butchering them with the tools of their labor. There were those that surrendered, so they were spared. Upon Mythra calling the estate, bearing the surrendered captives, Mythra declared that it was safe to come out.   The only ones to come out were her mother, her infant child, and two of the four estranged siblings. The third eldest child, Mythra's sister, was the first to die alongside Persephone, as she tried to prevent her sister's death. The second eldest, her younger brother, was by their father as her father had taken a mortal wound. Upon witnessing this revelation, she got to her knees and cried; cried for the man that spared her life and treated her with unfound dignity. Her father, not being one to waste his last moments, began to write his last will and testament. He declared that his slaves be freed in writing with his estate seal and then had his Son, Targon Kaslan de la Mancha, sign as a witness to this exchange.   "It seems that I was correct in my judgement. I told you that you spirit is strong." He said these words with a peaceful smile on his face before the room fell silent. Her Father was dead.   In the coming months, news would spread over the rebellion that claimed the lives of those she knew. When it came to the issue of the mongrelfolk slaves' taking part in the conflict, Mythra, now free, stood before the council to represent the 40 that had stood beside her. She had made the case in which that all of these people, like her, proved themselves to be an invaluable asset in the defense of the estate. Mythra noted that the man she grew to greatly respect was highly regarded in the community in which they shared as she pointed out the copious amount of correspondence in which her brother taught her how to read. In this case, Targon, now the current head of the estate, backed her claim and even made the claim that the 40 should be rewarded for their efforts. He noted that his father freed his slaves, namely to free Mythra as a reward and recommended that the 40 also be freed for their heroism in the face of bloodthirsty adversity. It was then made a unanimous decision after a weeklong deliberation by the council; at the protest of the 40's masters, that a resolution was signed to free the 40 from the bonds of slavery.   Over the course of the year that followed, Targon made plans to plan an expedition to the land of Anux as he saw that as a way to potentially undo the string of curses that befell the children of humanity. It was also a prime business venture in which he sought to exploit a relative lack of competition. However, there was danger of native conflict and Requested Mythra and the 40 to travel to the Land of Anux and establish a location for a new colony. She at first declined and asked for an audience with Lady Kaslan, making it clear that she would only involve herself based on two conditions: If she establishes a Colonial estate, she would be its governor; Her mother must accept her as the rightful eldest child of the Kaslan estate. Kaslan, with a bitter demeanor, accepted the conditions of her request.   And so, with the mobilization of the 40, they joined up with the Targon Expedition in order to establish a new colony on the shores of Anux. It has been six years since she and the 40 set foot on the island and progress of establishing the colony is sure and steady with Targon at the head of the operation.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mythra's Physique is a muscular physique brought on by years of labor and subsequent response to revolts and interlopers.

Body Features

Mythra possesses three arms. Her left arm is particularly strong and noticeable as the musculature notes an inherent strength. On her right side, she possesses two arms of human physique. Her hands possess two fingers and a thumb each as her feet each bear five toes.

Facial Features

Mythra has facial piercings around her eyebrows and nasal region.

Identifying Characteristics

Mythra possesses the scars of 32 lashings of the whip on her back.

Mental characteristics


The limit to her education has been recieved within the last 6 years from her brother after her father formally freed her from slavery. Her education covers the following areas.  
  • Reading and Language skills.
  • Real Estate and Land Appropriation.
  • Transportation of goods and services.
  • General mercantile Skills.


For 19 years of her life, Mythra worked as a slave under her fraternal parent. After the death of her father, the succession by her brother, and her formal freedom, she became employed with the company her brother founded with Targon Expeditions for the last 7 years.

Mythra, the eldest born to a humble family of herders, has come to the new lands of Anux in search of two things: A means to undue the curse of her birth and to bring wealth back to her family estate. In achieving these goals, she hopes to gain her honor.

View Character Profile
Lawful Good
26 years old.
Dirty Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
190 lbs.

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