History of Eberron

The Age of Dragons

... 10000000 BK

In the mythic past, the world was one and the progenitor wyrms, the first and greatest of dragonkind, ruled all. The three most powerful—Siberys, Eberron, and Khyber—discovered (or created) the Prophecy. A world shattering struggle followed, splitting the world into three parts and scattering the Prophecy across the width and breadth of existence. In the end, Siberys became the glowing ring that surrounds the world, Khyber was bound in the darkest depths, and Eberron healed the world between by becoming one with it. Siberys called forth the next generation of dragons, Eberron created all manner of other living things, and Khyber spat out the fiends.

The Age of Demons

100000000 BK 100000 BK

Khyber’s fiendish offspring overrun the surface world, creating a hellish environment where rakshasas and night hags rule supreme.

The Age of Giants

80000 BK 39000 BK

The giants rise from the ruins of the Dragon–Fiend Wars to establish a vast and powerful civilization on the continent of Xen’drik. They enslave elves and drow, which has the inadvertent effect of pulling the first of the common races out of their primitive state.

The Age of Monsters

38000 BK 5000 BK

The giants revert to primitive monsters living in the ruins of their shattered civilization as the dragons return to their secluded continent and the elves settle Aerenal. Meanwhile, on Khorvaire, the first of the goblinoid kingdoms rises in the area that will one day become Breland and Darguun.

Foundation of Galifar

4100 BK 0 BK

The Kingdom of Galifar

1 YK 894 YK

The Current Age

894 YK and beyond