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"This stuff, its... It's all a bit much, if i'm honest. You know, for years now, i planned to travel to Vrahlis to study so i could become an alchemist like you, but now... I don't know if i can, or should. Everything's changed now. I think i'll need some time to think it over." Calydan talking to Benars about his future.
Calydan is one of three major protagonist that will appear in the Chronicles of Hysal book series. He is the second oldest of the trio, being younger than Omaren but older than Melwyn.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Calydan is a slim, 16 year old boy of average height for his age. Compared to his adoptive brothers, Omaren and Melwyn, he is rather unathletic because of his usualy sedentary life-style. He has average strenght for a boy his age.

Special abilities

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While Calydan grew up thinking he was a simple humans, Benars reveals the truth on the day of his 16th birthday: The fact that he's a Shadowmage, who's powers was removed a few months into his life. As such, he can control shadows, make them solid, which is useful for both attack and defense, making him potentialy very powerful. The weird thing is that Shadowmages had previously been an extinct type of mage for centuries.

Mental characteristics

Personal history


When he was only a few months old, calydan was brought to an orphanage in the City of Gys, the capital of the Kingdom of Gysia. He was raised there with a dozen other kids of different ages until until one day, when he had just turned 5 years old, Benars and a few other people came to see him. Benars decided to take him and adopt him as his child. Calydan spent the rest of his childhood with benars in a house about half an hour outside of Gandasi's walls. Eventualy, he meet with benars's long time friend, Yrhan, who lives in the city. Both of them regulary travel to the city to visit her and others. In time, he begins to view her a bit like an aunt. Over the years, he also develops an interest in alchemy by observing Benars, who's a alchemist, work, and started helping him at around 9 years old with simple tasks.

Getting new friends

Calydan meet Omaren 3 years ago, after the latter was brough from Mahador, to the house in Gysia by a friend of Benars. It took some time to for them to develop a friendship, since Omaren remained relatively closed off. However, eventualy they began to talk more and more until they became friends. Being highly trained in archery, Omaren even taught Calydan some basic archery skills, and Calydan showed him stuff about potions in return. About two years after meeting Omaren, two new commers would arive at the house. Makhlem, and his squire, Melwyn. It was the first time Calydan had meet a shapeshifter and he got curious.
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At the time, Melwyn was in a really bad mental state and since the Veosian full moon was coming, he was put into isolation in a nearby cabin. Calydan defied Makhlem and Benars's warnings and when to go see him. This was a mistake as melwyn, momentarily losing control of himself, attacked him. Calydan had to be saved by Omaren and Makhlem. This event traumatized him, to the point that his relation with him remains cold a year later.


Thanks to Benars, Calydan is well educated in the matters of science and magic, specificaly related to alchemy, much like his adoptive father. He is also a fan of the histories and is well versed in simple mathematics. He is fluent in both the Gysian and Essanian languages, although he is more comfortable with his mother tongue, Gysian. Benars taught him to read and write in both languages, but he's a bit more confortable in Gysian.


Calydan works currently as an assistant to Benars, who's an alchemist. He helps him prepare and portion out the ingredients needed for the potions Benars makes and sales. Calydan also regulary goes to the nearby city of Gandasi to procur ingredients for him, mainly from Yrhan, but also from the city's market.

Personality Characteristics


For most of his life, Calydan's main objective in life was to become an Alchemist like his adoptive father, and get enough money to eventualy travel to Vrahlis, a city famous for its Alchemist and Scholars, and be able to study at the University there in order to become a scholar specialized in all things related to Alchemy.
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However, this goal was put aside when he discovered that he was a Shadowmage. Now he wants to travel to the city of Palynor with Omaren, and be admited into the Mage academy there so he can train, and get better control of his mysterious new powers. He also wants figure out who his parents are and visit the orphanage he was raised in as a young child to get some answers.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Pets (Dogs and Cats)
  • Cheese and meat
  • Doing Alchemy or helping Benars do it.
  • Books about history and magic
  • Some sparring
  • Most physical Activities
  • Meeting new people
  • Insects

Virtues and flaws

  • Curious
  • Optimistic
  • Passionate
  • Respectful of autorities
  • Socialy Awkward
  • Overly-cautious
Lawfull Good
Current Location
Date of Birth
23rd of September
Circumstances of Birth
Dark brown
Short, Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
1, 8m /5'9''
Saol, Solian god of light


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