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City of Arghasi

A medium size town built along the Egras river in central Gysia. The folks in the town are very weary of strangers, especially non-Gysian.


Nearly all inhabitants of the city are of Gysian origins. Within that Gysian population, a small number of elemental mages also exist, while soulbound mages born in the city are sent away, to the city of Sargassin when their abilities manifest.

Travelers and traders

While the city is geographicaly isolated and small, they receive numeorous travelers from gysia who are traveling between Sargassin in the west and Tareghasi in the east, on the opposite sides of the Gysian peninsula. It is also on a crossroad between the north and south of the country. For this reason, they have a constantly large number of foreigners in the city, either staying at the main inn, or in multiple other smaller inns or with friends or relatives.

Restrictions on Soulmages

Soulbound mages are allowed to enter the city. However, they are not permitted to stay in the town overnight. Instead, they are only allowed to pass through in order to take the bridge in order to cross the river. As they do, they are to be escorted the whole way until they are out of the city.


Most of the city is surrounded by fortifications, made of stone walls dating back to the Essanian Empire, or more recently built wooden pallisades. Two towers guard the eastern and western gates on the city.


The Bridge of Arghasi

The most important piece of infrastructure in the city is its bridge that spans the tumultuous waters of the Egras river. This bridge is the only bridge large enough to fit large carriages from one side to the other this far north along the Egras river.

Lumber Yard

Outside the city, on the eastern bank of the river, the city poseses a larger lumber yard to process the timber coming from the nearby forests. The cut trees are stored in the lumber yard before being sent down river, towards the city of Gandasi.


The city can be largely divided into two sections, an old part of the city on the western bank of the river, nestled inside a river bend, while the larger new town district is situated on the eastern bank of the river, largely spread out along the outer band of the river, in between the water and the forest.

Old town

The Old Town is the main part of the city. It is the oldest district of the city and is nestled inside a bend of the Egras river. It is protected on its west side by a old but solid stone wall and the fast flowing river to its east. A Solian temple is situated in the centre of the town and its large golden dome topped with a slender spire is the highest point in the city. A large square plaza is situated in front of the temple and is surrounded with shops and other building. Nearby, a large, multy-storied Inn welcomes travelers from all corners of Gysia and even beyond. Along with the temple, it is one of the oldest building in the city.

East Arghasi

On the east bank of the river, a larger, but less populated district forms an arch as its form follows the river bend. It is protected by a wooden palisade. Houses here are smaller in height, most being only one or two levels. Some of those houses are poorly constructed wooden shacks, while others are sturdier stone and wood houses.

Western Village

Outside the stone walls protecting the Old Town and along the path linking the city to the west and the city of Sargassin, a small village has developed over the years. It houses the porest of the city who can't afford to live within the walls.


Arghasi is almost situated in the geographical centre of the Gysian. The interior of the peninsula is donimated by the Egras river and its valley, which are surrounded by two sets of hills. The source of the Egras river is nesltled north of the city, were the hills finaly close up the valley. The river flows south-east across the fertile valley and empties itself into the Toren sea, east of the gysian peninsula.


Since the city is far from any sea, it experiences a larger change of temperatures between summer and winter. Even so, most of the year is warm in the city. Occasional cold snaps may occur during the winter caused by cold air descending from the hills around the valley or from further north on the continent.    Compared to a city further south, like Gandasi, or even Gys, Arghsi receives far more rain. This rain falls mostly from late September to early april, while the rest of the year is very dry. The transition between the dry and wet season is marked by thunderstorms.
50 000
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization
Industry and trade: Arghasi is mainly a farm town. the valley is fertile and the farms around the city produce a lot of food, which the vast majority of it is exported outside the town, mainly to Sargassin, while a tanneries and a lumber yard situated just outside the city, on the eastern side of the river as well as the numerous iron and copper mines within the nearby hills all export their products down river, to Gandasi's port, where it is either consumed or exported elsewhere.   Natural Resources: The hills around the valley are rich in iron and copper. These hills are also covered in forests, providing a lot of timber to the city and the rest of the couple. In the valley, grain and animal products can be collected and grown.


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