Violette's Journals

Welcome to the personal journals of Violette Jackson, a kindred whose life took a harrowing turn on the night of her embrace. These pages chronicle her journey from the moment she was thrust into the shadows of vampiric existence to the present day. What began as a terrifying ordeal has unfolded into a profound exploration of identity, survival, and self-discovery.

Writing has been Violette’s refuge, a lifeline through the tumultuous seas of her new reality. Each entry captures the raw essence of her experiences—her fears, her struggles, and the moments of unexpected grace that have punctuated her existence. Through these journals, Violette opens a window into her world, offering a deeply personal account of her transformation and the challenges she has faced.

In sharing her story, Violette hopes to resonate with those who grapple with their own fears and uncertainties. Her journey is not just a chronicle of a vampire’s life but a reflection on the universal quest for understanding and solace. May these writings provide you with a sense of connection, a mirror to your own experiences, and a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is hope and a path forward.

Except otherwise stated, all images used are AI generated, created by the author with Imagine Art and

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